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American actress whose career lasted more than 60 years.

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Presentation on theme: "American actress whose career lasted more than 60 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 American actress whose career lasted more than 60 years.
What is the meaning of the following quote? Do you agree? How does it relate to your life or the world? You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him. - Katherine Hepburn American actress whose career lasted more than 60 years. © Presto Plans

2 Announcements Unit 1 Test (Nonfiction and Poetry) on September 20, “Ode To Snacks” Poetry Project due September 25, 2017 It is MANDATORY You will present the project in class on September 25, 2017 Please refer to rubric, and be sure to have a visual.

3 Ode 2 snacks project! You have received the project information sheet, rubric, example, and brainstorming sheet. The project is due on Monday, September 25, 2017! No exceptions! You will present the project; be creative and bring a visual! Project must be at least 70 words, but no more than 100 words.

4 TP-CASTT – Write in the “Reading Notes” section of your notebook.

5 “The Road Not Taken” Now that you’ve read and analyze “The Road Not Taken”, work in your groups to answer a few questions. Be sure to read carefully! We can’t let Permenter beat us! 

6 Exit Ticket What is something you have learned during the last two classes? Remember “nothing” and “IDK” are not acceptable answers. Take the time to think.

7 Objective SWBAT read and analyze “The Road Not Taken”. SWBAT read and analyze “Choices".

8 TP-CASTT – Write in the “Reading Notes” section of your notebook.

9 Nikki Giovanni is a poet, and civil rights activist.
Who is nikki Giovanni? Nikki Giovanni is a poet, and civil rights activist.

10 “Choices” by nikki giovanni
Silently, to yourself, read “Choices” by Nikki Giovanni. Next, listen to me read the poem. In your groups, read the poem again out loud. I will assign your group one letter from the TP-CASTT acronym. On your sentence stem, work as a group to write a thoughtful response to your letter of TP-CASTT.

11 Brain Break

12 “Choices” Fill out the graphic organizer on the back of your “Choices” poem.

13 Quickwrite Think of the poem "Choices". The author discusses choices from her past. What choices can you make today that can affect your future positively?







20 Six Word Memoir Compose two six work memoir that requires the reader to infer, or draw conclusions. Examples: For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn. Homework: odd-numbered problems. 97. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Leap! Catch football. Crunch. Goodbye scholarship. Moving again. Goodbye, strangers. Hello strangers.

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