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MQTT & Raspberry Pi Managing Networked Sensors

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1 MQTT & Raspberry Pi Managing Networked Sensors
while Dealing with Jargon and (if all goes well) a net-connected cowbell Stewart Russell

2 “Back in the old days …” Coal Clough Wind Farm - Photo by James Bird, CC-BY-ND

3 MQTT Stands for MQ Telemetry Transport
Only faintly related to IBM’s MQ message queue product Allows sensors to talk over TCP/IP As standard as we’re likely to see: ISO/IEC 20922:2016 OASIS standard, 2015 Widely (but quietly) used Extraordinarily jargon-heavy

4 MQTT Basic Jargon

5 MQTT Topic Hierarchy Topics have levels: home/basement/temperature home/basement/humidity home/kitchen/temperature … Wildcard + matches one level: home/+/temperature → home/basement/temperature → home/kitchen/temperature Wildcard # matches all levels: home/#

6 MQTT: “they thought of that”
Quality of Service: each message can be sent At most once: typical for most IoT sensors At least once: may be sent multiple times — important alarms Exactly once: receipt is verified — valuable transactions Last Will A client can register a “will” with the broker should it exit unexpectedly The broker publishes the will as a message for other clients to act upon

7 Installing a broker Eclipse Mosquitto™ —
doesn’t seem to require any configuration small and quite well-behaved default port 1883 Raspbian installation: sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients

8 MQTT “Hello, World!” On the broker host: mosquitto_sub --topic 'hello/#' On another (or same host): mosquitto_pub [ --host broker_host ] --topic 'hello/world' --message "Hello, World!" Displayed on the broker host: Hello, World!

9 ESP8266 Wireless sensor board 80 – 160 MHz 32-bit core
Multiple digital I/O ports One (slightly weedy) 0 – 1 V ADC Can be very cheap: < $5 / unit Sold under many names: NodeMCU, Huzzah, ESP8266 Thing, WiPy (v1.0) Can be programmed in Lua, Arduino, MicroPython, … By Sparkfun Electronics - CC BY 2.0,

10 MicroPython Real Python 3 — only smaller!
Runs on many µc boards from ARM Cortex-M0 up Small memory footprint: can run in under 64 KB RAM Actively targets ESP8266 Many libraries for supporting different sensors/protocols Downside: can’t exactly be called fast …

11 Installing MicroPython
Download binary image from Install over USB serial using sudo pip install esptool Provides MicroPython REPL over USB serial at bps (Optionally) provides MicroPython REPL over WebSockets terminal to browser (configuration required)

12 ampy, a serial helper Install via pip install adafruit-ampy
Uploads and downloads program and data files Manages file folders on your ESP8266 Runs MicroPython scripts with output to the terminal Examples: ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB2 get > ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB2 put /

13 MicroPython User Interface
Typically through two scripts: — board and network setup — user program

14 def do_connect(): import network
sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) ap_if = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) if print("AP turned off ...") if not sta_if.isconnected(): print('connecting to network...') sta_if.connect('SSID', 'PASSWORD') while not sta_if.isconnected(): pass print('network config:', sta_if.ifconfig()) print("Starting network ...") do_connect()

15 Sensor Setup DHT22: Cheap temperature (°C) and relative humidity sensor (%) Simple one-wire digital protocol Results to 1 decimal place Max 1 reading / 2 s Can be cranky and decides not to give you a reading sometimes (in MicroPython, at least)

16 1 of 2 import machine import dht import time
from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient broker_ip = ' ' # broker address client_id = 'wemos024155' print('broker: ', broker_ip) print('client_id: ', client_id) client = MQTTClient(client_id, broker_ip) d = dht.DHT22(machine.Pin(4))

17 2 of 2 while True: time.sleep(5)
retry = # retry reading if DHT22 stubborn while retry < 3: try: d.measure() break except: retry = retry + 1 if retry < 3: print(("%6.1f deg C / %6.1f %% RH") % (d.temperature(), d.humidity())) client.connect() client.publish(client_id + '/temperature', str(d.temperature())) client.publish(client_id + '/humidity', str(d.humidity())) client.disconnect()

18 Local Results! Starting network ... connecting to network...
network config: (' ', ' ', ' ', ' ') broker: client_id: wemos024155 20.1 deg C / % RH 20.2 deg C / % RH 20.1 deg C / % RH …

19 Network Results! $ mosquitto_sub -h v --topic 'wemos024155/+' wemos024155/temperature 20.6 wemos024155/humidity 30.4 wemos024155/humidity 30.3 wemos024155/humidity …

20 Overnight Results From mqtt-spy

21 Consuming and Creating
In Python, Eclipse Paho MQTT Python client library: sudo pip install paho-mqtt This next demo was created using paho-mqtt for Python 3 GPIO Zero MicroPython

22 🐮🔔

23 But seriously … BlueLine PowerCost Monitor
Clips to Smart Meter and gives power readings every 30 s Given away free by the power authority Talks over 433 MHz RF Doesn’t connect to your network ☹ → just as well we reverse-engineered the protocol! ☺ → stable Arduino implementation over serial Almost the perfect application for a small MQTT device

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