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Adding Salt to your Debian systems

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Presentation on theme: "Adding Salt to your Debian systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding Salt to your Debian systems
Julien Cristau

2 What is salt? Remote execution framework
Set of tools built around that framework, including config management

3 Why salt? Written in python Using yaml for state description
Great documentation Big and growing community Fast-moving

4 Young and fast-moving Written in python Rolls its own crypto
Why not salt? Young and fast-moving Written in python Rolls its own crypto

5 Master, minions Grain Pillar State Top file Highstate
Terminology Master, minions Grain Pillar State Top file Highstate

6 Adding a minion Install salt-minion
Tell it where the master is echo master: > /etc/salt/minion.d/master.conf Check and accept the key on the master salt-key -a mynewminion

7 Remote execution $ salt '*'
$ salt 'db*' pg_lsclusters $ salt -G 'oscodename:jessie' grains.item \ kernelrelease

8 Config management Using yaml (by default) to describe desired system state Templating with jinja Grains/pillars/... available for targetting and in template context

9 Top file (2) /srv/salt/top.sls base: '*': - common 'role:webserver':
- match: grain - apache

10 SLS files /srv/salt/common.sls basepkgs: pkg.install: - pkgs: - vim
- debsums

11 SLS files (continued) /srv/salt/apache/init.sls apache2:
- pkg.installed - service.running: - require: - pkg: apache2 - watch: {% for vhost in pillar['vhosts'] %} - file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/{{ vhost }} {% endfor %}

12 Other nice things Integration with cloud and virtualization APIs with salt-cloud and salt-virt Provisioning, pre-approval of minion keys Automatic highstate on boot or on a schedule

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