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Introduction to Economics

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1 Introduction to Economics

2 Demand Supply Market equilibrium

3 Demand the certain quantity of goods the consumers are ready to buy at the moment at the certain price. Note: Demand will be “economic demand” only in case the consumers have enough money to buy the goods needed. Preferences Resourses Decision 3

4 Law of downward-sloping demand: 2 reasons for it
When the price of commodity raises (ceteris paribus) buyers tend to buy less of the commodity. Substitution effect: consumer substitutes the more expensive good by less expensive and therefore decreases his demand for it. Income effect: when all the prices go up the consumer feels himself relatively poorer than before (i.e. real income goes down). In this respect he decreases his consumption.

5 Demand function Given other things being equal (e.g. tastes, income, preferences, etc. do not change) the certain relation between price (P) and quantity demanded (Q) exists. This relation is called a demand function Q=f(P), that can be visualized by a demand curve. 2 1 25 3 5 4 20 15 10 6 30 Q (pieces) P (price, thous. USD) P Q 40 000 30 000 1 10 000 3 Given: If the demand curve is ►, the demand function is: Q = 4 – 0,1xP D

6 Moving the curve vs. moving along the curve
2 1 25 3 5 4 20 15 10 6 30 Q P ◄ Change of quantity demanded: If no other factor, except the price, change – the movement is observed only along the curve 2 1 25 3 5 4 20 15 10 6 30 Q P Change of demand► When the non-price factors change (e.g. our budget increases) we observe the movement of the curve itself. .

7 What factors determine demand?
Consumer income We tend to buy more as the income grows Market size E.g. measured by population Preferences and tastes Culture, history, psychological and physical needs.

8 What factors determine demand?
Price and accessibility of related goods Substitute goods: goods that can be consumed or used in place of one another. Complement goods: goods which can be consumed only with another good.

9 Price Elasticity of Demand
Price elasticity of demand = Percentage change in Qd Percentage change in P Price elasticity of demand measures how much Qd responds to a change in P. Loosely speaking, it measures the price-sensitivity of buyers’ demand. CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

10 Price Elasticity of Demand
Price elasticity of demand = Percentage change in Qd Percentage change in P P Q Example: D P rises by 10% Price elasticity of demand equals P2 Q2 P1 Q1 15% 10% = 1.5 Q falls by 15% CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

11 The Determinants of Price Elasticity: A Summary
The price elasticity of demand depends on: the extent to which close substitutes are available whether the good is a necessity or a luxury how broadly or narrowly the good is defined the time horizon: elasticity is higher in the long run than the short run. This slide is a convenience for your students, and replicates a similar table from the text. If you’re pressed for time, it is probably safe to omit this slide from your presentation. CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

12 Price elasticity of demand
“Inelastic demand” Price elasticity of demand = % change in Q % change in P < 10% < 1 10% D D curve: P Q relatively steep Q1 P1 Consumers’ price sensitivity: P2 Q2 relatively low An example: student demand for textbooks that their professors have required for their courses. Here, it’s a little more clear that elasticity would be small, but not zero. At a high enough price, some students will not buy their books, but instead will share with a friend, or try to find them in the library, or just take copious notes in class. Another example: gasoline in the short run. P falls by 10% Elasticity: < 1 Q rises less than 10% CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

13 Price elasticity of demand
“Elastic demand” Price elasticity of demand = % change in Q % change in P > 10% > 1 10% D D curve: P Q relatively flat Q1 P1 Consumers’ price sensitivity: P2 Q2 relatively high A good example here would be Rice Krispies, or nearly anything with readily available substitutes. An elastic demand curve is flatter than a unit elastic demand curve (which itself is flatter than an inelastic demand curve). P falls by 10% Elasticity: > 1 Q rises more than 10% CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

14 “Perfectly inelastic demand” (one extreme case)
Price elasticity of demand = % change in Q % change in P 0% = 0 10% D curve: P Q D vertical Q1 P1 Consumers’ price sensitivity: P2 If Q doesn’t change, then the percentage change in Q equals zero, and thus elasticity equals zero. It is hard to think of a good for which the price elasticity of demand is literally zero. Take insulin, for example. A sufficiently large price increase would probably reduce demand for insulin a little, particularly among people with very low incomes and no health insurance. However, if elasticity is very close to zero, then the demand curve is almost vertical. In such cases, the convenience of modeling demand as perfectly inelastic probably outweighs the cost of being slightly inaccurate. P falls by 10% Elasticity: Q changes by 0% CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

