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Service Management New Call

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1 Service Management New Call

2 New Call, Work Orders and Dispatching
This presentation outlines the New Call creation process for service Work Orders. Preventive Maintenance work orders are generated from the PM Schedule contained in the Client Site Equipment record or via Master Contract; these topics are discussed in separate presentations. In New Call, you will select the appropriate Client Site and Equipment records from lists. When you do so, the Job information for the work order will be filled in from the Client Site Equipment record's Default Job fields, but may be changed by the user if needed. Once a Work Order has been created in New Call, it is managed from the Dispatch Board. Work Orders contain information on individual equipment, call scripts, system metrics, and assigned technicians. Service Work Orders are also used to for service billing, with labor hours, materials, and other charges being recorded to the appropriate tabs or downloaded from TechAnywhere (this subject is discussed in Service Billing presentation).

3 New Call Flowchart Enter Search Text Select Site
Client Calls for Service Assign Technician? Click New Call Button Y Enter Search Text TechFinder? N Enter/select Tech Id N Select Site Y Check for Open Work Order Click tech/day cell, rearrange other WO's if needed, pick time for call Select Service Category Select Equipment Call Script? Y Complete Call Script if prompted Complete remaining fields N Click Add Record Enter Work Code Print or Work Order if desired Y Call Script? Complete Call Script if prompted N Work Order created

4 New Call Screen List of Client Sites: depending on your firm's registry settings, this list may be blank when you open New Call. List of Equipment for Selected Site List of Work Orders for Site/Equipment Data-Entry Fields for Work Order Search Text to filter list of Sites

5 New Call Screen: Search Text Entered
In response, the system filters the Client Site List to records with ‘bank’ in Any of the Search Text fields. Assume that the caller indicates she is from Bank One. Enter ‘bank’ in the Search Text field and press Tab.

6 New Call Screen: Selecting a Site
Your next step is to select the caller’s Site by clicking on it (notice that you can scroll down the list if need be). Our Caller is from Bank One Branch 101, so click on that line.

7 New Call Screen: Site Selected, AR Summary Appears
The Site that we selected belongs to a client that owes us money! The display of the Aged AR Summary box is triggered if the age of the client's receivables exceeds the value of the New Call AR Warning Days (in the Client record). This warning is automatically displayed once per Client each time you start up New Call. Click OK to clear the box. The AR Summary Box may be redisplayed by clicking the Aged AR button at the left. The Client Collections screen is accessed by clicking the Collections button.

8 New Call Screen: Site Selected, Notes Appear
The Site we selected also has Notes attached to it. Click Yes to read the notes – they may include additional service recommendations. Notice that when the Client Site is selected, the lower lists display their Equipment and Work Orders.

9 New Call Screen: Site Selected, Additional Service Notes
Among the general notes concerning this site, additional instructions have been noted about checking out of the site. Double-click on this note to view it. Client Site selected is highlighted on the list

10 New Call Screen: Site Selected, Additional Service Notes
When you have reviewed the note, close the viewer and continue with the call. You may wish to discuss or clarify this with the caller.

11 New Call Screen: Site Selected, Fields Default in Upper Section
When you select a Site by clicking on it, information from the Site record defaults into the upper portion of the New screen where it will be used to generate the new work order. Notice that the Service Zone, NTE (Not To Exceed), and PO Required fields have been filled in by system.

12 New Call Screen: Open Work Order at Site?
At this point, you can check to see if there is already an open Work Order for this Site (perhaps someone already called in the problem). To do so quickly, click twice on WO Id to sort the calls in descending order (most recently created Work Orders at the top).

13 New Call Screen: Open Work Order at Site?
In this case, all recent work orders have a status of Completed, Billed or Cancelled, so we will continue to take the call. Note that you can view a Work Order from this list (e.g., if its status was Waiting Service or Travel, for example) by double-clicking on it.

