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Written by Shakespeare By Jorma Bushnell

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1 Written by Shakespeare By Jorma Bushnell
hamlet Written by Shakespeare By Jorma Bushnell

2 Synopsis Hamlet is the son of the late king Hamlet (who dies about two months before the play starts). Hamlet sees his fathers ghost telling him that Claudius had poisoned him. After his father dies, his brother Claudius becomes king and marries the queen of Denmark. Claudius is King Hamlets brother. Ophelia’s father think that its her fault King Hamlet was killed. Hamlet thinks that Claudius killed his own brother, King Hamlet. So he can be the king of Denmark, which terribly angers him. Hamlet writes a play to test if Claudius could really be a murder. The play proves that Claudius did murder his own brother for the throne.

3 Claudius and Laertes Challenge Hamlet to a fencing match so they can kill him and gain throne.
Hamlet and Laertes fight, until Hamlet is stabbed with Laertes poison tipped sword. Hamlet Uses Laertes sword to then kill Laertes and Claudius before dying. A poison meant for Hamlet kills Gestrude.

4 Setting The play takes place in Denmark, in 1599- 1601
Norway keeps threatening to attack Denmark so the town is uneasy and worried.

5 Memorable Quotes “O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I.” by William Shakespeare, Hamlet “For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak with most miraculous organ.” by William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 2.2 "I am myself indifferent honest.” by William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 3.1

6 Genre Hamlet displayed many different types of plays and crammed it into one play. The play showed Comedy, Revenge, Sorrow and Mystery.

7 Bibliography “SparkNotes: Hamlet: Plot Overview.” 31 Aug “Hamlet Quotes.” 31 Aug “Hamlet: Entire Play.” 31 Aug “Hamlet - Synopsis by William Shakespeare.” 31 Aug 2008 <

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