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Growth Mindset and Neuroplasticity

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1 Growth Mindset and Neuroplasticity

2 “What’s My Mindset” Assessment
After taking the assessment, summarize your current mindset in the space provided on your paper. Based on your summary, determine if you have a “Fixed Mindset” or “Growth Mindset”. Come to the board and mark your mindset in the proper column.

3 Video: “How to Grow Your Brain”
Questions to ponder: 1) How do people become more intelligent? 2) How does the diagram of the neurons “At birth vs. At age 6” demonstrate this? 3) What about the second diagram of the nerves of the animal living in a cage vs. an animal living with other animals and toys? 4) How are brains like muscles? 5) When do our brains grow the most?

4 New Discoveries in Neuroscience
Previous belief- our brains were fully developed after childhood and became “static” With advances in technology and research, we learned that this is not true! A landmark study in 1998 found that the human brain could create new brain cells. Led to the field of neuroplasticity. Here is what we know now…

5 1) Neurons “talk” to each other
neuron- an electrically charged cell that transmits information


7 2) One communication leads to another
Once a set of neurons have transmitted information, they are more likely to repeat that process

8 3) The brain “invests” in that network
myelin- protein casing around the axon “high speed internet cable”

9 4) This helps us in all learning
New and strengthened signals allow us to learn to: walk talk play an instrument play sports

10 5) Brain diverts myelin to new pathways
“Use it or lose it” By creating new pathways, WE CAN CHANGE THE WAY OUR BRAIN OPERATES

11 Video: “Neuroplasticity”
Questions to ponder: 8) What is neuroplasticity? 9) How does neuroplasticity work? 10) How can you “rewire” your brain?

12 Video: “Growth Mindset Introduction”
During the video, identify what characteristics and actions represent a Growth Mindset and which represent a Fixed Mindset. Take notes on the graphic organizer, placing each characteristic in the proper column.

13 Experiences with Growth Mindset
Take a few minutes to think of a time when you overcame a struggle to learn something. It could be anything - from adding negative numbers to learning a technique in baseball to writing an introduction for a difficult essay. Reflect on the times when you failed at first but through persevering your brain created new neural connections and you eventually became better at the task at hand.

14 Letter to a Future Student
Write a letter to a future student of your class about this struggle. In at least two paragraphs, tell this student your story and give them advice on what they should do next time they encounter an obstacle when learning something new. Begin the letter with “Dear Future Student,”

15 Letter to a Future Student
Once finished, fold your paper as instructed. Tape it closed. On the outside, write: TO: FUTURE STUDENT FROM: ___YOUR NAME_____

16 Actionable Steps Towards Growth Mindset
Title your paper: “Cultivating a Growth Mindset” Brainstorm and record ACTIONABLE steps we could take as individuals and as a class to cultivate Growth Mindset. actionable- able to be done or acted on; having practical value. Each person in your group needs a different color marker.

17 Actionable Steps Towards Growth Mindset
Discuss with your group the strengths of each actionable step. Put stars next to your top 3 steps. Choose your #1 actionable step, then send one person to record that step on the front board.

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