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Chapter 3 Workplace Safety.

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1 Chapter 3 Workplace Safety

Section 3.1 INTRODUCTION TO WORKPLACE SAFETY 2 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 2

3 Safety and the Law Every restaurant and foodservice operation is responsible for the safety of all guests and employees. Restaurant and foodservice operators are liable, or legally responsible, for the health and safety of their guests and employees. An effective safety program helps managers provide reasonable care, or thoughtful, careful precautions. 3 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 3

4 Government Regulations
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the federal agency that creates and enforces safety-related standards and regulations in the workplace. Employers must inform employees of the job safety and health protection provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. 4 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 4

5 Government Regulations
OSHA Form 300 Document that summarizes occupational injuries and illnesses at an operation throughout the year Hazard Communication Standard (HAZCOM) Requires that all employers notify their employees about chemical hazards present on the job and train employees to use these materials safely Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Describes the hazards of chemicals in a foodservice operation

6 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, protects employees from potential hazards on the job. Employees are responsible for using protective equipment properly and wearing the protective clothing that management recommends or provides. What are examples of PPE that we use in the foodservice industry? 6 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 6

7 Accident Investigation
An accident is an unplanned, undesirable event that can cause property damage, injuries or fatalities, time lost from work, or disruptions of work. Accident investigation involves eight steps. Include a description of the event, the date, and two signatures on an incident report form. Collect physical evidence or take pictures at the site. Interview all people involved and any witnesses. Determine as clearly as possible the sequence of events, the causes and effects, and the actions taken. Submit reports to OSHA, the insurance carrier, lawyer, and corporate headquarters, as appropriate. Keep all employees informed of procedures and hazards that arise from the situation. If they aren’t already available, post emergency phone numbers in public places. 7 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

Sections 3.2 PREVENTING ACCIDENTS & INJURIES 8 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 8

9 Fire Hazards All restaurant fires are classified as A, B, or C.
Class A fires usually involve wood, paper, cloth, or cardboard. Class B fires usually involve flammable liquids and grease Class C fires usually involve live electrical equipment All employees should know where extinguishers are located in an operation and what types they are. 9 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

10 PASS Steps for using a fire extinguisher: Pull the pin
Aim at the base of the fire Squeeze the trigger Sweep from side to side Make sure to stand at least 6 to 8 feet away from the fire.

11 Fire Hazards When fighting a fire, always leave a way to escape.
The only fires that employees of restaurant or foodservice operations ought to tackle are small ones. If there is any doubt that you can fight a fire safely, the best response is to set off an alarm and evacuate immediately. The National Fire Protection Association advises not to fight a fire if it is more than three feet in diameter. 11 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

12 Preventing Burns A burn is a type of injury. In the restaurant and foodservice industry, most burns are caused by heat. Traffic patterns are an especially important consideration in preventing burns in the kitchen and serving areas. The best way for employees to avoid burns is to respect heat and to always assume that a heat source is on and hot. Warn guests if plates, food, or beverages are hot. Brush off ice crystals before placing frozen food in deep fat fryers. 12 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

13 Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls
Most slips, trips, and falls can be prevented: Hazards should be repaired or removed. Burned-out lightbulbs should be replaced. Spills should be cleaned up immediately. Remind guests of steps and raised dining areas. The highest number of slips, trips, and falls occurs on steps, floors, and pavement. The safest way to use a ladder is for two employees to work together. One person can hold the bottom of the ladder, and the other can climb up and pass or receive items. 13 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 13

14 Lifting and Carrying Safely
When lifting a load, bend from the knees and lift with the legs. Store heavy loads on waist-level shelves and racks. Put lighter items on the top shelves. Mark extra-heavy loads. 14 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 14

15 Preventing Cuts To avoid cuts, follow these kitchen safety tips:
Use gloves or a towel to protect hands while removing lids from glass bottles or jars. Use proper openers on bottles or jars. Use plastic or metal scoops and ladles to handle food and ice. Cover food with plastic wraps or lids instead of glass. Never cool glasses, bottles, or carafes in ice intended for food or beverages. Throw out nearby food or ice when glass is broken. Wash sharp utensils separately and do not leave them in a sink. Throw broken glass in outside garbage containers. 15 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 15

16 Knife Safety Sharp knives are safer than dull ones
Use knife only for intended purpose Place a damp cloth under cutting board Never leave knives soaking under water Carry knife with cutting edge angled slightly away from body To pass a knife, put it down on a sanitized surface, and let the other person pick it up by the handle

17 Sections 3.3 FIRST AID & EXTERNAL THREATS 17 3.1
Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 17

18 First Aid A good first-aid program requires equipment, training, a concerned attitude for the injured, and a thorough follow-up. Common foodservice injuries include minor heat burns, chemical burns, cuts, sprains, and muscle cramps. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) restores breathing and heartbeat to injured persons who show no signs of breathing or pulse. The Heimlich maneuver removes food or other obstacles from the airway of a choking person. Do not attempt to perform CPR or the Heimlich maneuver unless you have had specific, current training and certification. 18 3.3 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 18

19 External Threats External threats, such as arson and theft, are another important workplace safety issue. Arson, the deliberate and malicious burning of property, is very difficult to stop, but good overall fire safety and building security can eliminate many arson opportunities. Keep back doors locked and alarmed at all times to prevent the occurrence of pilferage and to reduce the risk of robbery. 19 3.3 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety 19

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