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Ocean Bounty What does the ocean provide for us?

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Bounty What does the ocean provide for us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Bounty What does the ocean provide for us?
What does the Ocean floor look Like and how do we know this?

2 How much of earth is covered by the oceans?
- Almost 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by our ocean. - Seven seas? (Arrrr) Not really. All of our oceans and seas are connected making one global ocean. There are four main ocean basins: The pacific ocean The atlantic ocean The indian ocean The arctic ocean


4 Besides fish… - Oil - Removes carbon and provides oxygen - Diamonds, gold, iron, silver, metal ores - Freshwater through desalination

5 Ocean Floor

6 Continental Margin Continental Shelf is gently sloping surface from the shoreline. • 80 km wide, 130 m deep -Continental slope is steeper than shelf and is boundary of continents. • 20 km wide, 5-25 degree slope Continental Rise is where the slope decreases into gradual incline. • 100 km wide.

7 Submarine canyons - Cuts into continental slope by turbidity currents that deposit material in ocean floor.

8 Deep Ocean Basin Abyssal Plain form by sediments carried by turbidity currents deposited on the ocean floor forming flat surfaces. Seamounts are submerged volcanoes that never were at surface. - Guyots are volcanoes that were at surface and become submerged. Due to waves and plate motion. Near Hawaiian Islands

9 Fun Stuff - Atolls- coral reef that form around a Guyot.

10 Mid-Ocean Ridge - plates are moving apart due to Volcanic Activity.

11 bathymetry -“bathos” – means depth; “metry” – Measurement
Transect- a path along which one counts and record data. Ocean Floor Mapping • Sonar sound Navigation and Ranging. • Satellite Imagery • Old School Weighted Line • Submersibles HHMS Challenger: 4 years and 127,500 Km of data ( ).

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