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Personal Goals and Objectives

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1 Personal Goals and Objectives
Industrial Experience

2 Task / brainstorm What is the difference between a goal and an objective? Alternative vocabulary? What other words could you use instead of goal or objective? What makes a good goal? What makes a good objective? Goal = overall aim Objectives evolve from goals and set out how the goal will be achieved.

3 Goals and Objectives Individual targets Might be Short term
Medium term Long term

4 Short Term Goals / Objectives
Immediate objectives deal with aspects of a problem or weakness that may change more quickly E.g. I will spend 4 hours writing every day I will produce 2 pages for my report every day Should be measurable, realistic and short term

5 Long Term Goals / Objectives
Long term, but still realistic Based on overall expected achievements of programme of study / business Deals with determinants of achievement that can be measured Do not happen immediately – measured after months or years E.g. I will be CEO of the RSPCA within 15 years

6 Writing Objectives Objectives are the building blocks or steps towards achieving a programme's goals Objectives are specific and concise statements that state who will make what change, by how much, where and by when Objectives evolve from goals and are future-focused

7 SMART Commonly used strategies for writing objectives SMART: Specific
Measurable Achievable Realistic Time specific

8 Which one of these goals is specific, measurable and realistic?
Kelsey will demonstrate improved writing skills. or Kelsey will improve her writing skills so she can write a clear, cohesive paragraph consisting of at least 3 sentences, one of which should be compound or complex.

9 What’s wrong with the following goals?
Steve will participate appropriately in a conversation in four out of five opportunities. Tim will fill out a timecard with his hours worked with 80% accuracy. Luther will control his anger 80% of the time. Given an assignment with 20 problems, Sally will independently, without a calculator, add two three-digit numbers with 70% accuracy. He could just respond appropriately to a “hi” and then walk away but this is not enough and you would need to be around for all conservations. Neither his supervisor or finance department would be too pleased with this. How do you measure 80% of his time and what is meant by controlling? Last example is fine

10 Task: Identifying goals
Write down a list of goals for yourself Short term Medium term Long term (at least one of each) Group discussion: what are you aiming to achieve?

11 Task: Setting objectives
How are you going to achieve this? Based on the overall goals you identified, write SMART objectives for each Discuss as a group - what needs to be completed in order to meet your goals?

12 How is this all relevant?!
Writing any assignment (but specifically your reflective log): Assess the problem Identify your weaknesses Identify weaknesses of the business Establish a goal Overall aims for both yourself and the business Set objectives Establish step-by-step SMART guides for solving the problems Short-term and long-term Evaluate / conclude

13 Task: Analysing your skills
List your strengths List your weaknesses – SMART objective to address these?! Discuss with the rest of the group Any agreements / disagreements Think about when you have worked in a group

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