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Full Draft Final Peer Review

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1 Full Draft Final Peer Review

2 Before we start analyzing…
Simply read the paper all the way through without doing anything else. Did the overall paper address key characterization of Hamlet? Was the paper organized? Next, go back through and: Underline the topic sentences at the beginning of each of the two body sections (it may also be the claim; it may not) Label the transitions at the end of the 1st section (TR)

3 Labeling Make a key at the top of your paper using your highlighters
Sample: Blue or Green=Statement Pink=Proof Yellow=Commentary Green= Green Words Highlight the body paragraphs for statement, proof, and commentary using your key. Do not highlight intro or conclusion.

4 Ready? Here we go. Be thorough Be tactful FOCUS: NO TALKING
BE HONEST, BUT Be thorough Be tactful

5 Check the Introduction’s Grabber
Does your partner have one? Is it effective? Did your partner use a random quote that seems out of place? Let them know. If your partner starts off with a question, or has any questions ANYWHERE in the essay, cross them out! No questions in analyses – this is your opinion so no need for rhetoric. Provide for your partner an example of a grabber they could use.

6 Name of play and playwright; basic info
Does the intro contain the FULL title of the play and full name of playwright? Is the title properly capitalized and punctuated? Is the title italicized or underlined? If it has quotation marks around it, it is wrong. Is William Shakespeare spelled correctly? Does the intro offer basic information regarding the play that helps lead in to the body of the paper? NOTE: Not summary, but context.

7 Check for word vomit Did your partner use grandiose language about Shakespeare being “the greatest dramatist ever” or perhaps the “most amazing writer who ever lived”? Are there words like: Great, amazing, awesome, fantastic, incredible, etc.? If so, CROSS them out!! Did you partner refer to Hamlet as the “golden play” or other such nonsense? If so, cross it out.

8 Thesis Statement Highlight green words in green
Check that they are green and NOUNS or ADJECTIVES, but are not adjectives modifying other nouns – i.e. Sacrifice? Yes. Personal sacrifice? NO. Make sure it is not three-pronged. Shouldn’t just list green words or personality traits. Thesis should contain an: Although, while, however, regardless, coincidentally, simultaneously, etc. Examples: “Although Hamlet professes to have the motivation to avenge his father's murder, his indecisiveness and lack of candor with those around him thwart his plans.” “Hamlet’s sanity is a focal point throughout the play; however, his downfall is ultimately in direct relation to his lack of resilience and initiative in avenging his father’s murder.” “While Hamlet has both the motivation and intelligence to effectively bring his uncle to justice, he lacks the fortitude to carry his plans to fruition.”

9 Moving to BODY of paper On your peer edit sheet, go through every single item and check a Y or an N.

10 Review: What a claim looks like
YES NO Hamlet’s procrastination in killing Claudius reveals his perfectionism and strong sense of justice. Hamlet’s indecision, especially concerning suicide, is caused by his logical and fearful nature. Hamlet consistently brings up the topic of suicide throughout the play; many of those instances include self-deprecation. Hamlet’s personality is greatly shown from his continuous self- deprecation through the play.

11 Sarcasm Claim Check: Claim should be highlighted in blue.
YES (Must Have BOTH) If it looks like this, they do NOT have a claim: Includes a claim with a personality trait/ characteristic of Hamlet’s that we can tell because of his sarcasm. I.e., “Hamlet’s use of sarcasm introduces a conflicted character who demonstrates his intelligence while also lashing out at those he mistrusts.” CIRCLE THE TRAIT “Hamlet is sarcastic every chance he gets.” “Hamlet uses sarcasm because he can’t express himself.” “Sarcasm is Hamlet’s main form of communication.” “You can tell a lot about Hamlet’s relationships because he is sarcastic.”

12 Insanity Claim Check: Claim should be highlighted in blue.
YES (Must Have BOTH) If it looks like this, they do not have a claim: Includes a CLEAR claim stating that Hamlet either started off acting and became insane or that Hamlet’s insanity is an act throughout the entire play or that he started off acting but spiraled into insanity ALSO includes a claim about what the answer to the above question indicates about his personality/character. CIRCLE THE CHARACTER TRAIT “Hamlet portrays insanity.” This is confusing. Unclear if he is acting or if he is insane. “Hamlet has been insane for the entire play.” Not an option. He says he will act at the beginning of he play. “What we can tell from Hamlet’s insanity is that he is weak.” What does “weak” mean??

13 Suicidal Tendencies & Self-Deprecation Claim Check: Claim should be highlighted in blue.
YES (Must Have BOTH) If it looks like this, they do not have a claim: Includes a claim about Hamlet’s personality/character based on his tendency to self-deprecate. ALSO includes a claim about Hamlet’s personality and mental state based on his talking about suicide and reasons for and against suicide. AND includes a claim about what his reasons for and against suicide say about his character. “Hamlet is self-deprecating and this causes his suicidal tendencies.” How?? “Hamlet’s suicidal tendencies show he is a weak character.” What do you mean by “weak?” Be specific. “Hamlet’s reasons for and against suicide show his character.” How??

14 Procrastination and Indecision Claim Check Claim should be highlighted in blue.
YES (Must Have BOTH) If it looks like this, they do not have a claim: Includes a claim about Hamlet’s character/personality based on his inability to follow through with his elaborate plans and his constant procrastination. CIRCLE TRAIT ALSO includes a claim about Hamlet’s personality/character based on his indecisive nature. CIRCLE TRAIT “Hamlet’s procrastination is caused by his indecision.” What does this mean? “Hamlet’s procrastination demonstrates that he is a weak character.” What do you mean by “weak?” Be specific. “Hamlet’s indecisiveness causes problems for Hamlet.” How? What kinds?? This says nothing.

