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Strategic Human Resource Management

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1 Strategic Human Resource Management
SHRM Implementation, Organization Culture, Effect of Mergers & Acquisitions, Developing Human Resource

2 SHRM implementation This is the effective way of organizing the workforce by the adoption of a specific strategy, where employees’ performance can help to achieve the planned organizational targets, such as increasing revenue or improving the profit margin. The human resource activities are linked to the achievement of the organization’s overall objectives. This is the new way of managing human resources as compared to personnel management.  To ensure a high probability of success in the implementation of strategic human resource management, a number of things are necessary.

3 Development & Implementation
Full participation of HR people in strategy development and implementation promotes HR as strategic partner. Ensuring that HR Manager and HR professionals contribute to business decisions develop business acumen to understand how a profitable business is run are customer-oriented learn how to link HR practices to organizational business strategy. Effective development and implementation of an HR strategy requires HR professionals who are conversant in finance, negotiation, change management, and the overall operations of the organization. An HR strategic plan aligns the HR function to the corporate plan. Good knowledge about the organization, its objectives, systems and processes, can assist HR people in doing this task well.

4 Organizational culture & SHRM
External vs. Internal emphasis – external emphasis concentrate on customers, clients, stakeholders, etc. whereas internal emphasis is more inward focus and relies on effecting HR of the firm, internal meeting, reports etc. Task vs. Social focus – firms with social focus show concern towards personal & social needs of people. In task oriented organizations the HR team will focus more on the internal negotiations of employees, objectives and any given task. Safety vs. Risk – it includes openness towards new orientations, programme, and exploring the risk factors associated with it. Ad-hochism vs. Planning - some organizations create ad-hoc responses to changes while some prepare plans to inculcate them. The planning system is more profound among the firms.

5 Effects of Mergers & Acquisitions
Post acquisition performance – originate due to poor assessment of human resource of both the firms and how to come out with the clear policy that is appropriate and acceptable to the employees of both the firms. Pre acquisition performance – happens due to anxiety, uncertainty, stress among the employees. The concern for loss of job, displacement, career growth etc. effects the performance of the employees of both the firms.

6 Effects of Mergers & Acquisitions
Loss of key players – give rise to poor man power planning, staff surplus, and employee turnovers. Loss of expertise in the required fields and managers who can handle situations give up their jobs due to the mergers or acquisitions among the firms. Man power surplus/shortage – a lingering problem that occurs due to poor man power planning and therefore effects both the firms and the overall productivity.

7 Developing HR Organizations have to undergo stages of development processes and they have to define that SHRM will add on value to their human resource and will help in underlining the organizational objectives and fulfilling them. For developing human resource, it is quite a natural way to develop the basic HR process that is being followed in the firm.

8 Strategic linkages to HR
HR environmental analysis Human resource analysis HR assumptions HR implications Critical HR issues HR strategies for inclusion in overall business strategies followed by the firms Overall strategy development Evaluation

9 Value addition to HR Start up stage – entrepreneurship, market, administrative system, products etc. Growth stage – new employees selection, training, developments, socialization programme etc. Control stage– cost control, investment control, HR control etc. Integration stage – integration between HR components, planning, organizational development etc. Flexibility – monitoring & scanning capability, market adjustment flexibility, changes if required in accordance with environmental needs etc.

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