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Pilot Walktour Operation Guide V3.4 (Android)

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Presentation on theme: "Pilot Walktour Operation Guide V3.4 (Android)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pilot Walktour Operation Guide V3.4 (Android)

2 Contents 1. Overview 2. Manual Test 3. Auto Test 4. Data Management
5. Data Replay

3 Overview Pilot Walktour is a multi-technology mobile network test and measurement tool, based on the latest commercial smartphone devices. It is also one of the most powerful and cost efficient handheld based test tool in the market for in-building, and various voice and data services testing. Pilot Walktour also provides user friendly indoor and outdoor operation interface, real-time network quality measurement and troubleshooting, and perform tests from a real user-perception. Android Windows Mobile Symbian iOS Operating system CDMA/EVDO GSM/UMTS/HSPA GSM/TD/HSDPA WLAN Network technology Monitor: real-time monitor Auto: automatic testing according to configuration Manual: indoor/outdoor test according to test plans Functions

4 Contents 1. Overview 2. Manual Test 3. Auto Test 4. Data Management
5. Data Replay

5 Manual Test Flow Perform Settings Access Point Name Data Server
New Task History Task Outdoor Test Indoor Test Perform Settings Create Test Tasks Start Test View Information Download Manual Test In the Manual test mode, users may edit test plans manually, conduct tests, view test information, and check statistics for network evaluation, optimization and troubleshooting. Voice/Data service tests are supported.

6 Manual Test-System Settings
Perform Settings Create Test Tasks Start Test View Information Access Point Name Data Server Configure data upload server

7 Manual Test-Start Test
New Task History Task Download from Pilot Fleet Unify Test Tasks will be executed based on the order that are selected. Users may delete the tasks that are not required to execute. The deleted tasks will be moved to History Task, and could be reused the next time. Perform Settings Create Test Task Start Test View Information

8 Manual Test-Start Test
Perform Settings Create Test Tasks Start Test View Information Tap Manual > Start, select Outdoor or Indoor as required.

9 Manual Test-View Information
Tap Manual > Info to enter the Information window, where users may check various information such as GPS details, parameters, and alarms by tapping the Map, Schedule, Radio, and Alarm tabs as required. Perform Settings Create Test Tasks Start Test View Information

10 Contents 1. Overview 2. Manual Test 3. Auto Test 4. Data Management
5. Data Replay

11 Auto Test Test tasks are created on Pilot Fleet Unify. Pilot Walktour can obtain the test tasks in real time. Test, event, and alarm information can be viewed on the phone in real time. Test data can be uploaded to Pilot Fleet Unify for centralized management, statistics, and analysis. Remote Control, Centralized Management

12 Configuration on Pilot Fleet Unify
Create a project group Add devices Create test plans Select or customize a group Select or customize a sub group

13 Configuration on Pilot Fleet Unify
Click Device Management. Click Add Device, and select Walktour. Set Group and Subgroup. Set Device ID to the IMEI number. The format of device ID is {8 digits-4 digits -4 digits -4 digits -12 digits}. Set Device Name. Set Network Type and Device Model. 1 2 Create a project group Add devices Create test plans

14 Configuration on Pilot Fleet Unify
Create a project group Create test plans Add devices Click Device Management. Select the added device. Click the button. Click Add to add a new test plan.

15 Configuration on Pilot Fleet Unify
Create a project group Create test plans Add devices Click General. Set Plan Name as required. Set RAS Number based on information provided by network operator.

16 Configuration on Pilot Fleet Unify
Create a project group Add devices Create test plans Select LTE 2. Click the button to add a task group. Set Start Time and End Time, and other information as required. Click Save.

17 Configuration on Pilot Fleet Unify
Create a project group Add devices Create test plans Click Add Test, and select Call Test. Set test task name. Set the called number. Click Save.

18 Configuration on Pilot Fleet Unify
Set server IP and port number. Press and hold the key, and tap Update Task to download test plans. Enable the Auto Test mode.

19 Contents 1. Overview 2. Manual Test 3. Auto Test 4. Data Management
5. Data Replay

20 Data Management Filter, search data files based on user-defined conditions Filter data files by floor Display data files based on settings Upload data files to Pilot Fleet Unify server Default storage path for data files: /walktour/data

21 Contents 1. Overview 2. Manual Test 3. Auto Test 4. Data Management
5. Data Replay

22 Data Replay Tap Playback Select data files Start replay

23 Data Replay


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