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Cry out in prayer LEADER: Lord we cry out to you on behalf of all those who are being exploited through trafficking around our world. They may not be known.

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Presentation on theme: "Cry out in prayer LEADER: Lord we cry out to you on behalf of all those who are being exploited through trafficking around our world. They may not be known."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cry out in prayer LEADER: Lord we cry out to you on behalf of all those who are being exploited through trafficking around our world. They may not be known to us, but we are thankful that You know each one. Lord surround them with your love and protection. ALL: Proclaim freedom for the captives Lord.

3 LEADER: Lord we cry out for the oppressors
LEADER: Lord we cry out for the oppressors. Free them from the greed or desperation that fuels their actions. Help them to see the humanity in those they are exploiting, and in doing so regain their own humanity. ALL: Proclaim freedom for the captives Lord.

4 LEADER: Lord we lift up all those who are working to see freedom proclaimed for those enslaved through trafficking. We pray for all those in The Salvation Army who are providing care to victims and awareness to communities. ALL: Proclaim freedom for the captives Lord.

5 LEADER: Lord help each of us to let go of the things that are holding us back from living in the freedom that you have given to us. ALL: Proclaim freedom for the captives Lord.

6 LEADER: Lord I pray that you will give us each the courage to take action in our own ways to tackle trafficking. Help us to use our time, our money and voice to see freedom proclaimed in our communities and around the word. ALL: Lord help us proclaim freedom. AMEN


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