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Presentation on theme: "FLIPPED CLASSROOM ACTIVITY CONSTRUCTOR – USING EXISTING CONTENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 Table of Contents SECTION SLIDE # 4 9 17 ABOUT YOU 3

3 Parag Chaware Working of different types of hydraulic pumps Hydraulics
Mechanical Engineering Third Year UG Mechanical Engineering Students Cummins College of Engineering, Pune

4 Out-of-class Activity Design -1
Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity At the end of watching the videos student should be able to Know different types of hydraulic pumps (Remember Level) Compare the different hydraulic pumps ( Understand Level) Demonstrate the merits and demerits of different types of pumps ( Apply Level) Key Concept(s) to be covered Construction , working , merits and demerits of following types of hydraulic pumps External Gear Pump Axial Piston Pump Internal Gear Pump Radial Piston Pump Vane Pump Hand Pump

5 Out-of-class Activity Design -I
Main Video Source URL License of Video CC-BY-SA (reuse allowed) Mapping Concept to Video Source Concept Video Segment Duration (In Min) External Gear Pump S1- 0:07 – 1:13 01:03 Internal Gear Pump S2- 1:38 – 2:15 00:35 Vane Pump S3- 2:38 – 3:28 00:50 Axial Piston Pump S4- 3:50 – 5:10 01:20 Radial Piston Pump S5- 5:30 – 6:18 00:48 Hand Pump S6- 6:28 – 7:00 00:32 TOTAL DURATION 07:33 min

6 Out-of-class Activity Design - II
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) Understand the different types of hydraulic Pumps Understand the working of pumps Answer the following questions; i) Why internal gear pump is preferred over external (Apply) ii) What type of pump can be used to handle low viscosity fluid (Remember) iii) What is the function of check valve in piston pumps (Remember) 10 min Watch S1 and answer Q1 Watch S3 and answer Q2 Watch S5 and answer Q3

7 Out-of-class Activity Design - III
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) To know the merits and demerits of the pump from application point of view List minimum ten engineering systems/applications those use hydraulic pumps 30 min Answers should be submitted before next class. The marks will be accounted for final grades Expected activity duration 40 Min.

8 In-class Segment This section helps you design the in-class segment of Flipped Classroom Strategy.

9 In-class Activity Design -1
Learning Objective(s) of In - Class Activity At the end of the class, students will be able to, Evaluate the appropriateness of the pump for given application ( Evaluate Level) Select suitable pump for the given real life application ( Create –Analyze Level) Key Concept(s) to be covered Evaluation of suitability of given pump for given real life applications Selection of pump for given operating conditions

10 In-class Activity Design -2
Active Learning activity(ies) that you plan to do Peer Instruction Think Pair Share Explain the strategy by giving details of What Teacher will do? (Slide 11) What Student will do? (Slide 13) Justify why the above is an active learning strategy Please refer slide no.17

11 In-class Activity Design -4
Peer Instruction Strategy – What Teacher Does Teacher will pose the two questions at the start of the class and provide summary of the different types of pumps. At the end of the class teacher will discuss the correct answers and also why the other answers are incorrect Q1: What will happen if the outlet of the gear pump is closed? Pump will rotate Pump will stop Pump will damage

12 In-class Activity Design -4
Peer Instruction Strategy – What Teacher Does Q 2: Select a pump from following real life applications. Choices are given below To operate a hydraulic crane capable of lifting 5 0 tons of load To operate low speed hydraulic system at remote location in the desert area for military application To operate hydraulic press for punching operation capable of exerting 1 ton of force For machine tool application of large speed and feed Internal Gear Pump Vane Pump Hand Pump Piston Pump

13 In-class Activity Design -2
Peer Instruction Strategy – What Student Does For each question they will first vote individually. Then they will discuss with peers and come to consensus. Listen to instructors explanation.

14 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Instructor will pose a TPS activity TPS Activity Question: It is proposed to use a internal gear pump for the landing gear of airplane. Evaluate the merits of the proposal

15 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Think (~2 minutes) Instruction: Think individually about the operation of landing gear of an airplane. The pressure and discharge requirement. Think about a suitable Pump Pair (~5 minutes) Instruction: make a group of 3 students and compare your answers. Agree on one final answer. Justify your answer and write the justification in the notebook

16 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Share (~8 minutes) Now every group share your answer and justification. Instructor will also comment on the justifications given by the students At the end Instructor will announce the correct choice and justification for it. Student can now rethink about their selection and correct

17 In-class Activity Design -2
Justify why the above is an active learning strategy Student has to take active part in the discussion with the peer and has to analyse the real life application its requirement of pressure and discharge. He has to share his thoughts and rethink about his own choice if required. Student will think deeply while evaluating the proposal. Student has to think about landing gear operation and requirement of pressure and discharge for the operation. By doing this he will go beyond copying notes and listening to the instructor. Feedback: At the end of the lecture when instructor give the explanation of the correct answer student can compare his answer with the correct one and find out the reasons for deviation. Connectivity In class and outclass activity - In outclass activity student will learn about the basics of pumps and their working. Through In class activity, they have to evaluate a pump or the suggest a pump for a system based on their learnings from outclass activity.


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