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EQ- What all will we be discussing in our Consciousness unit? SSPBF2

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Presentation on theme: "EQ- What all will we be discussing in our Consciousness unit? SSPBF2"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ- What all will we be discussing in our Consciousness unit? SSPBF2
December 2 EQ- What all will we be discussing in our Consciousness unit? SSPBF2 Table of Contents: 53. Chapter 5 Vocabulary 54. Chapter 5 Vocabulary Crossword 55. Dream Journal Assignment Agenda: Dream Journal Assignment Chapter 5 Vocabulary Ppt Chapter 5 Vocabulary CW Homework: Dream Journal due next Friday!

2 10 Facts about Sleep

3 Chapter 5: Consciousness key Terms

4 1. Consciousness: the awareness of things inside and outside ourselves.

5 2. Selective attention: the focusing on particular stimulus.

6 3. Preconscious: ideas that are not in your awareness right now, but you could recall them if you had to. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Who was the first President?

7 5. Nonconscious: biological functions
4. Unconscious (subconscious): information in most circumstances is unavailable to awareness. 5. Nonconscious: biological functions Blinking

8 6. Altered states of consciousness: a person’s sense of self or sense of the world changes.
Drinking Alcohol

9 7. Circadian rhythms: biological clocks including sequences of body changes such as temperature, blood pressure, sleepiness, etc.

10 8. Rapid-eye-movement sleep (REM): underneath closed eyes in this stage our eyes are moving rapidly.

11 9. Insomnia: the inability to sleep.
10. Night terrors: similar to nightmares but are more severe.

12 11. Sleep apnea: breathing interruptions that occur during sleep.
12. Narcolepsy: when people suddenly fall asleep no matter the time nor place.

13 13. Meditation: is a method some people use to try to narrow their consciousness so that the stresses of the outside world fade away; calming technique.

14 14. Biofeedback: a system that provides or “feeds back” information about something happening in the body.

15 15. Hypnosis: an altered state of consciousness during which people respond to suggestions and behave as though they are in a trance.

16 16. Posthypnotic suggestion: instructed techniques to use after hypnosis.

17 17. Addiction: a craving for something to achieve homeostasis
18. Depressants: drugs that slow the activity of the nervous system.

18 19. Intoxication: drunkenness; impairment of perception.

19 20. Narcotics: addictive depressants that have been used to relieve pain and induce sleep.

20 21. Stimulants: drugs that increase the activity of the nervous system.

21 22. Amphetamines: a type of stimulant usually used to help people stay awake and repress appetite.

22 23. Hallucination: is a perception of an object or a sound that seems real but is not.
24. Delusion: a false idea that seems real. I can fly

23 25. Hallucinogen: a drug that produces hallucinations.

24 26. Detoxification: the removal of the harmful substances from the body.

25 December 3 Agenda: Table of Contents:
EQ- What are the different levels of consciousness? States of Consciousness? Stages of sleep? SSPBF2 Agenda: T-chart Levels of Consciousness and States of Consciousness Sleep Stages House Episode- Sleep Deprivation Table of Contents: 56. Levels and States of Consciousness Chart 57. Stages of Sleep Foldable Homework: Continue collecting dreams in your dream journal!

26 States of Consciousness

27 Levels of Consciousness
We know that various levels exists beyond the conscious level.

28 Levels of Consciousness
Conscious Level Nonconscious Level Preconscious Level Subconscious Level/ Unconscious Level

29 Levels of Consciousness Explained
Conscious- the things that you are currently thinking, feeling and experiencing Preconscious- ideas that aren’t in your awareness right now, but you could easily recall them- your stored memories and knowledge Unconscious- aka Subconscious- hidden from us- our secret desires, urges, fears, and impulses (Freud was obsessed with these) Nonconscious- basic biological functions (fingernails growing, blood pumping)

30 Different States of Consciousness
Sleep Meditation Hypnosis Drug Use

31 Sleep Sleep is an altered state of consciousness.
We are less aware of our surroundings. Circadian Rhythm- the biological clock in charge of our sleep/wake cycle

32 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 REM sleep
nREM Stage 2 NReM Stage 3 NREM Stage 4 REM sleep Inside: Describe the type of brain waves Describe the characteristics of sleep at this stage. Any interesting phenomenon that happen at this stage.

33 Sleep Cycle Use an EEG machine to measure stages of sleep.
Look at brain wave activity during the different stages During an 8 hour night of sleep people go through 5-6 sleep cycles


35 Stage 1 Kind of awake and kind of asleep. (lightest stage of sleep)
Only lasts a few minutes, and you usually only experience it once a night. Your brain produces Theta Waves You can have sudden wakefulness- feels like you are falling Can have photographic images that you easily recall if awakened- might argue “I wasn’t asleep” Only lasts 1-7 mins

36 Stage 2 More Theta Waves that get progressively slower.
Begin to show sleep spindles…short bursts of rapid brain waves.

