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High Renaissance… What did you find

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1 High Renaissance… What did you find
High Renaissance… What did you find? * Maturation of early Renaissance * Evolution of Italian humanism * Italy is falling apart.. And artists are holding it together. * Architectural shift in location to Rome and Venice. * s

2 Important cities: Florence, Milan, & Rome.
Importance places: St. Peter’s, Vatican, Papal Palace, Sistine Chapel. Important people: Da Vinci, Michealangelo, Rafael, Bramante, Titian, Giorgione, Pilazzio.

3 VOCABULARY Vocab: Sfumato- smokiness and the use of grays. MONA LISA!!! !No borders, lines, or edges. CORNICE: Projection framing members of a classical pediment including the horizontal one beneath the 2 sloping ones above. Chiaroscuro: Lights and darks. Not the same as Sfumato.

4 Patronage: The Medici family DIES.. They are out of power. Florence exiles Medici. Da Vinci eventually reunites Medici with Rome at a later date. Medici comes back to power in 1512.

5 High Renaissance ends when Rafael dies and Rome is sacked.

6 Leonardo Da Vinci- scientist, painter, sculptor, musician, architect, AND engineer.
Quintessential Renaissance man. JACK OF ALL TRADES. Studied under VERROCHIO.

7 Michelangelo 1475-1564 Height of his talent at 16 yrs old
Studies sculpture in the Medici Gardens exposing him to prominent scholars, poets, and humanists. Also exposes him to prominent social elites of Florence. Gains permission from Catholic Church to study cadavers. Adversely affects his health. Shows muscular precision.

8 Sistine Chapel Ceiling
He is asked to switch from sculpting to painting when asked to do the ceiling. Fuels his imagination. Original idea to create 12 apostles turns into 300 figures on the ceiling. Infectious fungus in the plaster causes it to be completely removed and recreated later. Fires all his assistants- says they are “inept” and completes the mammoth job himself. (65 foot ceiling) Guards the work jealously until it is complete. No one is allowed to view it.

9 Conflict Rival painter Raphael is let in the chapel before its completion against Michelangelo’s wishes. Raphael is changed forever. His style changes upon seeing Mike’s work. Michelangelo is infuriated that Raphael has been let in. Mike has a quick tempered personality which causes him to get into frequent arguments with superiors. History of fractured relationships. Constantly searching for perfection that he never feels he reaches… Fuels his temper. Never married. But is devoted to a widow most of his life that receives over 300 sonnets and poems from him.

10 Mike’s Depression Sistine chapel takes a physical toll on him.
He’s a spaz – no friends. Doesn’t want them. Was punched in the face when he was young for taunting another student. Disfigures his face for life. Florence is struggling politically. Achieves fame and wealth during his long 89 years of life.

11 Important points to consider:
Renaissance leaves Florence. HR ends up mostly in Rome, a LITTLE bit in Florence and a little bit in Milan. In Rome, each Pope OUTSPENT the last one in artworks. (Artists go where the $ is!) This period is a culmination of ideas and a convergence of talent. High Ren does not last long.

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