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Aerosol/dust particles in Earth’s atmosphere

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1 Aerosol/dust particles in Earth’s atmosphere
Victoria Yaroshenko Host institute: Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Chair for Atmospheric Physics (LMU, Prof. M. Rapp) Possible collaboration with: - Institut für Atmosphärenphysik, Kühlungsborn University of TromsØ, Norway University of Oslo, Norway - Institute of Atmospheric Physics /Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

2 Aerosol/dust particles in Earth’s atmosphere
Basic processes leading to the formation of MSPs (left) and of mesospheric ice particles (right). Altitude ranges are indicated over which different optical and radar phenomena are observed. (Rapp et al., 2012). PMSE with embedded NLC, observations by ALWIN VHF radar and ALOMAR Rayleight/Mie/Raman Lidar (Keifler et al. 2011); PMWE during a solar proton event on 12 November 2004 recorded using 52 MHz ESRAD radar, Kiruna, Sweden (Kirkwood, 2007).

3 The objective of the proposal: to qualitatively answer fundamental questions about the role of aerosol/dust particles in the Earth’s atmosphere Problems to be addressed: Plasma microprocesses under the conditions relevant for the winter echoes as observed e.g. [Lübken et al. 2006, J.- L. Chau et al. 2014, Kirkwood et al. 2015], Collective plasma modes involving dust whose fingerprints can be recognized in incoherent scattering spectrums e.g. [Latteck & Strelnikova, 2015] 3. Simulation of electric potential and plasma spatial configurations around a sounding rocket for inferring reliable information on the background medium from the measurements, especially for the electric field and dust impact measurements which are still under debate [Zadorozhny et al., 1993, 1997; Zadorozhny, 2001; Holzworth et al., 2001; Holzworth and Goldberg, 2004].

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