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Presentation by Leonard Mandishara

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1 Impact of BRICS Trade and Investment: Environmental, Economic, Social and Cultural Dimensions
Presentation by Leonard Mandishara The Acting Executive Director of NANGO Zimbabwe Alternative Mining Indaba (ZAMI) Conference Bulawayo Holiday Inn: October 2017

2 Presentation Outline BRICS trade and investment in Zimbabwe background
The relationship between Business and Human Rights : BRICS Case Economic Impacts Environmental Impacts Social and Cultural Impacts What can be done to ensure effective contribution of BRICS towards development

3 BRICS trade and investment in Zimbabwe background
The BRICS have become an integral component in investment and trade in Africa and Zimbabwe in particular. They became an alternative source of growth and development post global financial crisis Alternative sources of trade, investment, loans, aid and amongst others.

4 BRICS trade and investment in Zimbabwe background
Protracted developmental challenges due to low FDI, technical capacity, social challenges explains the receptive preparedness to support from potential funders The BRICS emerged as a block committed to strong, sustained, and balanced global economic growth supported by strong cooperation in economic, financial, and trade matters. it is important to adopt processes to guide, monitor and account for the economic cooperating and trade activities and assess their social and environmental impact

5 BRICS trade and investment in Zimbabwe
BRICS in Africa are marked by a significant presence in the mining sector and in large infrastructure projects, opening new routes for the looting of resources and for deepening a growth model that has serious impacts on societies and on the environment. BRICS are acting based on a logic of competition over natural resources and market access that.

6 BRICS and Human Rights Trade and Investment outcomes determine the realisation of economic, social, civic, and environmental rights of the people The infringement of the human rights undermines the objectives of meeting the progressive realisation of the rights on the citizens. Investment from the BRICS have both positive and negative impacts on the rights of people. Exploitation of our mineral resources should facilitate the attainment of social, economic and civic rights of the local people Investment in other sectors outside extractive industry – directly or indirectly – impact on virtually the entire spectrum of internationally recognized human rights.

7 BRICS and Human Rights Thus investment from the BRICS has to be subjected as well to scrutiny using the rights based approach How the BRICS trade and investment support economic rights? How the BRICS trade and investment support social rights? How the BRICS trade and investment supports civic rights? How the BRICS trade and investment support environmental rights? Investment and Trade negotiations impact on citizens rights Generally, trade and investment focus on maximizing profits and minimizing costs this implies low investment in social, environmental and broad human issues

8 BRICS Economic Rights Impacts
Bilateral Investments Promotion and Protection Agreements. Growth in trade and investment Competition of local companies Claim of substandard commodities Exportation of labour mineral abuse Fiscal space constraints – tax incentives offered not benefiting the economy Some Chinese in small scale mining They have their economic challenges Labor rights violations as governments fail to enforce such rights effectively

9 Environmental Rights Impacts
One reasons behind BRICS involvement in Africa include their appetite for the continent’s natural resources, Africa’s large and untapped agricultural sector as well as the opportunity for investments and transfer of technology. Environmental rights are an entitlement of every citizen current and future generation Issues Issues of pollution, land degradation which can not be used for other productive purposes Deforestation by outsiders for commercial purposes Illegal discharge of industrial effluent into the environment Exposing people to the effects of air pollution from mining and industrial emissions and fugitive dust

10 Environmental Rights Impacts
All human rights are therefore interdependent and complementary Rate of exploitation of resources Capital flight through low capacity to interrogate mineral exploitation processes China’s environmental record both at home and in Africa has been the subject of criticism

11 Socio-cultural Impacts
BRICS and Social Responsibility in the absence of an instrument which enforce CSR BRICS Investment in human capital Investment in health Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)


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