14 New Call Screen: Selecting Site Equipment
Your next step is to select the appropriate equipment record. If a small number of equipment records are attached to this site, you can simply click on the equipment in the lower left-hand section of the screen.

15 New Call Screen: Choosing a Service Category
If the selected site contains numerous equipment records, you can enter a Service Category Id (if this relationship is implemented on your system). This filters the equipment records to only those associated with this category when you tab out of this field. In this example, we have entered the Service Category Id ‘HVAC’ and then tabbed into the next field. At this point, only equipment that belongs to this Site and is categorized as ‘HVAC’ is listed in the Equipment pane.

16 New Call Screen: Selecting the Equipment
Click on a piece of Equipment to select it. Now that a Site and Service Category are selected, the Equipment that matches both these criteria is displayed.

17 New Call Screen: Entering the Call Script
When you select a piece of Equipment, a Call Script window will appear if the Equipment has a Call Script associated with it. If you have questions on creating or maintaining Call Scripts, please see SAMPro Help or contact your Support representative.

18 New Call Screen: Completing the Call Script
Ask your customer the questions, enter the responses, and then click the Call Script button in the side button bar to return to the New Call screen (the Call Script window will also close when you tab out of the last response field). When you create the Work Order, the Call Script information will appear on the Call Script tab.

19 New Call Screen: Fields Default from Equipment Record
Now that the Equipment has been selected, it is highlighted on the list. Additional fields have defaulted in from the Site Equipment record, including the default Service Job. These fields may be changed by the user if needed (e.g., for an installation job).

20 New Call Screen: Selecting a Work Code
With the Site and Equipment selected, next enter the caller’s name (if it did not default in or is not correct). If the PO Required Box is checked, also enter a PO number from the client.

21 New Call Screen: Selecting a Work Code
Your next step is to select a Work Code. This can be done by entering its Id with the keyboard, or by clicking on the Magnifier button with your mouse.

22 New Call Screen: Selecting a Work Code
Clicking the Magnifier next to the Work Code field displayed the Work Code list. If you selected a Service Category, only those Work Codes associated with it will appear. Double-click on a Work Code to select it.

23 New Call Screen: Work Code Call Script
If the Work Code has a Call Script attached to it, the additional questions will be added to the Call Script window. Record the additional responses, and click the Call Script button or tab out of the last field to close the window and return to New Call. Call Script Questions previously answered New Call Script Questions

24 New Call Screen: Estimated Hours & Priority Default
The Estimated Hours and Priority fields are designed to default when you select a Work Code. This information is being pulled from the Work Code record. If you wish to change these default values, you may do so from the keyboard. In SAMPro, highest priority is indicated by a zero (0), and lowest by a nine (9).

25 New Call Screen: Selecting a Technician
You may now schedule the work order, or leave this dispatch 'unassigned' and select a technician, date and time later from the dispatch board. There are two ways of assigning a Date/Time Scheduled and Technician in New Call.

26 New Call Screen: Selecting a Technician
First, set the Date, Time and Technician. To set the Date to today, press the Spacebar. Use the + key to incrementally increase the date. Time should be entered in 24 hour (military) format. You may type in a Tech Id (or click the Magnifier to select from a list).

27 New Call Screen: Selecting a Technician
The second method is to use the TechFinder to set the Technician, Date and Time Scheduled. This method is preferred if Service Zones and Equipment Certifications are specified by Technician on your system. Click the TechFinder button to begin.

28 TechFinder: Selecting a Technician, Date and Time
The upper left-hand pane lists technicians whose certifications match those in the Equipment record, and who are attached to the Service Zone referenced in the Site record. The upper right-hand pane displays the estimated hours for work orders these technicians are already assigned to. The middle section enables the user to control which technicians are suggested for this dispatch. When the TechFinder is first opened, the system default in the initial values is based on the Site record (for the Service Zone) and the Equipment record (for the Certification).

