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Published byAmi Banks Modified over 6 years ago
Flexible Spending Accounts January 1, 2018 Plan Year Presented by:
Welcome to the Flexible Spending Account presentation for the new plan year, beginning January 1, 2018! My name is (Santa Claus ) and I’m happy to be here to talk with everyone.
ASIFlex Headquartered Columbia, Missouri since 1983
Work with 400+ clients in 36 states Specialize in large-scale public sector clients Service Features: Educational Website Variety of easy claim submission options Online participant portal Rapid reimbursement Access to LIVE HELP during extended servicing hours Monday-Saturday Since ASIFlex will be the new FSA provider as of January 1st, I’d like to tell you a bit about who we are. ASIFlex has been in business since 1983 and is headquartered in Columbia, MO. We work with over 400 clients nationwide, located in 36 states. Our specialty is working with public sector entities and today we work with 12 state governments, over 100 large City/County entities and over 80 University/educational systems. ASIFlex will offer several service features for you, including: An educational website with lots of material and tools A variety of easy claim submission options An online participant portal through which you can check your account, submit claims, and manager your personal preferences We offer rapid reimbursement within one to three business days; most often within one day! And most importantly, you will have each and direct access to LIVE HELP! Each time you call you can speak with an experienced CSR. Our CSRs are available during extended hours Monday through Saturday.
What are FSAs? Flexible Spending Accounts Year-to-year account
Set aside pretax dollars Pay for expenses not covered by insurance Three Accounts: General-Purpose Health Care FSA Deductibles, Co-Pays, Office Visits, Dental, Vision Limited-Purpose Health Care FSA HSA-compatible and used for Dental and Vision Dependent Care FSA Daycare, after-school care, pre-school, nursery school An FSA is a year-to-year account into which you can contribute pre-tax dollars to pay for current and predictable expenses not covered by health insurance or any other source. Since it is a yearly account and an spending account, the idea is to fund it for things you know you will incur and spend all the money. Then, you will have an opportunity to sign up again next year during open enrollment. SLC offers three accounts: (read from slide)
How does it work? 1. Estimate expenses 3. Incur eligible expenses
2. Make pretax contributions 3. Incur eligible expenses 4. Submit claim 5. Get reimbursed! How do FSAs work? It’s easy! First, you estimate your expenses and decide how much you wish to contribute to your account. Then, you will make pretax contributions each payday. As you incur eligible expenses, you can submit a claim (or use your debit card) and be reimbursed from your account!
Flexible Spending Accounts can give you a pay raise! Don’t lose out!
You may be wondering what’s in it for me….well, the FSA provides an easy way for you to get a pay raise! For each dollar you set aside into the pretax FSA, you save approximately 30% in taxes. For example, Debbie has a family income of $50,000 with $4,000 in daycare and $2,000 in health care expenses. Without using the FSA, she would pay tax on the full $50,000; and then pay her expenses after taxes. But, because Debbie set aside the $6,000 into her FSA on a pretax basis, instead of paying tax on $50,000, she only pays tax on $44,000. This means she paid less in taxes, and had additional spendable income of $1,800! The FSA provides a great way for you to save on taxes and have extra money to spend…and in Debbie’s case, she used the extra money to take her family on a vacation!
IRS Regulated FSA Rules
Enroll every year with a new election Spend all funds during the year Expenses must be incurred during your period of coverage, or plan year Do not have to be covered under the SLC health insurance plan Use to pay expense for spouse and dependent children Election remains in effect for the plan year unless you experience a qualified status change Can access all health care funds anytime during the year Funds remaining at year end are forfeited Except – You can carryover up to $500 of health care funds FSAs are regulated by the IRS. SLC nor ASI get to make up the rules. There are a few simple things you need to be aware of: First, since it is a year-to-year account, you get to enroll and make a new election each plan year. It is a “spending” account, so you want to fund only for predictable expenses and spend all the funds. And, you do not have to be enrolled in the SLC medical insurance plan in order to participate! You can use the funds to pay for your expenses, or your spouse or dependent expenses. Your election remains in effect for the plan year, unless you have a qualifying life event or change in your status. For example, getting married or divorced, or having a baby may allow you to make a change in your election. A great feature under the health care account is that you can access up to your plan year election at any time during the year! For example, if you put in $100 per month, you can access up to $1,200 as early as January! Any funds remaining at the end of the year are forfeited…except…the County has included a great feature that does allow you to carryover up to $500 of unused health care expenses!
