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The Hidden Narratives of Internationalisation

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1 The Hidden Narratives of Internationalisation
CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION AND EQUITY RESEARCH The Hidden Narratives of Internationalisation Professor Louise Morley

2 Internationalisation and Migrant Academics: Provocations?
Does the Romance/ Policy Momentum of Mobility Mask the Affective Economy? Does Mobility lead to the Empowerment of some Inaudibility/ Invisibility of others? What Work can Mobility do for Equity and Inclusion?

3 Polyvalent Discourse: Imaginary Spatialities
Assemblage of Neoliberal Rationalities: Marketisation Entrepreneurship Prosperity/ Growth/Innovation Collaborations for Competition Desire for global spaces of equivalence/ measurement of epistemic privilege Also Global citizenship/Intercultural Competencies Peace, Influence and Soft Power Coalition-building/ Networks of Cognate Scholars/Interests Repeated across domains (knowledge, students, partnerships/collaborations). (Matus & Talburt, 2015; Shahjahana & Morgan, 2016)

4 Desirable Capital for Institutions and Individuals?
Presented as: Ideologically neutral Coherent Knowledge-driven, rational policy intervention Problem-free de and re-territorialisation Disembodied Educational Benefits Mask: The Materialities of Mobility Employment Rights Knowledge Commodification Re-colonisation, convergence and homogenisation of higher education systems? Ethical, Social, Financial, Affective Considerations.

5 Fluidity: Disrupting Space and Place
Fluidity metaphors as an antidote to stasis: Flows Flux Circulations (Urry, 2007) Contrast to heavy/ solid modernity. Now light, liquid, agile, responsive, flexible (Bauman 2000) Binary of mobility versus fixity in flux e.g. liquid knowledge. ‘Space is treated as an empty container for social processes’ (Sheller 2014:3).

6 Contemporary version of the elitist ‘Grand Tour’
Contemporary version of the elitist ‘Grand Tour’? (Kim, 2014) Survey of 1,300+ institutions worldwide identified that internationalisation primarily benefits wealthier students (IAU, 2014). Geopolitical Power Relations/ Materiality of Immigration restrictions for some. Forced/ Voluntary Mobility? Who is the ideal mobile academic subject? * Young, male, able-bodied, white, Anglophone? * Kinetic Elite? (Hawthorne 2012) Designer Immigrants

7 14 interviews with migrant academics 4 Roma 4 Latin American 1 African
1 African American/ European 9 Women 5 Men ( Countries of origin: Austria Colombia Ghana Guatemala Mexico Poland Romania Serbia Portugal UK USA Worked In: Hong Kong Hungary Kazakhstan Japan Poland Qatar Spain Turkey UK USA

8 Higher Education, Knowledge Exchange and Policy Learning in the Asian Century
13 interviews (5 Women 8 Men) with migrant academics in/out of Japan. Countries of origin: Worked In: France Japan Portugal Singapore Taiwan UK USA Canada Germany Japan Nigeria Philippines South Korea USA

9 Complex Coagulation of Opportunities and Constraints
Predictable Outcomes Transcultural Learning Theoretical Cosmopolitanism Employability/ Broadening reach Language Acquisition Sensitisation to Diversity and Difference Less Predictable? Epistemic/ Cognitive Exclusion Recasting/ Re-sizing Identity e.g. Roma, Gender Order, Power and Influence Melancholia

10 Epistemic Exclusion and Exilic Thinking
Misrecognition So people, not just in the university, but outside the university…have no idea of what you bring and who you are and what you can contribute. (Ghanaian male working in UK) Geopolitics of Knowledge/Hermeneutical Injustice When we come into this country, we learn about everything and everybody, except ourselves. And so what we began to do was, how do we use learning and the learning process as a tool for identity formation? (Mexican male working in USA)

11 Recasting/ Queering Identity and Enhancing Credibility Markers
Global (Roma) Citizenship … the possibility of being mobile in terms of my work, in terms of my networks, connections, communities, really opens up… I mean that’s amazing and I do feel like I am accountable to Romani community and Romani academics all over the world (Polish woman working in Spain) Border Crossing/ Undesirable Immigrants And it was a traumatic experience also because at the airport, they asked me … Where are you originally from? And that’s the question that I always fear... And I knew that the minute I said Colombia, they were going to stop me and interrogate me … So they held me there for two hours and they were threatening to deport me. (Colombian woman working in USA) Belonging? My house, my home, is Budapest yes. Here is my wife, my child, family... And that’s our home.. I do not identify myself as a Hungarian at all. On the other hand, I have my daughter who was born here,…she identifies herself both as a Hungarian, as a Romanian, as a Roma (Romanian male working in Hungary)

12 Re-Sizing Being Other Expanding Women Minimising Women Marginalisation
You’re constantly being positioned, right, so I have to be ultra-careful in terms of what I say in a faculty meeting, being the only one of 20 white other faculty members because everything I say is raced and gendered. (Guatemalan woman working in USA) Expanding Women Japanese women develop when they are abroad….Maybe they feel free to say things their own way (Japanese woman academic returning from work in Germany). Minimising Women when I attend work parties with Japanese female colleagues or Japanese female students, they're the ones who are always busy pouring drinks or serving… foreign women colleagues are more vocal about it and more dissatisfied with the situation (US woman working in Japan) Marginalisation You’re peripheralized and so you have very little say in the management of faculties or even, and a larger scale the managing of the university. (US male working in Japan)

13 Melancholia Midnight Run Entrapment
There’s this expression called the ‘midnight run’ which is basically people who are uncomfortable in the setting, … who are just so unhappy in the situation that they literally, quietly pack up their stuff, catch a late night flight … the turnover rates and the amount of people who don’t go past one year, who manage to stick out the year but then say no. I mean, it’s a real issue in this sort of field. (African American/ European woman working in Qatar) Entrapment After two months, they start complaining.…About the culture….The nature of the job at times chokes them ..something is strangling them… I need air kind of thing, space. (Nigerian male working in Japan)

14 Social, Professional, Epistemic, Material Costs/ Benefits
Friction, Fragility, Turbulence, Dislocation, Disposability A Resource Differently accessed/ practiced Opportunity, Expansion, Connection, Global Networks/ Visibility Movement and Spatial Fixity = co-constituted Whose knowledge is included and circulated in the global knowledge economy? Knowledge = fundamental to global economy Borders dissolving, new mobilities, competitions and

15 Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER)
Morley, L., Alexiadou, N. Garaz, S. González-Monteagudo, J. Taba, M. (In press) Internationalisation and Migrant Academics: The Hidden Narratives of Mobility. Higher Education.

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