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Jess Holcomb1, Kate Lajtha2

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1 Effects of land management on carbon and nitrogen in soils from New Zealand
Jess Holcomb1, Kate Lajtha2 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331 1. Bioresource Research, 2. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology

2 Background Land Conversion Removes Vegetation Switches Vegetation
Effects Organic Matter in soil Effects root organic matter (Dr. Troy Baisden, 2008)

3 Background Global Warming Increase in CO2 Industry Automobile Exhaust
Energy Production Burning Making Cement (Library of Congress, 2008)

4 Background Carbon (C) in the Environment Ocean Soil Atmosphere
Vegetation (NASA, 2004)

5 Background Why is soil C different Horizons C loss C sequestration O A
Decomposition C sequestration Dark parts of soil Organic matter Soil organic matter Humic matter (USDA, 2006)

6 Background Nitrogen (N) Most limited Nutrient Determines plant growth
Negative Charge, easily lost (EPA, 2004)

7 Background Organic Matter
Grass Easier to decompose Low C:N ratio Less Fats and waxes Pine Waxes High C:N ratios Lignin Harder to decompose Large pieces

8 Background Plots New Zealand Same Watershed 3 Plots Native Pasture
Pine Plantation (Dr. Troy Baisden, 2008)

9 Podocarp Native Control Large Podocarp Trees 500-800 years old
Southern Hemisphere conifers years old No logging (Dr. Troy Baisden, 2008)

10 Pasture Cleared in 1920 to scrub Turned into pasture 1957
P fertilizer and clover for N Grazed Sheep Cattle (Dr. Troy Baisden, 2008)

11 Plantation Pine Turned pasture to pine in 1973 2200 trees per ha
Pinus radiata 2200 trees per ha Fenced No Grazing Understory Ferns and native shrub (Dr. Troy Baisden, 2008)

12 Problem How will land management affect soil C and N
What density fraction is losing/gaining soil C and N

13 Hypothesis Loss of C in pasture Increase in soil N in pasture
Loss of stable soil C Increase in soil N in pasture Legumes planted Increase of C in pine plantation Introduces stable organic matter

14 Methods Samples taken from 0-15 cm Soil was air dried
Below litter layer Soil was air dried Soil was passed through 2mm sieve

15 Methods Samples Sequentially Fractionated with Sodium Polytungstate (SPT) Very dense salt Used to separate soil particles based on density Density correlates with organic matter More organic matter, less dense

16 Methods Fraction Interpretation
Light New organic matter Not much decomposition Middle More stable, broken down organic Heavy Mineral, silt/sand (Glazer, 1995)

17 Methods Densities of 1.65 g/ml 1.85 g/ml 2.00 g/ml 2.40 g/ml 2.65 g/ml
>2.65 2.0 (Sollins, 2006)

18 Methods Soil was suspended in SPT solution
Shaken, centrifuged to separate densities Floating fractions were aspirated off of the surface Fraction was rinsed Removes SPT Dried in oven to remove moisture (Newmans Own, 2008)

19 Methods Samples Ground Run on Leco CNS 2000 for C and N
IR absorption for C Molecules absorb IR Thermal conductivity for N Ability to conduct heat (St. Mary’s University, 2008)

20 Results Fractions similar in mass
1.65, 2.4, 2.65 showed greatest variation Variation only due to one sample

21 Discussion Dry Mass was as expected
All fractions similar in dry weight Same soils, only difference is organic matter/quality Effects the amount of C and N in each fraction

22 Results Nitrogen Carbon Least Least Native Pasture Pasture Native
Plantation Most Carbon Least Pasture Native Plantation Most

23 Results Similar for most fractions
Major difference in the 2.4 fraction

24 Discussion Native Pasture Plantation Pine Carbon
Stable C, hard to decompose Pasture Loss of stable C, introduction of labile C, unstable lost quickly Plantation Pine Re-introduction of stable C, leads to increased C pool

25 Results Similar across fractions Major difference in 2.4 fraction

26 Discussion Native Pasture Plantation Pine Nitrogen
N is sparse, limited N inputs Pasture Clover fixes N, increases N in system Plantation Pine N from clover taken in by pine, more stable matter, N last longer in system

27 Results Native highest C:N
Plantation next highest C:N except in 2.4, >2.65

28 Discussion C:N Due to mass of C and N
Results match with mass of C/N for each treatment Pasture lower C:N due to vegetation Low C:N Plantation Pine at 2.4 due to increase N at this fraction N in stable soil organic matter

29 Discussion Each graph is similar to the others
Spike at 2.4 is seen in all of them Due to increased fraction mass at 2.4 Difference in dry ~ 2.2 g (between Native/Plantation) Difference in C ~ 1.2 g (between Native/Plantation) Difference in N ~ 0.11g (between Native/Plantation) C:N ~10

30 Conclusions Conversion to pasture reduces soil C
Increased N in pasture and Plantation Pine due to legumes Conversion to Plantation Pine increase soil C Soil C changes due to stable forms of soil organic matter

31 Future Research Deeper Samples Analyzed
Tree roots may run deeper than grass Results in loss of organic matter when removed

32 References P.N. Beets, G.R. Oliver, P.W. Clinton Soil carbon protection in podocarp/hardwood forest, and effects of conversion to pasture and exotic pin forest. Environmental Pollution 116: S63-S73. L.A. Schipper, W.T. Baisden, R.L. Parfitt, C. Ross, F.F. Claydon, G. Arnold Large losses of soil C and N from soil profiles under pasture in New Zealand during the past 20 years. Global Change Biology 13: R.L. Parfitt, N.A. Scott, D.J. Ross, G.J. Salt, K.R. Tate Land-use change effects on soil Cand N transformations in soils of high N status: comparisons under indigenous forest, pasture and pine plantation. Biogeochemistry 66:

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