How to avoid forfeitures
It’s easy! Plan for predictable and recurring expenses Expenses you know you will have during the year Review prior year expenses as a guide Be conservative Use online tools at Expense estimator Eligible expense listing Link to FSA Store for OTC products Remember, you can carryover up to $500 of health care funds! So, how can you avoid forfeitures? This is easy, too! First, set aside money only for predictable and recurring expenses…the things you know you will incur over the next plan year. Review this year’s expenses as that may be a good indicator of what to anticipate next year. You might want to be conservative in your election amount, and be sure to utilize our online tools to help. We provide an online expense estimator, a detailed eligible expense listing, and a link to FSA Store that provides thousands of eligible over-the-counter health care products! AND REMEMBER – You can carry over up to $500 in your health care account!
Health Care Expenses So, let’s take a look at the accounts. First we’ll look at the health care accounts that cover dental, vision, medical and hearing expenses.
General-Purpose Health FSA $130 to $2,600
Health Care FSA Rx & Office visit Co-pays, Deductibles, X-rays, Lab, Hospital, Mileage to/from health care providers OTC-Band-Aids, Sunscreen, Braces, First aid supplies, Pill holders, Blood pressure monitors, thermometers, diabetic supplies Vision exams, eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, contact lenses/solutions, reading glasses, lasik surgery Dental exams, x-rays, fillings, orthodontia, crowns, bridges, dentures & adhesives, occlusal guards, implants Hearing exams, hearing aids and batteries You can contribute from $130 up to $2600 into the GPHCFSA. Funds can be used for a variety of expenses, including: (can read a few things from each box)
Limited-Purpose Health Care FSA $130 - $2,600
LPFSA Health Care FSA Vision Expenses exams, eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, contact lenses/solutions, reading glasses, laser eye surgery Dental Expenses exams, x-rays, fillings, orthodontia, crowns, bridges, dentures & adhesives, occlusal guards, implants For those enrolled in a high-deductible health plan and making contributions to an HSA, the County offers a limited-purpose health care FSA which can be used to pay for routine dental and vision expenses. Using the LPFSA for these routine and predictable expenses if a wise financial choice, since it preserves the value of your HSA and allows it to continue to grow tax-free! NOTE: The limited-purpose health care FSA is for those who contribute to a health savings account (HSA).
Over-the Counter Items
Let’s take a look at the over-the-counter items that are eligible. As you’ll see, some items do not require a prescription, such as ….. (read a few). There are thousands of products eligible without a prescription! To learn more, just go to and scroll down to click on the FSA Store icon. Drugs and medicines, such as allergy medicines, cold/flu medicines, pain relief drugs are eligible if you have a prescription from your doctor.
Ineligible Health Care Expenses
Services not provided yet; pretreatment estimates Cosmetic treatments or medications General health and well-being Illegal operations Expenses paid by insurance Diapers, maternity clothes Insurance Premiums Dancing, swimming lessons Holistic, natural remedies, vitamins Warranties There are some things that are not considered eligible by the IRS. Expenses must be treatment for medical conditions for which services have been provided. If you have prepaid on an upcoming expenses, it is not eligible until such time that you’ve had the service provided. (Read a few examples from slide) More information can be found on and on the worksheet handout provided.
Dependent Care Expenses
Let’s take a look at the dependent care account. This account is for those employees who have work-related child or adult care expenses.
Dependent Care $130 to $5,000 Dependent Care FSA
Babysitting while you work Preschool or nursery school for young children Before school or after school care Day camps Adult care, age 13 and older You can contribute from $130 to $5,000, regardless of the number of children, per calendar year. The types of eligible expenses are the same expense you can take a tax credit for, and include: (read from boxes)
Ineligible Dependent Care Expenses
Services not provided yet Educational, tutoring or tuition expenses Kindergarten or higher education Expenses to learn a specific skill, e.g., music lessons, swimming classes, dance classes, etc. Overnight camp expenses Services provided while you are on vacation, holidays, leave-of-absence Divorce situations – only expenses incurred by custodial parent are eligible Expenses in excess of $5,000 per family per calendar year Things that are not considered eligible by the IRS include payment for services not yet provided….(read a few examples from the slide)
Claim Filing Options Now, let’s review the many claim filing options that are available to you!
Multiple Claim Filing Options
ASIFlex Claims Online Mobile App ASIFlex provides several options; and you do not have to choose just one. In fact, you use a variety of options throughout the year! You can: Submit online at Snap a picture of your claim documentation and submit via the mobile app Use the ASIFlex Card for health care expenses Download and submit a claim form with documentation via toll-free fax Download and submit a claim form with documentation via USPS mail.