37 Stages 3 and 4 Slow wave sleep. You produce Delta waves.
Stage 3- transitional, only in this stage for a few minutes Stage 4 is the deepest level of sleep If awoken you will be very groggy. Vital for restoring body’s growth hormones and good overall health. Sleepwalking and bedwetting occur in Stage 4 From stage 4, your brain begins to speed up and you go to stage 3, then 2….then ……

38 REM Sleep Rapid Eye Movement Stage 5- after about 90 mins of sleeping
Blood pressure, heart beat increase Brain is very active. Dreams usually occur in REM. Body is essentially paralyzed.

39 House Episode Season 2 Episode 18

40 Sleep Disorders

41 Nightmares and Night terrors
Disorder Characterized by… Insomnia Nightmares and Night terrors Sleepwalking Sleep Apnea Narcolepsy

42 Insomnia Persistent problems falling asleep
Effects 10% of the population Tend to suffer from anxiety and “racing minds” at sleep time Can come in cycles

43 Night Terrors Wake up screaming and have no idea why. Not a nightmare.
Most common in children (boys) between ages 2-8.

44 Somnambulism Sleep Walking
Most often occurs during the first few hours of sleeping and in stage 4 (deep sleep). Can do routine activties If you have had night terrors, you are more likely to sleep walk when older.

45 Sleep Apnea A person stops breathing during their sleep.
Wake up momentarily, gasps for air, then falls back asleep. Associated with snoring Very common, especially in heavy males. Can be fatal. People who have it are usually very tired during the day

46 Narcolepsy Suffer from sleeplessness and may fall asleep at unpredictable or inappropriate times. Directly into REM sleep Less than .001 % of population. Click above to see Skeeter the narcoleptic dog.

47 Dreams

48 Freud’s Theory of Dreams
Dreams are a roadway into our unconscious. Manifest Content (storyline) Latent Content (underlying meaning)

49 Activation-Synthesis Theory
Our Cerebral Cortex is trying to interpret random electrical activity we have while sleeping. That is why dreams sometimes make no sense. Biological Theory.

50 Information-Processing Theory
Dreams are a way to deal with the stresses of everyday life. We tend to dream more when we are more stressed.

51 Hypnosis

52 Hypnosis Altered state of consciousness? Posthypnotic suggestion
Posthypnotic amnesia

53 Hypnotic Theories Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness.
Role Theory State Theory Hypnosis is NOT an altered state of consciousness. Different people have various state of hypnotic suggestibility. A social phenomenon where people want to believe. Work better on people with richer fantasy lives. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. Dramatic health benefits It works for pain best.

54 Dissociation Theory Theory by Ernest Hilgard.
We voluntarily divide our consciousness up. Ice Water Experiment. We have a hidden observer, a level of us that is always aware.

55 Drugs


57 Drugs Our brain is protected by a layer of capillaries called the blood-brain barrier. The drugs that are small enough to pass through are called psychoactive drugs.

58 Drugs are either…. Agonists Antagonists Reuptake inhibitors
If a drug is used often, a tolerance is created for the drug. Thus you need more of the drug to feel the same effect. If you stop using a drug you can develop withdrawal symptoms.

59 Stimulants Speed up body processes.
More powerful ones (like cocaine) give people feelings of invincibility.

60 Depressants Slows down body processes. Alcohol
Anxiolytics (barbiturates and tranquilizers)

61 Alcohol More than 86 billion dollars are spent annually on alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is involved in 60% of ALL crimes. Alcohol is involved in over 70% of sexually related crimes. Is it worth the cost?

62 Hallucinogens Psychedelics Causes changes in perceptions of reality
LSD, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms and marijuana. Reverse tolerance or synergistic effect

63 Opiates Has depressive and hallucinogenic qualities.
Agonist for endorphins. Derived from poppy plant. Morphine, heroin, methadone and codeine. All these drugs cross the placental barrier….teratogens.

64 December 9 EQ- What are dreams? How do we interpret them?
Table of Contents: 64. Dream Notes 65. Dream Interpretation Video Agenda: Review Dream Journals Dream Notes Dream Video

65 Dream Notes

66 Dream Video Questions It wasn’t until _________ years ago that neuroscience began to study the dreaming brain. Another feature of REM sleep is that your __________ goes down to zero. REM Sleep Disorder is caused by a gradual destruction of the brainstem’s ____________. It can be a precursor to ________________. REM sleep is more negative and linked to our __________, which is active during REM. People with ______________ seem to go straight to REM and stay in REM longer.

67 7. Sigmund Freud thought dreams were symbols from our ______ which need to be interpreted. 8. How many of our dreams are negative? 9. What are three famous things/ideas that came to people in dreams? 10. How are nightmares a good thing? 11. Where are memories of traumatic events stored? 12. What can lucid dreamers do?

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