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Y.B .chavan collge of pharamcy Aurangabad

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1 Y.B .chavan collge of pharamcy Aurangabad
DRUG AND COSMETIC ACT 1940 Shaikh Shoaib Y.B .chavan collge of pharamcy Aurangabad

2 SECOND SCHEDULE. Standards of quality
FIRST SCHEDULE; “Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug” includes all medicines intended for internal or external use for or in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention. SECOND SCHEDULE. Standards of quality standards to be complied with by imported drugs and by drugs manufactured for sale, vold, stocked or exhibited for sale or distributed SCHEDULE ‘E’. Poisonous substance List of poisonous substances under the Ayurvedic (including Siddha) and Unani Systems SCHEDULE ‘B’ The fees for test and analysis shall be those specified in Schedule B.

3 SCHEDULE ‘C ‘OR ‘C ‘(1): Prohibition of import after expiry of potency
SCHEDULE ‘X ‘: symbol XRX “import licence” means a licence in Form 10A to import drugs ; excluding those specified SCHEDULE ‘C ‘OR ‘C ‘(1): Prohibition of import after expiry of potency No biological or other special product specified shall be imported after the date shown on the label, wrapper or container of the drug as the date up to which the drug may be expected to retain a potency not less than, or not to acquire a toxicity greater than, that required, or as the case may be, permitted by the prescribed test. SCHEDULE ‘F’ (1) :standard for certain imported drugs No drug shall be imported unless it complies with the standard of strength, quality and purity

Every application in Form 24 shall be made up to ten items for each category of drugs categorised in and shall be accompanied by a licence fee of rupees six thousand and an inspection fee of one thousand and five hundred for every inspection or for the purpose of renewal of the licence SCHEDULE ‘U’. lot of the raw material used by him for the manufacture of his products and also each batch of the final product and shall maintain records. The records or registers shall be retained for a period of 5 years from the date of manufacture

SCHEDULE ‘F’ The licence shall provided and maintain an adequate staff and adequate premises and plant for the proper manufacture and storage of the substances in respect of which the licence is issued. SCHEDULE ‘R’. The date of manufacture. The date up to which the contraceptive is expected to retain its properties. The storage conditions necessary for preserving the properties of the contraceptive up to the date indicated in sub-clause (b) . SCHEDULE ‘G’ :LABELLING OF MEDICINES labelled with the words ‘Caution: it is dangerous to take this preparation except under medical supervision’ – conspicuously printed and surrounded by a line within which there shall be no other words

Labelled with the symbol Rx and conspicuously displayed on the left top corner of the label . Labelled with the following words To be sold by retail on the prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner only. SCHEDULE ‘P-1’: PACKING OF DRUGS The pack sizes of drugs meant for retail sale shall be as prescribed. Eg; The pack sizes for liquid Oral preparations shall be 30ml (paediatric only) 60 ml/100 ml/200 ml/450 ml. SCHEDULE ‘Y’, Provided further that any application received after one year of the grant of approval for the import and sale of new drug. A fee of fifteen thousand rupees and such information and data as required by Appendix I or Appendix I-A.

SCHEDULE ‘A’ For the purpose of this rule, “Blood Bank” means a place or organizational unit or an institution or other arrangement made by such organizational unit or institution for carrying our all or any of the operations of manufacture of human blood components, or blood products or whole human blood for its collection, storage, processing, distribution from selected human donors. SCHEDULE ‘K’; EXEMPTION The drugs specified in shall be exempted from the provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and the Rules made there under to the extent and subject to the conditions specified in that Schedule. SCHEDULE ‘V’; STANDARDS FOR PATENT OR PROPRIETARY MEDICINES The standards for patent or proprietary medicines shall be those laid down in Schedule V and such medicines shall also comply with the standards laid down in the Second Schedule to the Act.

8 SCHEDULE ‘F (II)’ ;Standards for Surgical Dressings
The standards for Surgical Dressing shall be such as are laid down SCHEDULE ‘F(III)’ ;Standards for Sterilised Umbilical tapes The standards for Sterilised Umbilical tapes shall be as laid down SCHEDULE ‘R-1’. Standards for Medical Devices.- the standards for the Medical Devices shall be such as are laid down

Cosmetics specified shall be exempted from the provisions of Chapter III of the Act and the Rules made there under to the extent and subject to the conditions specified . SCHEDULE ‘Q’. COSMETIC TO CONTAIN DYES, COLOURS AND PIGMENTS No Cosmetic shall contain Dyes, Colours and Pigments other than those specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards (IS:4707 Part 1 as amended) SCHEDULE ‘U(1)’ the licensee shall keep records of the details of each batch of cosmetic manufactured by him and of raw materials used therein as per particulars specified in Schedule U(1) and such records shall be retained for a period of three years.

For getting a certificate of ‘Good Manufacturing Practices' of Ayurveda Siddha- Unani drugs, the applicant shall made application on plain paper, providing the information on existing infrastructure of the manufacturing unit, and the licensing authority shall after verification of the requirements as per Schedule ‘T’ issue the certificate within a period of 3 months in form 26-E SCHEDULE ‘E’ (1), The container of a medicine for internal use made up ready for the treatment of human ailments shall, if it is made up from a substance specified in Schedule E (1), be labelled conspicuously with the words ‘Caution: To be taken under medical supervision’ both in English and Hindi language.

SCHEDULE ‘D (II)’ Information required to be submitted by the manufacturer or his authorized agent with the Application Form for the registration of a bulk drug/formulation/special product for its import into India. The format shall be properly filled in and the detailed information, secret in nature, may be furnished on a Computer Floppy. SCHEDULE ‘FF’. STANDARDS FOR OPHTHALMIC PREPARATIONS be sterile when dispensed or when sold in the unopened container of the manufacturer, except in case of those ophthalmic solutions and suspensions which are not specifically required to comply with the test for ‘Sterility’ in the Pharmacopoeia

12 SCHEDULE. ‘I’ particulars as to proportion of poison in certain cases
SCHEDULE ‘J’ Diseases and ailments (by whatever name described) which a drug may not purport to prevent or cure or make claims to prevent or cure. SCHEDULE ‘L’

SCHEDULE ‘N’ list of minimum equipment for the efficient running of a pharmacy SCHEDULE ‘O’ standard for disinfectant fluids the disinfectants shall be classified as follows: (A)black fluids ; coal tar acid or similar acids (b)white fluids; without hydrocarbons, and/or other phenolic compounds, and their derivatives. SCHEDULE ‘P’; LIFE PERIOD OF DRUGS period in months (unless otherwise specified) between date of manufacture and date of expiry which the labelled potency period of the drug shall not exceed under the conditions of storage specified

Shall conform to the Indian Standards specifications laid down from time to time by the 3[Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)]. SCHEDULE ‘W’; INSERTED AS PER G.O.I. NOTIFICIATION NO. GSR 27(E) DT AND DELETED AS PER G.O.I. NOTIFICATION NO. GSR 94(E) DT

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