15 Get Rid of Summary Cross out all instances of summary in each section.
“Summary” should only be EXTREMELY BRIEF and is used to provide context for quotes. Example: In Act One, scene two, just after Hamlet greets Horatio, Hamlet sarcastically states, “Thrift, thrift, Horatio. The funeral baked meats / did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables” ( ). “just after Hamlet greets Horatio” provides context but does not waste space with summary. Do not include things like, “Hamlet returns home to find his mother has married his uncle. He meets Horatio in the castle and they discuss the quick wedding…”

16 Eyeballing Percentages
FOR EACH SECTION, look at what you highlighted. Is more than 15-20% of what your partner wrote pink? If so, they need to shorten quotes, develop commentary, or both. Write which one(s) you think they need to do If quotes are too long, cross out the part(s) of the quotes you think are unnecessary for their purposes. Quotes should not go on for more than two typed lines, unless they are four lines or more IN THE TEXT, in which case they are separated from your paragraph. The same goes for more than one person speaking. See handouts.

17 Analysis Does the analysis for EACH paragraph match the statement? Is there a thorough explanation of what we know about Hamlet’s character? Use the boxes on the peer review to indicate your answer. IF THE ANSWER IS “NO,” THEN IN THE MARGIN OF THE PAPER WRITE “Underdeveloped.” Commentary (YELLOW) should be the bulk of the paper!

18 Citation format Did the author consistently use Roman numerals (IV.i.27-29) correctly? ACT in Uppercase, scene in lowercase? Or, are Arabic numerals correctly used. Are there PERIODS and not COMMAS between the Act and scene and line numbers? Is there extra space between the Act, scene & line numbers? There should not be. Are line breaks indicated? IS THE QUOTE EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS IN THE PLAY?

19 Quotes Are the quotes integrated (couched) into the author’s own sentences? Mark any “orphan” quotes (quotes standing alone, either without introduction, with incorrect punctuation, and/or not tied in to any of the text). E.g. – Yes: Hamlet challenges Guildenstern to play the pipe: “Come now. It is as easy as lying.” No: “Come now. It is as easy as lying.” Hamlet insults Guildenstern by insinuating he is not trustworthy.

20 Go back to the Thesis Statement
Check thesis against personality traits identified in claims. Does it match or does it contradict what the writer says in the body of the paper about Hamlet?

21 Mechanics Check Check for: Comma usage, semicolon usage.
Punctuation – if you introduce the quotation first, ALWAYS inside the quotation marks (“… nunnery.” if quote ends your sentence, or “… nunnery,” indicating a whorehouse. E.g. In Act Three, scene two, lines 47-49, Hamlet states,… Also, if quote ends with an exclamation point or question mark, those stay inside the quotation marks: “Do you know me, my Lord?” EXCEPTIONS: Periods go AFTER the parenthetical citation. Apostrophes: Hamlet’s vs. Hamlets, Ophelia’s vs. Ophelias, etc. Hamlet, the play vs. Hamlet, the man (vs. hamlet, a small village) Capitalization of proper nouns Elsinore, Hamlet, Gertrude, Claudius, Ophelia, Polonius, Laertes, Fortinbras, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Prince, King, Queen (if referring to the actual people in the play and not just any royal member). Reference the “play, the story or the drama;” not “the novel” or “the book.”

22 Mechanics Check Spelling Word choice that is not quite right.
Remember it is erratic behavior, not erotic behavior! He self-deprecates; he does not self-defecate (yes, I have actually seen that several times…) If you spell a character’s name wrong, then you are just being lazy. It’s all over the text; just copy it for heaven’s sake. The same goes for copying the quotes correctly; no excuse for not being able to copy it exactly as it appears in the play text. Word choice that is not quite right. Run-on sentences and sentence fragments. Anything else you see. Even if you are not sure, mark it. You know when something does not look or sound quite right. Your partner will know to double- check.

23 Language Register Check
Are they staying in formal register? Look back at notes to check. Includes using “I,” “you,” “me,” “my,” “we,” “mine,” “us,” “our,” etc. Did they include give, say, show, tell or a lot? Cross them out! Use a pen or a pencil to circle any register drops and write “register” next to these circled areas. Is writer ‘talking’ to the reader? “If you have never read Shakespeare…” Is writer making generalizations? “Everyone knows Hamlet is acting crazy…” Cross those out!

24 Finish Peer Review sheet
Go back through the essay one last time and fill out the rest of the Peer Review sheet. Staple it to the paper and pass it back to the writer. Repeat the process with your essay and your partner. If we do not have time in class, have a parent, a sibling, or a friend run through it. This PPT is on my website.

25 On the Due Date: Final copy. This work shopped draft with peer review.
Even if you are not here, it is due. You will need to make arrangements to have it to me by the beginning of your class period. If you cannot have it here physically, make sure it is in TII by the beginning of class time, and bring in the hard copy, draft and review sheet when you return. EACH DAY LATE TO TII IS 10% OFF, WHICH EQUALS 1% OF YOUR SEMESTER GRADE LOST EACH DAY LATE! I AM NOT PRINTING ONE SINGLE ESSAY. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GET ME A HARD COPY. IT WILL NOT BE GRADED UNTIL I RECEIVE IT.

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