ASIFlex Mobile App Free! Video tutorial on
Use on smart phone or tablet Snap a picture of documentation Submit right from the pharmacy doctor’s office dental or vision office Check your balance 24/7! Using the mobile app is simple! You just snap a picture of your documentation and submit it via the app! For example, when I pick up a prescription, or pay my dental or vision provider, I ask for an itemized statement of service and snap a picture and submit the claim before I even leave the provider’s office! The app is free and also provides an easy way to check your account balance. As long as you have your smart phone (or tablet) with you, you can submit a claim or check your balance.
ASIFlex Card – What is it?
Health Benefit Card Set of two mailed to your home IRS regulations govern use of cards Allows you to pay directly from your health FSA account Sign for credit transaction Enter PIN for debit transaction Accepted at healthcare and retail providers that accept VISA® Not accepted at providers not recognized as health care providers/merchants Use of the card is not paperless! The ASIFlex Card is a limited-use benefit card that will allow you to pay the merchant or health care provider directly from your health FSA account. In late December, a set of two cards will be mailed to your home so please watch for it. If you need more than two cards, you can sign into your online account to obtain an application form. Keep in mind that the IRS has specific regulations governing use of the card and the County and ASIFlex are responsible for maintaining compliance of the program. You will be able to sign for the transaction, or you can enter a PIN for the transaction. The card is accepted at health care and retail providers that accept VISA. It is not accepted at restaurants, gas stations, department stores, etc. NOTE – Use of the card is not paperless as you will need to submit documentation for certain transactions!
How does it work? At point-of-sale, present card for payment
Advantage is that you don’t have to use cash or another credit card –it is an easy way to pay Merchant will process the transaction Card company reports to ASIFlex the provider/ merchant name, date of transaction, dollar amount NOTE: You may need to provide additional documentation showing the patient name, date of service and type of service/product Use of the card is not paperless! At the point-of-sale, simply present your card for payment. The advantage of the card is that you do not have to pay with cash or personal credit card. The merchant will process the transaction; the card company will then report the transaction to ASIFlex. Note that the card company can only provide the merchant name, date of transaction and dollar amount. They do not have the type of service, date of service or patient name, so, in many cases ASIFlex will request this additional documentation from you. Use of the card is not paperless and documentation is required in many cases!
When do I provide backup documentation?
ASIFlex will notify you if additional information is required Submit online, via mobile app, fax or mail IRS requires documentation for all transactions except if the transaction is for: Co-Pays that match the County plan you are enrolled in Identified recurring expenses at the same provider, same amount each month (e.g. orthodontia) Transactions at certified merchants who maintain an inventory system of eligible items (retail stores, drugstores, pharmacy) All other expenses for co-pays under other plans, and any medical, dental, vision require documentation Use of the card is not paperless! Only provide documentation to ASIFlex upon request. ASIFlex will notify you by (and text alerts if you elect that option as well) if documentation is required. There are a few situations that typically do not require documentation: A flat-dollar co-pay that matches the SLC plan you are enrolled in. (Not a spouse plan.) A recurring expense that is for the same provider, same dollar amount each month. A good example would be orthodontia. A transaction at a retail merchant (such as Walgreens, Walmart, Target, etc.) who inventories health care products that are eligible (such as Bandaids, sunscreen, contact lens solutions, etc.). All other transactions will require documentation. This includes co-pays under any plan other that the employer’s plans such as a spouse plan through another employer; as well as any medical expenses incurred at hospitals, labs, etc., dental expenses and vision expenses.
How do I use the card? It’s easy!
SWIPE – ASK – GO! Present card for payment – swipe the card. Ask for an itemized statement of the service or supply provided to you. Then, go! Be sure to save the itemized statement and if requested, provide to ASIFlex upon request. Use of the card is not paperless! How do I use the card? It’s easy! Remember it is not simply “SWIPE and GO.” It is “SWIPE – GO – THEN ASK!” First you present the card for payment and swipe for the transaction. Next, you must ASK FOR an itemized statement. This is your responsibility – you must ask as many providers will not automatically provide this to you. NOTE: The credit card receipt cannot be used for documentation. Once you have the itemized statement in hand, you are ready to go! Just keep a copy of the itemized statement and, if requested, submit to ASIFlex.
How does ASIFlex notify me?
