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Religion vs. AIDS By: Hans Rijksen.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion vs. AIDS By: Hans Rijksen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion vs. AIDS By: Hans Rijksen

2 Religion “A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny” Many religions in Africa Going to be about: Roman Catholicism Islam Indigenous religions Definition from:

3 Roman Catholicism Mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa
Can’t use birth control items Ex: Condoms Has big impact on the number of people with AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa

4 Islam Mostly in Northern Africa 70 – 100 % of Northern Africa = Muslim
Allowed to use birth control items under certain circumstances

5 Indigenous Religions Throughout almost all of Africa
Often don’t know very much about AIDS Can influence their ideas about preventing AIDS

6 Comparison In Sub-Saharan Africa 25 – 28.2 mil ppl are infected w/ HIV/AIDS In Northern Africa & Middle East 470 – 730 thousand ppl are infected w/ HIV/AIDS These #s are usually the effect of culture Roman Catholicism’s stance against birth control has caused much more HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa than in Northern Africa Under indigenous cultures, many are not educated well on the subject Causes much of the HIV/AIDS among them Image found at:

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