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Leveraging AMI Leak Detection Technologies

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1 Leveraging AMI Leak Detection Technologies
Greg Bundesen Water Conservation Supervisor Sacramento Suburban Water District

2 District at a Glance District At a Glance Area 36 sq. mi.
Number of Connections 45,391 Miles of Water Mains 735 Percent Metered 80% Avg. Annual Demand 38,300 AF

3 District at a Glance North American River Sub-Basin
Shared interest with 14 other water agencies.

4 District at a Glance Folsom Lake American River
When March – November unimpaired inflows into Folsom Lake reach 950,000 AF. Have access to 27,000 AF. SSWD did not divert water in 2014 or 2015. American River Access to 20 MGD based on outflows from Nimbus Dam

5 Sacramento Suburban Water District Customer Classes and Water Use
The District’s customer base is comprised mainly of residential customers. Single and multi-family residential customers make up 90% of the District’s customer base which accounts for 73% of the District’s overall annual demand. Single and Multi-Family Residential customers make up 92% of the customer base, and account for 74.8% of the water consumed.

6 The Program Created as a drought response outreach tool in 2016.
Technology: KP Systems 72 hours of continuous flow = 1 event

7 The Program Report ran every 2 weeks
District mailed a post card to everyone identified All customers were offered Water-Wise House Calls to help them find their leak

8 Statistics Number of AMI Customers
23,700 residential customer Minimum Flow per Customer Identified 7.48 gallons per hour per account Average flow = gallons per hour Number of Occurrences in 2016 (Apr-Dec) 3,992 post cards sent to 1,832 different customers 183 customers per month Estimated Minimum Leak Losses Minimum = MG/M Minimum = MG/Y Average Amount of Leak Loss Avg. = MG/M Avg. = MGY Avg. Amount of times on the Report 2 cycles

9 Customer Response All positive!
Customer found a leak under his home. He would not have found the leak without our program. Customer couldn’t find leak that was reported. We found that her pool float was not working properly and over filling her pool and flooding her neighbor. Customer had multiple leaks in irrigation, toilets and plumbing. Fixed them one-by-one until CF stopped.

10 Lessons Learned We are not capturing all of the customer leaks in the system. CF is 72 hours of continuous use. One missed read will cause the account to not be included. Not capturing leaks less than 7.48 gph. Staffing SSWD has 1 Water Conservation Tech.

11 Lessons Learned: Toilet Leaks
3/26/2016 4/4/2016 4/10/2016

12 Going Forward Future Continuous Flow Program
Expand leak notifications beyond mail to , text, etc. Request additional staffing. District will be fully metered with AMI by 2025. Additional staff will be required to give this program additional attention.

13 Going Forward Leak Detection Assistance Program
Provide additional leak detection assistance for customer’s. District funded leak detection and repair

14 Questions?? Greg Bundesen Water Conservation Supervisor
Sacramento Suburban Water District

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