29 TechFinder: Selecting a Technician, Date and Time
If you discover that all Technicians are booked, you may expand the TechFinder Search Focus: Increase the Proximity Setting to 1, 2, 3, etc. to add Technicians associated with adjacent service zones Change the Service Zone Id. If you clear this range, TechFinder ignores this parameter when searching for Techs.

30 TechFinder: Selecting a Technician, Date and Time
By default, TechFinder will look for Technicians starting with today’s date, and looking up to 30 days in the future. The user can change these parameters by adjusting the Start Date and Days.

31 TechFinder: Selecting a Technician, Date and Time
The TechFinder also enables you to restrict the suggested technicians to those that are already scheduled to work in the selected Service Zone (or Zones) by checking the box.

32 TechFinder: Selecting a Technician, Date and Time
Finally, you may expend the search to include technicians already scheduled to work in the selected Zone(s). In this example, we have enough technicians and dates to schedule our dispatch, so we will leave system defaults the way they are.

33 TechFinder: Selecting a Technician, Date and Time
1. Click on the cell corresponding to the Tech and Date you want to assign the new call to. The border surrounding the selected cell will be bolded. 3. In this example, the <New> call is scheduled for 10:30 am. To schedule the call for 3:00 pm, simply click on the appropriate block on the <New> line. 2. When you have selected the Technician and Date in the upper selection, the work order detail appears below titled as <New> .

34 TechFinder: Selecting a Technician, Date and Time
When you select the time for a new call, the system will ask you to confirm the selection. You may change the estimated hours if needed. Click OK to confirm the information and return to the New Call screen.

35 New Call Screen: Date, Time and Technician Completed
Back in the New Call screen, the Technician, Date and Time are completed based on the selection we made in TechFinder.

36 New Call: Override Tech Status
By default, this field will be set to the value ‘ default’. If the user does not change it, the technician status will be set to the appropriate value for that type of technician (referring to the sys-web-access and other registry entries, if present). If the user selects an Override Tech Status with the new field, the system will use that status on the tech line when the work order is created. Double-clicking in the new field (or clicking the Magnify button) displays a quick pick list of valid statuses with ' default' at the top. If a status is selected, it will be used when the work order is created.

37 New Call: Override Tech Status
The Override Tech Status pick list values can be controlled by the following registry settings: Id: sys-newcall Specify Statuses to Include Setting Key: LogStatusesAllowed Setting Value: status1,status2, …. If this option is implemented, the Setting Value should define the list of statuses that should be included on the list (pictured at right). Example: Setting Key: LogStatusesAllowed Setting Value: pending,return trip,unacknowledged,waiting parts,waiting service Specify Statuses to Exclude Setting Key: LogStatusesRemoved Setting Value: status1,status2, …. If this option is implemented, the Setting Value should define the list of statuses that should be excluded from the list. Disable the Override Tech Status Field If the dispatcher should NEVER override the default status, the new Override Tech Status field can be disabled the following registry setting: Id: sys-start-snwcll (notice the different registry Id!) Setting Key: DisabledFieldsParent Setting Value:

38 New Call Screen: Adding the Work Order
When all of the desired data-entry fields are completed (including Work Requested), click the Add button to create this Work Order. The Work Order Name will default from the Work Code record if you do not enter additional information here.

39 New Call Screen: Adding the Work Order
Once the Work Order has been created, you will be prompted by SAMPro, asking if you’d like to view the Work Order. Click Yes to open the Work Order viewer. This is controlled by registry. Id: sys-newcall Setting Key: PromptViewNewWO Setting Value: true

40 Work Order: Main & Equipment Tabs
The Main Work Order tab is selected in the upper section. Notice that the information that you entered in New Call has been transferred to the Work Order. The Equipment tab is selected in the lower section. Additional Equipment may be added to this tab if needed. When the work is completed, you will be able to complete the Resolution Code and description of Work Performed fields, which may display on the invoice. For example, the Work Order Name was completed from the description field in the Work Code record you selected.

