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WHAT: HOW: WHY: • To develop making skills/processes when using fish

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT: HOW: WHY: • To develop making skills/processes when using fish"— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT: HOW: WHY: • To develop making skills/processes when using fish
• To develop sauce making skills and finishing techniques Preparation skills: Protein/Fish and Sauce making • Practical: Piping of potato: To practise piping skills using instant mashed potato • Practical: Fish/Quorn potato topped pie • Spot demonstrations throughout the lessons: vegetable preparation/sauce making/piping/fish preparation • Explain food storage requirements for fish • To explain the structure and composition of meat and fish, e.g. connective tissue and why some meat needs to be tenderised • Stretch and challenge activity: p9 HOW: WHY: To give you knowledge of Macro nutrients and their function in the body Expert: Competently executes a wide range of complex technical skills/processes(eg filleting fish or cutting vegetables with precision and accuracy eg julienne) to produce excellent quality dishes. Challenge: Executes technical skills/processes with accuracy, including some complex technical skills (eg filleting fish or cutting vegetables with precision and accuracy eg julienne) to produce very good quality dishes. Aspire: Demonstrates technical skills/processes with some accuracy to produce good quality dishes.

2 Activity: Copy the following animation into your work book

3 Activity: Make up some instant mashed potato
Assess how it instantly gelatinises when mixed with warm water and is heated Practice your piping skills before in advance of your fish pie next week

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