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Rapid Prototyping.

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1 Rapid Prototyping

2 Overview Used in software engineering
“Rapid prototyping is a system development methodology based on building and using a model of a system for designing, implementing, testing and installing the system.” (Lantzas cited in Tripp& Bichelmeyer, 1990) 2 Factors In a design process, early development of a small-scale prototype used to test out certain key features of the design. Most useful for large-scale or projects. Wilson, Jonassen, and Cole Plastic and modular medium and intention to learn through the process of design Modularity allows a segment of the instructional unit to be added, removed, or modified w/out affecting severe interactions in the other segments as a whole Plasticity ability to change aspects of a unit of instruction with only minor time or cost penalties Computer programs

3 Model “Rapid prototyping in instructional systems design is the building of a model of the system to design and develop the system itself.” (Tripp & Bichelmeyer, 1990)

4 Advantages Allows users to try out the system Discover problem areas
Input into selection of an appropriate interface Reduces cost and time Increase creativity Errors can be detected earlier using working models of the final product early in a project tends to eliminate time-consuming revisions later design tasks are completed concurrently, rather than sequentially throughout the project steps are crunched together to reduce the amount of time needed to develop training or a product design and development phases are done simultaneously and the formative evaluation is done throughout the process Reduces development costs Decreases communication problems Lowers operation costs Reduces production time

5 Disadvantages Can lead to a design by-repair
Does not eliminate the need for front-end analysis Does not completely substitue for a paper analysis May lead to designs that get out of control May lead to commitment before designs are ready Out of control by putting too many bells and whistles and time into the designs before they have been chosen

6 When to use rapid prototyping
Time, budget, environmental restraints Cases involving complex factors and prediction is hard Cases where we have experience, but lack satisfaction of results New situations where there is not an abundant information to draw from

7 Examples
Model of the system used to investigate and design the full system Software environment allowed rapid synthesis and modification of the system Slow and uncertain process of analysis and detailed specification was replaced by an efficient process of hands-on design

8 Spiral Cycle vs Waterfall Cycle
concept definition implementation of a skeletal system user evaluation and concept refinement implementation of refined requirements concept definition requirements definition preliminary design detailed design code implementation test and acceptance

9 Comparisons One idea Extensive front-end analysis Linear
Traditional ID One idea Extensive front-end analysis Linear Emphasize early constraints Follow pragmatic principle of minimum commitment Many ideas Create a general model and change through testing Not thought of as linear

10 Comparisons Dick and Carey Speaks to the teaching of instructional design and computer-based instruction as a potential concern Is linear Design is lost in rapid prototyping where the emphasis's to simply get something up and running. 􀁛Both use knowledge of instructional design elements.

11 Comparisons Both non-linear in development.
R2D2 Model Both non-linear in development. Begin with evaluation of needs. Design groups consist of actual users as well as designers. Time efficient process because target audience is part of process. Most activity in process is in creation of material. The Recursive, Reflective Design and Development (R2D2)

12 Comparisons Both are systematic in nature.
Layers of Negotiation Both are systematic in nature. Both require contact and discussion between the designer and the user. Both are non-linear. Negotiation is based on process outcome goals while Prototyping is based on product outcome goals. YES -Use of rapid prototyping is more than another instructional design strategy, it is a belief about how design takes place to create learning environments. 􀁛NO -Rapid prototyping is a variation on instructional design and although efficient, should not replace knowledge about teaching and learning.

13 References Tripp, S., & Bichelmeyer, B. (1990). Rapid prototyping: An alternative instructional design strategy. Educational Technology Research & Development, 38(1), Gustafson, K. L. & Branch, R. M. (1997) Revisioning models of instructional development. ETR&D, 45(3), p

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