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We are going to have a FESTival!!!! a.k.a. – Art Critique

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Presentation on theme: "We are going to have a FESTival!!!! a.k.a. – Art Critique"— Presentation transcript:

1 We are going to have a FESTival!!!! a.k.a. – Art Critique


3 F.E.S.T. Formal Expressive Situational Technical

4 FORMAL What elements of art did the artist use?
What principles of design are evident in the artwork? How is the composition arranged? In which time period is the artwork? Is there any particular style to the artwork? (i.e. abstract, op art, realism, cubism, etc.)


6 EXPRESSIVE What feelings does this piece of artwork evoke?
What story line (if any) is there? What is the message of the artwork? How do you react to the artwork? Does this piece follow any theme?

7 The Scream Edvard Munch 1893

8 SITUATIONAL What was going on in the world?
What was going on in the personal life of the artist? What influenced the artist? What art style was popular at the time this piece was made? What question was the artist addressing with this piece?


10 TECHNICAL What medium (media) was used to create the artwork?
How was the artwork created? What is the setting of the artwork?


12 F. E. S. T. Leonardo da Vinci John the Baptist

13 Pablo Picasso, Guernica

14 Artist Statement Name Title, Date Medium Dimensions (cm)
Explanation of artists’ intent/meaning/purpose of the artwork (typed, single space, please)

15 Winslow Homer, Gulf Stream

16 Jackson Pollock

17 George Bellows

18 Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase

19 Claus Oldenburg

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