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City of Wolverhampton Council

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1 City of Wolverhampton Council
Telecare Mobile Response Service Presented in partnership Our mission: Working as one to serve our city

2 Contents Creating a technology first culture
Why is a mobile response service important? How this service aligns with WMFS values and vision How we developed partnership working? What does success look like? An overview of the latest statistics Any questions?

3 Creating a technology first culture and positioning technology at a strategic level
Creation and marketing of single Telecare offer 1150 new Telecare users; 70% increase in weekly referrals (up to 50 per week) 337 new users in 2017/2018 (through to mid-August)

4 Creating a technology first culture and positioning technology at a strategic level
3200+ response callouts since 1/4/16 to 971 users; 57.4% falls related; only 16% of all response callouts led to ambulance intervention Onward referrals for Falls Prevention/Safeguarding/Hoarding Action taken by Telecare team to address high response users Feedback to allocated worker/duty regarding repeated falls Discussion with individual users regarding repeated false alarms/misuse of service

5 Why is a mobile response service important?
Support resilience in urgent care provision Provide a urgent response to people in need  Keeping people in their own home Reduce slips, trips and falls Reduction in hospital conveyances Reduced hospital admissions Reduced hospital stay Reduce the long term impact of falls

6 Why is a mobile response service important?
24/7, 365 days a year capability and capacity to respond to non-injury falls Response time within a maximum of 45 minutes from time of the call A person centred approach which is dignified and compassionate A Safe & Well+ visit to support the person to help prevent future falls

7 How this service aligns to WMFS values & vision?
The benefits and synergies 40% of a firefighters time is spent on prevention services “Causes behind the causes” Cost effective/public benefit Community at the centre of our service Every Telecare service user we respond to receives a Safe & Well+ visit

8 How we developed partnership working
Training undertaken Work towards TSA accreditation - Quality Standards Clinical governance Quality assurance Evaluation and data sharing to improve outcomes Continuous learning and improving services

9 Latest statistics to support success story
3216 incidents attended in 72 weeks 14 min average attendance time 84% of incidents did not require an Ambulance 493 incidents attended in 26 weeks 21 min average attendance time 81% of incidents did not require an Ambulance 989 incidents attended in 100 weeks 14 min average attendance time 91% of incidents did not require an Ambulance

10 Case Study Examples City of Wolverhampton Council testimonial highlighting the users’ experience of the Telecare Mobile Response service Article featured in The Guardian online falls-callout-service-easing-pressure-ambulances

11 Why WMFS? Causes behind the causes Local community fire stations
Trusted brand 24/7 cover Rapid response Capability, expertise and capacity Evaluation/data sharing Cost effective/public benefit

12 WMFS Telecare Mobile Response Service
WMFS currently deliver Telecare Mobile Response Service in Coventry, Wolverhampton and Dudley  Delivering the Telecare Mobile Response Service affords us contact with the most vulnerable in the community Telecare service users are often elderly, frail or have mobility issues and are vulnerable to falls These are some of the same factors that contribute to a person being at increased risk of having, and in some cases dying from, a fire in their home This is clearly linked to our core prevention strategy as delivery of the Safe & Well+ check helps reduce their risk of fire in the home WMFS Brigade Response Vehicle (BRV)

13 Contacts Helen Rowney Commissioning Officer, City of Wolverhampton Council Office Tel:  Dave Baker Operations Commander, Black Country North Command, WMFS Office Tel:

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