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Locating, Mining, and Citing Sources

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1 Locating, Mining, and Citing Sources
Ch. 7

2 Source-Based Papers The process of locating and working with multiple sources draws on many of the skills we have discussed this semester: 1. summarizing & paraphrasing 2. quoting sources accurately and ethically 3. Critically evaluating sources 4. Analyzing topics for meaning and significance

3 Where do we find written research?
Academic writing Research papers Literature review Experimental reports Position papers Workplace writing Reports Market analysis Business plans Environmental impact reports Legal research

4 Writing the research paper
Developing the research question Find a subject Develop a research question Locate sources Conduct preliminary research Refine your research question Conduct focused research Mining sources Develop a working thesis Develop a working bibliography Evaluate sources Take notes from sources Develop a working outline and arrange your notes according to your outline

5 Writing the research paper cont.
Drafting; citing sources Write your draft Avoid plagiarism Cite sources Revising (global and local changes) Revise your draft Editing (surface changes) Edit your draft

6 The research question Pose neutral questions that open you to a variety of ideas and information. Avoid biased questions that suggest their own answers Effective or not effective How do policy makers make decisions that will benefit entire communities? Do you policy makers have hidden agendas and aim to write policy that benefits only the wealthiest members of the community? emphasize how/why/what questions that open discussions. Avoid yes/no questions that end discussion How does parent opt-out affect school districts? Why do parents opt-out knowing that it is to the determent of neighborhood schools?

7 The research question Match the scope of the question to the scope of your paper Effective or ineffective? How have federal budge cuts affected American schools? How have district budget cuts affected students in the Inglewood neighborhood of Chicago, IL?

8 Types of research data Primary sources Secondary sources
First hand accounts, original objects Secondary sources Articles written about original objects Evaluations and analyses

9 Types of research data

10 Mining sources Compile a working bibliography to keep track of what information you have and how it relates to your research question Taking notes on your sources and evaluating them for reliability and relevance Developing some kind of outline –formal or informal –that allows you to see how you might subdivide and organize your discussion and at which points your might draw on relevant sources

11 Critical reading for research
Use all the critical reading tips we’ve suggested thus far Read for relationships to your research question Read for relationships among sources Consider the relationship between your source’s form and content Pay special attention to the legitimacy of internet sources

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