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Nebraska School Counseling Impacts Student Achievement

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1 Nebraska School Counseling Impacts Student Achievement

2 Objectives Session participants will: Understand the purpose and design of an effective counseling program Analyze results from the statewide counseling evaluation Identify resources and strategies for utilizing the data

3 School Counseling: A Brief Overview
An overview from the 2010 School Counselor of the Year, Randy McPhearson Video: SchoolTube - What Does a School Counselor Do?

4 Skills for Learning Academic Development
What Do School Counseling Programs Teach? Skills for Learning Academic Development Examples • College Readiness • Importance of Graduation • Academic Planning • Test Preparation • Study Skills • Effective learning in school & across the life span • Academic preparation for post-secondary options • Relationship of academics, work, family & community life

5 Skills for Earning Career Development
What Do School Counseling Programs Teach? Skills for Earning Career Development Examples • Career Readiness • Personal Learning Plan • Decision Making • Goal Setting • Financial Aid for College • Investigate the world of work to make informed decisions • Strategies to achieve future career goals • Relationship of personal qualities, education, training & work

6 Skills for Living Personal/Social Development
What Do School Counseling Programs Teach? Skills for Living Personal/Social Development Examples • Coping/Resiliency • Anti-bullying • Dating Violence • Citizenship • Character Education • Peer Pressure • Interpersonal skills to respect self & others • Decision making, setting goals & taking action to achieve goals • Understanding everyday safety & living skills

7 Statewide School Counseling Program Evaluation
Nebraska School Counselor Association & NDE with Partnerships for Innovation funding Conducted by Center for School Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation at University of Massachusetts –Amherst 5 additional states participated (CT, UT, MO, WI, RI) to begin national databank

8 Statewide Evaluation Questions:
Do school counseling program in NE high schools contribute significantly to students’ educational outcomes? What aspects of school counseling practices contribute the most to students’ educational outcomes? Based upon results, how might school counseling practice in Nebraska be improved?

9 Statewide School Counseling Study RESULTS:
This evaluation study found evidence that school counseling programs in Nebraska high school contribute significantly to student’s educational outcomes.

10 Statistically Significant Factors of Programs and Practices
School Counseling Programs Make a Difference! Statistically Significant Factors of Programs and Practices

11 Statistically Significant to PROGAM structure
School Data indicated more positive: Suspension Rates Discipline Rates Attendance Rates Math Proficiency Reading Proficiency Student performance + needs data used to guide program planning Yearly review analyzed for program improvement Counselor job descriptions match actual duties Counselor time spent in activities directly benefiting students Includes interventions to improve the school’s ability to educate all students to high standards. Resources for school counselor professional development School counseling on curriculum and education committees Program engages parents to improve student achievement

12 Statistically Significant to School Counselor PRACTICES
School Data indicated more positive: Suspension Rate Discipline Rates Attendance Rates Math Proficiency Rates Reading Proficiency Rates Counselors consult with administrators concerning students experiencing problems that interfere with school success. Provide effective college counseling to all students. Assist all students with effective career and educational plans Collaboration with students and parents/guardians in developing Personal Learning Plans Provide all students and parents/guardians with up-to-date information about the world of work. Support all families in filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form)

13 Administrator-Counselor Teamwork at Westside High
School Counseling Contributes to Mission of School with Program and Practices Administrator-Counselor Teamwork at Westside High

14 Implementation NCE can reasonably be expected to:
Statistically Significant Practices Using Nebraska Career Education Materials and Resources Implementation NCE can reasonably be expected to: Lower Suspension Rates Lower Discipline Rates Higher Attendance Rates Higher Math Proficiency Rates Higher Reading Proficiency Rates Instruction on NCE Model for career development Use C4C-Curriculum for Careers-exploration course with NCE Model NCE Programs of Study-sequence of rigorous academic and career technical education NCE Programs of Study-lead to an associate’s degree, baccalaureate, certificate or license Counselors collaborate with cross-curriculum faculty in developing Programs of Study to prepare students for college and career up-to-date information for world of work. used to develop resumes

15 Impact of lower Counselor-to-Student Ratios
School Counseling Programs Make a Difference! Impact of lower Counselor-to-Student Ratios • Higher Graduation Rates • Higher Attendance Rates • Program of Study Completion Rate • Improved Technical Career Skills AYP Schools had lower ratios

16 Student-Counselor Relationship at Crete High School
Lower Ratios Allow for Improved Relationships Student-Counselor Relationship at Crete High School

17 • Deliver a Comprehensive Program based on
Recommendations • Deliver a Comprehensive Program based on Nebraska/ASCA national model standards • Set a goal: 80% of School Counselor time in activities that directly benefit student achievement • Increase teamwork between principals and counselors • Lower student-to-counselor ratios • Implement Personal Learning Plans to prepare ALL students for College and Career Readiness

18 If no one knows about the data If no one understands the data
Have DATA? So WHAT? If no one knows about the data If no one understands the data If no one uses the data Then, the valuable information is lost. We did not want that to happen.

19 Use Data to Inform and Advocate

20 Summary: A Review of the School Counseling Profession

21 Contact Information Local Vicky Munoz NSCA Secondary Vice-President & Millard West School Counselor 5710 S. 176th Avenue Nebraska School Counselor Association Omaha, NE 68135 Phone: (402) Statewide Donna Hoffman American School Counselor Association School Counseling Director Nebraska Department of Education 301 Centennial Mall South Lincoln, NE 68509 Phone (402)

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