41 Work Order: Selecting the Technicians Tab
Click the Technicians tab to view the dispatching/scheduling information.

42 Work Order: Technicians Tab
The Technicians tab controls the scheduling and work order status information that is displayed on the Dispatch Board. Notice that the Technician, Date and Time from the TechFinder are listed on this tab. The Sequence number (used on the Classic Board) may be set from this tab.

43 Work Order: Technicians Tab
On the Technicians tab, the Log Type Id determines the status that appears on the Dispatch Board. When a Work Order is created for a Web Enabled Technician, the initial status is set to Unacknowledged. The initial status for Technicians that are not Web Enabled is Waiting Service. You may add additional days and/or technicians on this tab. The status may also be changed here, or from the Dispatch Board, TechAnywhere or IVR.

44 Work Order Help The Work Order includes a number of other tabs. A detailed description of all tabs is provided in Data-Basics online Help.

45 Service Dispatch Reports
Drill-Down Report Client Profitability An account manager would typically run this report to determine the profitability of a client, site by site. Because it is a drill down report, the manager can drill down to lower levels of detail. Drill-Down Report Service Profitability by Client Site This report is similar to the Client Profitability report above, but starting at the Client Site level. Report Work Order Detail This report lists all the information on a work order with the addition of Labor, Inventory and Other detail. Typically this is run to create a copy of the work order. Report Technician Work Order Summary This report is sometimes run to be supplied to the technicians showing work scheduled. This report will show all work orders for technician by client site. Information includes; date scheduled, status, estimated hours. Report Technician Work Order Detail This is similar to the Technician Work Order Summary report. Additional information includes; Equipment manufacturer, model, work requested. Report Service History An account manager would produce this report to review the service history at a particular site. The report shows the service call history for a client site. Information includes; date, work order id, technician, equipment. Report Work Order List This report is the standard ‘Work Order’ that is printed for or ed to Technicians.

46 New Call / Work Order Frequently Asked Questions
I want to create a Call Back Work Order. How do I do so? If a Work Order is being created as a Call Back, you enter the Id of the original work order in New Call's Original WO Id field or right-click on it in the lower right-hand (Work Order list) pane. When you do so, the system will ask you to confirm that this work order is being created as a Call Back for the Work Order that you select. If you click 'Yes', the system will insert the appropriate Work Order Id, and set the Work Order Type to Call Back. How do I add another technician to a Work Order? Access the Work Order (by double-clicking on it from the Dispatch Board or new call), and then click the Technicians tab. Add a line to this tab, specifying the Technician Id, Date, Time and Log Type status. Save the Work Order. When you refresh the Dispatch Board, the additional technician will also be listed. How do I add another day for the same technician to a Work Order? Access the Work Order (by double-clicking on it from the Dispatch Board or new call), and then click the Technicians tab. Insert a new line with the correct technician, and change the date and status if needed. Specify the Technician Id, Date, Time and Log Type status. Save the Work Order. When you refresh the Dispatch Board, the service date will also be listed. How do I add equipment to a Work Order? Access the Work Order (by double-clicking on it from the Dispatch Board or new call). Add a line on the Equipment tab and save the Work Order.

47 New Call / Work Order Frequently Asked Questions
I am a Master Contract user and want to see all contracts associated with a selected Client Site in New Call. Is there a way to do this? Once a Client Site is selected in New Call, the Show Site or Contract button in the left-hand button bar toggles the New Call middle display pane between the Client Site and the Master Contract pane. This Master Contract pane displays all Contracts associated with the selected Client Site, listed in descending order of the Master Contract Date End. Double-clicking on a Contract line will open the Master Contract record. If you’d like the Master Contract screen to automatically display after selecting a Client Site, use the following registry entry: Id: sys-newcall Setting Key: ShowMasterContractSetting Setting Value: automatic Select a Client Site. Click the Show Site or Contract button. Master Contract pane lists all Contracts associated with the selected Client Site. Toggle back to the Client Site list by clicking the Show Site or Contract button again.

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