15 “Perfectly elastic demand” (the other extreme)
Price elasticity of demand = % change in Q % change in P any % = infinity 0% D curve: P Q horizontal P2 = P1 D Consumers’ price sensitivity: Q1 Q2 extreme “Extreme price sensitivity” means the tiniest price increase causes demand to fall to zero. “Q changes by any %” – when the D curve is horizontal, the quantity is indeterminant. Consumers might demand Q1 units one month, Q2 units another month, and some other quantity later. Q can change by any amount, but P always “changes by 0%” (i.e. doesn’t change). If perfectly inelastic is one extreme, this (perfectly elastic) is the other. Here’s a good real-world example of a perfectly elastic demand curve, which foreshadows an upcoming chapter on firms in competitive markets. Suppose you run a small family farm in Iowa. Your main crop is wheat. The demand curve in this market is downward-sloping, and the market demand and supply curves determine the price of wheat. Suppose that price is $5/bushel. Now consider the demand curve facing you, the individual wheat farmer. If you charge a price of $5, you can sell as much or as little as you want. If you charge a price even just a little higher than $5, demand for YOUR wheat will fall to zero: Buyers would not be willing to pay you more than $5 when they could get the same wheat elsewhere for $5. Similarly, if you drop your price below $5, then demand for YOUR wheat will become enormous (not literally infinite, but “almost infinite”): if other wheat farmers are charging $5 and you charge less, then EVERY buyer will want to buy wheat from you. Why is the demand curve facing an individual producer perfectly elastic? Recall that elasticity is greater when lots of close substitutes are available. In this case, you are selling a product that has many perfect substitutes: the wheat sold by every other farmer is a perfect substitute for the wheat you sell. P changes by 0% Elasticity: infinity Q changes by any % CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

16 What do we need price elasticity indicator for?
Company price policy before all: Price discrimination: e.g. flight companies determine customer groups with different price elastic ties Sales in the supermarkets

17 Price strategies If the demand is elastic it is sensible to decrease price, since it will be compensated by the growth of sales► 2 1 25 3 5 4 20 15 10 6 30 Q P Loss Additional income 2 1 25 3 5 4 20 15 10 6 30 Q P If the demand is non-elastic it is sensible to increase the price

18 Elasticity of demand Q P (Kč) Income1 = 80 Kč D Income2 = 120 Kč 20
Loss due to price fall : Kč Income1 = 80 Kč Q P (Kč) 10 Gain due to higher sales : +80 Kč D 20 Loss due to price fall: Kč 4 ks 12 ks Income2 = 60 Kč 10 Gain due to higher sales: +20 Kč 4 ks 6 ks

19 Price strategy choice Say we are selling tomatoes (100 USD per box).
Say we have read in the Financial Times that the price elasticity of demand for tomatoes is E = 2. Case Price, USD Quantity demanded Sales USD As is 100 10 000 10 % discount 10 % increase 90 120 10 800 110 80 8 800

20 Price strategy choice PSay we are selling aspirin (100 USD per box).
Say we have read in the Economist magazine that the price elasticity of demand for aspirin is E = 0,5. Case Price, USD Quantity demanded Sales USD As is 100 10 000 10 % discount 10 % increase 90 105 9 450 110 95 10 450

21 Demand Supply Market equilibrium

22 Supply the quantities of any particular good which the firms are willing to make available at the variety of prices.

23 Supply function Given other things being equal (e.g. technology, taxes, number of sellers, etc. do not change) the certain relation between price (P) and quantity supplied (Q) exists. This relation is called a supply function Q=f(P), that can be visualized by a supply curve. 2 1 25 3 5 4 20 15 10 6 30 Q P P Q 10 000 20 000 2 30 000 4 The positive slope reflects that higher prices mean higher profits and attract more producers►, supply function is: Q = 0,2xP – 2 S 23 23

24 Moving the curve vs. moving along the curve
2 1 25 3 5 4 20 15 10 6 30 Q (ks) P ◄ Change of quantity supplied: If no other factor, except the price, change – the movement is observed only along the curve 2 1 25 3 5 4 20 15 10 6 30 Q (ks) P Change of supply► When the non-price factors change (e.g. technology) we observe the movement of the curve itself. .