Up to three requests are sent via /text and posted to secure messages in your online account Letter 1 – Sent 5 days following transaction Letter 2 – Sent after 21 days after Letter 1 and advises card may be inactivated Letter 3 – Sent after 21 days after Letter 2; temporary deactivation notice To remedy, simply provide documentation and card will be activated If documentation lost, you can write a check back to the plan or submit a substitute claim Use of the card is not paperless! If documentation is required, ASIFlex will send three requests to you…and these notices are posted to your online account. Letter 1 is sent approximately 5 days after ASIFlex receives notice of the transaction. If you do not respond, Letter 2 is sent 21 days after Letter 1 to advise that documentation is needed, and letting you now that the card may be deactivated. If you still do not respond, Letter 3 is sent 21 days after Letter 2 to advise that documentation is needed, and the card is temporarily deactivated. All you need do is provide the documentation and the card can be activated again. If you are unable to substantiate the transaction, you can write a check back to the plan, or submit a substitute claim. The IRS regulates FSA plans and use of the card, so these steps are required under IRS regulations.
Automatic Reimbursement of Dependent Care Expenses
Sign up for automatic reimbursement of regular day care expenses Fill out claim form, and sign Have day care provider fill in and sign pink certification Submit to ASIFlex ASIFlex will automatically reimburse you up to your cash balance each payday Remember – You must notify ASIFlex to change or stop the automatic reimbursement For those of you with recurring dependent care expenses at the same provider, and for the same amount, ASIFlex offers an automatic reimbursement option so that you don’t have to submit regular claims. You can fill out the form, have your day care provider complete the certification section and submit to ASIFlex. This allows ASIFlex to automatically reimburse you up to your cash balance each pay day. Just remember, if you change providers or amounts, or stop day care, you will want to update the information but submitting a new form.
Your online account is available 24/7 and shows all activity on your account.
If you have an outstanding debit card swipe, the account will show which card transactions require documentation with yellow, pink or red highlighting. Yellow means the first request for documentation was sent; pink means the second request was sent; and red means the third/final notice was sent and the card is temporarily deactivated. You can submit card documentation online, through the mobile app, or via fax or mail.
Claim Documentation If covered by insurance
Type of Expense Documentation Needed If covered by insurance Insurance payer Explanation of Benefits; or itemized statement If not covered by insurance Itemized statement must include: Provider name/address Patient name Date of service Description of service Dollar amount OTC Drugs & Medicines Physician Rx and itemized merchant receipt OTC Medical Supplies/Items Itemized merchant receipt Rx Pharmacy receipt, printout from pharmacy or itemized mail-order receipt Note: Do not submit cancelled checks, credit card receipts, balance forward or paid on account statements, or pretreatment estimates. The types of claim documentation needed are as follows: (can read from slide)
27 ASIFlex Wallet Card
We recommend you download and print the wallet card form Carry this with you and each time you use your debit card or incur and expense, ask the provider for an itemized statement of the services provided. You can simply show the provider this card which tells the provider exactly what is needed!
You should also review the ASIFlex Quick Guide online. This describes how to manage your account, when to anticipate documentation requests, and how to manage your account.
Claim Deadlines Incurred: Deadline to Submit Claims:
January 1 through December 31, 2018 Incurred means that you have actually had the service provided, or that you have secured the product, that gave rise to the expense $25 check minimum (does not apply to electronic payments) Deadline to Submit Claims: March 31 Don’t wait until the last minute as you may miss the date! Let’s talk about some important dates: Open Enrollment started October 23rd and ends November 3! The FSA plan year is January 1 through December 31, 2018 and expenses need to be incurred during that calendar year. Incurred means…..(read) There is a $25 check minimum, so we encourage you to sign up for direct deposit! There is no minimum for direct deposit. ASIFlex will send a confirmation letter to you in December; and after receiving the letter, just sign into your online account and update your personal settings. The claim filing deadline each year is March 31st! Don’t be late!
GO GREEN! Sign up for email or text alerts!
Avoid paper notices and delayed mail Have payment sent to your bank! Avoid the hassle of paper checks Avoid delayed mail File claims with the Mobile App or online! It’s quick! It’s easy! It results in rapid claim payments! Have dependent care provider sign claim form! Can be automatically reimbursed with an annual form! No other document is needed! A reminder to GO GREEN! Sign up for electronic communications! Sign up for direct deposit! File claims electronically with the mobile app, online, or debit card! Have dependent care providers certify and sign up for automatic reimbursements!
Online Resources
Access your FSA account detail Review messages sent to you Extensive eligible/ineligible expense listing FSA Store - thousands of eligible FSA products Frequently Asked Questions Expense Estimator & Tax Savings Calculator Educational videos IRS Forms & Publications ASIFlex offers many tools and resources online: (can read from slide) NOTE: Be sure to check your personal preferences to sign up for /text, and direct deposit!
Customer Service Website E-Mail Phone
6 am – 6 pm MT Mon-Fri 8 am – noon MT on Sat Address PO Box 6044 Columbia, MO 65205 You can obtain information online, or otherwise contact customer service via , toll-free phone or mail!
Thank you! Any questions?
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