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Commissioning in times of austerity

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1 Commissioning in times of austerity
Ian Staples Integrated Lead Commissioner Complex Needs Walsall MBC / CCG

2 My Background Working in health and social care for over 35 years, prior worked 4 years in industry 6 years as a nurse in NHS 11 years as an operational manager in local authority 6 years as senior manager in local authority 12 years in joint / integrated commissioning

3 Integrated Commissioning Complex Needs
Team of 3, Lead Commissioner and 2 Commissioning Managers Responsible for all specialist health and social care services covering Adults with Learning Disabilities, Autism , Physical Disabilities and Sensory Disabilities Pooled Budget for Learning Disabilities (72/28 share) S75 Partnership arrangement Local Authority lead agency

4 The challenges Need to make substantial savings
Need to commission services for autism with no funding End of Supporting People programme and inherited 4 Housing Support Contracts worth £1,059,000

5 What we did Decommissioned the 4 contracts at a value of £1,059,000
Commissioned a new Housing Support service to replace above at a value of £180,000 Commissioned a new Autism Befriending service at a value of £43333 Commissioned an Autism Community outreach service at a value of £49,677 Delivered £785,990 to Council Savings Plan

6 Additional Costs Apart from existing resources we commissioned specialist engagement services to consult with users of the services at a total cost of £9500 (Including BSL Interpreters)

7 Key Actions Review of existing services
Establish desired outcomes and new models of delivery Clarify prevention Business Cases Consultation EQUIA and Risk Procurement and legal – TUPE, pilots, transitionary contracts Coproduction – Shared Solutions Statutory Duties

8 Drivers to change Care Act Children and Families Act
National Autism Strategy – Statutory Guidance Savings STP TCP Resilient Communities and Locality Models Consolidation of specialist services

9 Key lessons learnt Challenge provider claims and assumptions
Validate through independent user consultation Move from Block to activity and flexibility – Floating support Use voluntary sector expertise – particularly in relation to research and evidence base Passion and belief Outcome focussed Use pilots to learn Prevent TUPE if of no benefit Impact on partners – particularly NHS

10 Questions

11 Contact Ian Staples

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