25 Factors influencing supply
Prices of inputs Determine the production costs and therefore profits Technology Determines factor productivity and efficiency. Prices of related goods Especially those, produced by the same company

26 Factors influencing supply
Governmental policy Taxes, minimum wages, environmental policy, etc. Number of sellers Higher profits attract competitors Expectations E.g. Olympic games attracts businessmen to the venue site

27 Price Elasticity of Supply
Price elasticity of supply = Percentage change in Qs Percentage change in P Price elasticity of supply measures how much Qs responds to a change in P. Loosely speaking, it measures the price-sensitivity of sellers’ supply. Most everything in the “price elasticity of supply” section corresponds to analogous concepts from the “price elasticity of demand” section. So, it is probably safe to move through this section more quickly. CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

28 Price Elasticity of Supply
Price elasticity of supply = Percentage change in Qs Percentage change in P P Q Example: S P rises by 8% Price elasticity of supply equals P2 Q2 Q1 P1 16% 8% = 2.0 Q rises by 16% CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

29 Price elasticity of supply
“Inelastic” Price elasticity of supply = % change in Q % change in P < 10% S < 1 10% S curve: P Q relatively steep P2 Sellers’ price sensitivity: Q2 P1 relatively low P rises by 10% Elasticity: Q1 < 1 Q rises less than 10% CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

30 Price elasticity of supply
Price elasticity of supply = % change in Q % change in P > 10% > 1 10% S S curve: P Q relatively flat P2 Sellers’ price sensitivity: Q2 P1 relatively high P rises by 10% Elasticity: Q1 > 1 Q rises more than 10% CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

31 “Perfectly inelastic” (one extreme)
Price elasticity of supply = % change in Q % change in P 0% = 0 10% S curve: P Q S vertical P2 Sellers’ price sensitivity: P1 P rises by 10% Elasticity: Q1 Q changes by 0% CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

32 “Perfectly elastic” (the other extreme)
Price elasticity of supply = % change in Q % change in P any % = infinity 0% S curve: P Q horizontal P2 = P1 S Sellers’ price sensitivity: Q1 Q2 extreme P changes by 0% Elasticity: infinity Q changes by any % CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

33 The Determinants of Supply Elasticity
The more easily sellers can change the quantity they produce, the greater the price elasticity of supply. Example: Supply of beachfront property is harder to vary and thus less elastic than supply of new cars. For many goods, price elasticity of supply is greater in the long run than in the short run, because firms can build new factories, or new firms may be able to enter the market. This section is not perfectly analogous to the section on the determinants of the price elasticity of demand, but it’s similar enough that you can probably cover it more quickly and with less hand-holding. CHAPTER 5 ELASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATION

34 Demand Supply Market equilibrium

35 Market equilibrium Unfortunately this balance is a very rare state.
Další informace dole v poznámce Market equilibrium … happens when demand equals supply Unfortunately this balance is a very rare state. Some kind of disbalance is more often seen on the market… P Q D S P Q To, čím je bod rovnováhy důležitý, je na ose x a y (hodnoty, které tento bod udává)!!! E PE QE

36 Surplus P i D S P 1 E P E QD = Q E = QS Q i

37 Deficit P i D S E P E P 2 QS = Q E = QD Q i

38 Market mechaism P i D S P1 (180 Kč) P3 (120 Kč) P E (70 Kč) P2 (30 Kč)
Surplus P3 (120 Kč) Surplus Surplus E P E (70 Kč) Deficit Deficit P2 (30 Kč) Deficit QD1 QS2 Q E QS3 QS1 Q i

39 Utility and consumer behaviour

40 Utility is a measure of the relative satisfaction from consumption of various goods and service. Utility is a subjective feeling when our needs and wants are being satisfied. 40

41 Utility vs. Price Utility Price Price Utility Buy Don‘t buy

42 Will you buy it? Can we measure utility? Smartphone Price 25 000 Kč
(standard quality) Price Will you buy it? 7 000 Kč 2 000 Kč 500 Kč

43 Types of utility Total utility (TU) is the utility gained from all consumed goods. Marginal utility (MU) is the increase of utility by the consumption of another unit of goods („additional“ utility)

44 Total and marginal utiluty
The need is satisfied TU TU (Celkový užitek) Q i MU2 TU2 TU1 MU1 Q i MU Mezní (dodatečný) užitek MU

45 Summary We only buy additional unit of the goods when the marginal utility of this unit is higher (or at least at the same level) than its price When we feel that the MU is higher than P – we buy When we feel that the MU is lower than P – we don‘t buy

46 Thank you for attention!

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