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Getting Started: Research

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1 Getting Started: Research
February 20, 2013

2 For Today Getting Started Pt. I Interest Inventory
What Makes a Good Research Question? Pt. II Media Integration Closing Reflection

3 Getting Started What issues interest you? Why?
Provide 5 of your interests. Give 2 reasons explaining why for each interest you have.

4 Assignment 3 Overview Film Options:
*Incident at Oglala—reservation violence/poverty/government corruption/AIM Pirate Radio—music censorship Maria Full of Grace—drug trafficking Supersize Me—obesity/fast food marketing Mean Girls—hazing/bullying

5 Research Writing Process
1: Formulate your question 2. Get background information 3. Consider your resource options & select the appropriate tool(s) 4. Locate your materials 5. Analyze your materials 6. Organize & write 7. Create your bibliography

6 Creating Researchable Questions
Write research questions that will lead you to explore the importance of your topic by asking who, what, where or how. Be able to answer the “so what”—why is this important/significant?

7 What Makes a Good Question?
Any research question you ask should ultimately be interesting to you. Examples: What causes some children to be bullies? Can changes in diet and upbringing compensate for genetic abnormalities? What makes these questions good? They are open ended in that the author will be able to explore multiple angles on this topic These are not “wedge” issues Can lead to potential thesis statement

8 A Not So Good Question “Many people feel that, in this day and age, children have too many freedoms, have too much money and are not subject to sufficient discipline to make them respectful to others. To what extent would you agree with this?” In groups discuss why the question is bad. Try to provide at least 3 reasons why Now, try to come up with some good alternatives. Try to provide 2

9 Your Task Choose one of your issue interests that you would like to explore further. Create 3 questions you would like to answer based on this interest. Now, explain why this is interesting. What is a fact that you already know about this area? Note: You don’t need to think in terms of being able to actually answer the questions you generate; rather these questions should act as prompts and avenues for you to consider in your research

10 Considering Media in Your Research Analysis Beyond Aristotle’s Appeals
Refer to handout Try to think in terms of your media choice being a reference. That is, consider how it supports your argument.

11 What do you still have questions on in this regard?
Closing Reflection Based on your own interests and possible research topic, what are two films you would recommend for Assignment 3. Why? Write at least ½ a page. How was the second activity helpful or not so helpful in further understanding analysis of media? What do you still have questions on in this regard?

12 Homework & Reminders Draft 2 of Assignment 2 Due Friday by 10p (email)
Conference Sign Up Available (Avery 342) By Friday you should submit to me your research topic Office hours today from 1-2:30

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