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SWCam PDR detector thoughts

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1 SWCam PDR detector thoughts
GJS / CDD 2014 Apr 9

2 Needed for PDR demo of sufficiently low NEPoptical at 350 mm
Assume this is sufficient demo for 450 mm also. credible evidence of meeting requirements on total number and yield (>80% of detectors have required performance) 850 um: very credible paper design Likely to have a lab test before PDR, but I don’t think we would hold up PDR for NEP, if the paper design really is credible. 2 mm: credible paper design Will ask around to get a sense of where optical measurements are likely to be by then. complete (but preliminary) design of focal plane packaging that is credible Lab test of any new required technologies (e.g., cabling). credible cost and schedule estimate complete (but preliminary) design that demonstrates that all this can be accommodated in cryostat, read out, archived, and calibrated.

3 2 mm TiN: Al: empirical: Response looks normal at 1.2 mm.
theoretical: n >~ kTC/h = 21 GHz (TC/1 K) (Missing a prefactor of order unity.) Al: empirical: NIKA instrument uses Al LEKIDs at 2.1 mm.

4 PDR Timing MAKO2 run should conclude in mid September.
It would be nice to have a little time to do some further lab measurements afterward. PDR no earlier than November?

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