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LHC Quench Protection System

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Presentation on theme: "LHC Quench Protection System"— Presentation transcript:

1 LHC Quench Protection System
First Bulgarian HSSIP 2017 Martin Grigorov and Marko Ivanov From Sofia Sistema za zashtita ot quenchove

2 Table of Contents CERN and the LHC Quench Protection System LabView
Resistor Temperature Extraction

3 The LHC 154 Dipole Magnets in each sector – a total of 1232
A total of 392 quadrupole magnets 4 major experiments – ATLAS, ALICE, CMS and LHCb A temperature of 1.9K (-271 C) is kept inside the cold mass of the magnets

4 15m

5 Quench – what is it? The superconducting coil suddenly loses its superconductivity and goes to the normal resistive state due to mechanical movement inside the magnet

6 LHC Magnets

7 Principal Diagram for The Main Dipole Superconducting Circuit
154 Dipole magnets per sector I = 11kA Lmagnet = 100mH Ltotal = 15.7H 𝐸= 1 2 𝐿 𝐼 2 ≈1.3𝐺𝐽 Length of sector = 3km

8 13kA Energy Extraction Systems at LHC
Protect the main dipole and quadrupole circuits as it performs a safe discharge of the energy stored in their magnetic fields Rtotal = 70mΩ C = 13.3mF 11kA

9 13kA EE System Lab Dump Resistor Circuit Breaker Snubber Capacitor

10 LabVIEW is systems engineering software for applications that require test, measurement, and control with rapid access to hardware and data insights


12 Signal Name Generator Block Diagram

13 Main Block Diagram

14 Fun Facts --1.3GJ = 1 Svetkavica = 150 godini zarejdane na iphone vseki den --Trenirane na magnetite --1.7tona voda --Cqlo neshto 4.5 tona


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