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Introducing the service….

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the service…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the service….

2 The presentation today
Kay Bunyan, Volunteer Officer Suzie Compton, Engagement Officer Who are we? What is the focus of the Healthwatch service? Governance arrangements (including priorities) Volunteering programme and working with the local VCS

3 Background to Evolving Communities
Evolving Communities set up in 2013 as Healthwatch Wiltshire CIC Experienced in running a high quality Healthwatch service in Wiltshire Our primary focus: Healthwatch Name change in March 2017 to Evolving Communities CIC A portfolio of other services: - independent service evaluation, research, consultation, facilitation, involvement

4 The model commissioned by Gloucestershire County Council
Statutory duties Local office with locally based staff team A high quality volunteering programme Partnering with local VCS No duplication, collaboration Theme based engagement Research and insight A local steering group

5 Setting up from 1 April 2017 Ensuring Healthwatch Gloucestershire representation at all the key meetings from 1 April The staff team and local office Volunteer programme Putting in place local Steering Group Meeting local commissioners, providers Establishing links with the voluntary sector

6 Evolving Communities CIC
Governance structure Evolving Communities CIC Board of Directors Healthwatch Somerset Wiltshire Gloucestershire

7 Setting priorities for Healthwatch Gloucestershire
Local Steering Group will have a key role Review all the work done prior to 1st April; what are the key issues? Listening to the health and care system (commissioners) What does the local voluntary and community sector tell us? What is important to local Gloucestershire people?

8 Volunteering programme
Volunteers are vital to Healthwatch Gloucestershire Engagement & representation NCVO ‘Investing in Volunteers’ Working with VCS infrastructure organisations Youthwatch Gloucestershire

9 Volunteer Roles Local Healthwatch Volunteer – engaging in local communities Authorised Enter and View Representative Healthwatch Project Volunteer Member of the Local Steering Group Special Board Advisor (e.g. mental health, CYP)

10 Working with you? Participating in existing forums
An invitation to meet with us 1:1 A commitment to ‘no duplication’ Opportunities for joint-projects? Please share information with us!

11 Feel free to contact us on
Any Questions? Feel free to contact us on

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