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Welcome to Year 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 6

2 Timetable

3 SATs SATs WEEK – Monday 14th May 2018 SATs Information Evening (Thursday 12th October 2017) Ongoing assessments

4 Behaviour, Expectations and Rewards
The whole school approach is continued in Year 6 Special mentions Class pet House points Traffic light system Class stickers – whole class rewards Head teacher rewards Times tables reward certificates Develop independence in learning through: 3 before me and using the help desk Use of the working wall to support learning PE kit in school all week as PE sessions may change days depending on weather. Separate kit for after school sport clubs Snack and lunchtime routines – Y6 football is a Thursday Refer to posters in the classroom

5 Topics Science: Topic: Evolution and inheritance
Living things and their habitats Animals including human (inc. circulatory system) Electricity Topic: South America (Discovery) Is it Right to Fight? (1066 – present day) London English and Maths will follow the statutory national curriculum. Genres and topics will be outlined on the terms newsletter and through homework. The topics we are specifically focussing on in Year 5 are……

6 Spelling Analysis of school data leads us to focus on the teaching and learning of Spellings. Our aim is to improve Spellings in independent writing. Learning Spellings should be a purposeful and meaningful exercise that children can then become independent in applying spelling rules. Children will be supported in their learning of word spellings by their patterns and frequency. Our new system for Spellings this year will be reviewed each term. Up dates and changes will be notified. Rationale: Spelling remains the most relentlessly tested of all the literacy skills, but it is the least taught. Sending a list of words home each week to be tested the following week is not teaching effective strategies for learning.

7 Spelling How to help your child:
Use the curriculum newsletter to look at spelling patterns given and encourage your child to include words with the patterns in their home work. They could think of words with that spelling rule in and using the meaning of the word correctly write the word in a sentence. Investigating words supports retention of spelling rules and helps your child to apply the rule to other words. Useful websites: ing_grammar/ -game-wordsearch-ould

8 Homework English Homework will be given out on a Monday. Dates can be found on the Newsletter. Maths Homework is weekly, given out on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Times tables will be done throughout the week. Children will also be given opportunities in the morning time to practise these. Reading at home should be carried out at least 4 times a week and reading records signed. House points will be awarded for reading each week and this is monitored in school.

9 Year 6 Visits and Trips First Aid Course (Wednesday 20th September 2017) Safety Central Trip (Friday 6th October 2017) SATs Information Evening (Thursday 12th October 2017) Magistrates Visit (Thursday 2nd November 2017) Cholmondeley Residential (23rd - 25th May 2018) – A residential evening will follow

10 Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

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