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The Course Outline of Record

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1 The Course Outline of Record
Nili Kirschner, Woodland Community College David Morse, Long Beach City College ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

2 Significance of the COR
From ASCCC's 2017 paper, The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited: "The course outline of record (COR) is a document with defined legal standing that plays a critical role in the curriculum of the California community colleges." The COR "has both internal and external influences that impact all aspects of its content, from outcomes to teaching methodology, which, by extension, impact program development and program evaluation."  ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

3 Requirements, Standards, and Guidelines
CCR, Title 5 (esp. Section 55002) CCCCO Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) ACCCJC accreditation standards C-ID and transfer institutions ASCCC 2017 paper: The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

4 Intended Audience Faculty who teach the course
Curriculum committee and local governing board  College administration, via program review Discipline faculty and articulation officers from other institutions Potential employers, advisory bodies, regional consortia ACCJC visiting teams Chancellor's Office Students ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

5 Development and Approval Process
1. Discipline faculty develop COR with collegial consultation per local process 2. Curriculum Committee reviews and approves 3. Local governing board approves 4. Submitted to Chancellor's Office for chaptering (credit courses) or review and approval (public safety, work experience, noncredit courses) Once approved, COR may be sent for articulation with transfer institutions, C-ID, etc. ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

6 Stylistic Concerns Because of the potentially wide audience, style matters: Content should be specific Quality control and consistency between multiple faculty Details aid in articulation and transferability Clear explanation of level, intensity and scope avoid duplication of curriculum - especially for sequential courses and courses with overlap in content Components should be integrated "Each element of the COR should reinforce the purpose of the other elements in the course outline" (ASCCC 2017 COR paper) "an obvious relationship should exist" between content, description, title, objectives, outcomes, assignments, methods of instruction and evaluation, etc. ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

7 Required Elements per Title 5 §55002: Credit
Unit value (credit courses) Total contact hours for course (more on this later...) Conditions of enrollment: requisites, advisories, other conditions Catalog description Objectives (more on SLOs later...) Content (typically in outline form) Reading and Writing Assignments Other outside-of-class assignments Methods of instruction (more on DE later...) Methods of evaluation/grading policy #7-10: specify types and/or give examples ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

8 Required Elements per Title 5 §55002: Noncredit
Total contact hours for course Catalog description Objectives (more on SLOs later...) Content (typically in outline form) Assignments and activities Methods of instruction (more on DE later...) Methods of evaluation/grading policy #5-7: specify types and/or give examples ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

9 Side-by-side Comparison
CREDIT NONCREDIT Unit value Total contact hours for course Conditions of enrollment: requisites, advisories, other conditions Catalog description Objectives Content (typically in outline form) Reading and Writing Assignments Other outside-of-class assignments Methods of instruction Methods of evaluation/grading policy Total contact hours for course Catalog description Objectives Content (typically in outline form) Assignments and activities Methods of instruction Methods of evaluation/grading policy ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

10 Calculating Credit Hours
Title 5 clarifies formula for calculating credit hours:  [Total Contact Hours + Outside-of-class Hours]  ________________________________________________________________________________      Hours-per-unit Divisor Total Contact Hours = total time per term that a student is under the direct supervision of an instructor or other qualified employee... including lecture, recitation, discussion, seminar, laboratory, clinical, studio, practica, activity, to-be-arranged, etc.   Outside-of-class Hours = determined using ratio of in-class to outside-of-class hours: 1:2 for Lecture (lecture, discussion, seminar and related work)     2:1 for Activity (activity, lab w/ homework, studio, and similar) 3:0 for Laboratory (traditional lab, natural science lab, clinical, and similar) Hours-per-unit Divisor = for semesters, or for quarters ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

11 Displaying Credit Hours on COR
COCI will require minimum and maximum total contact hours and total outside-of-class hours to validate the units for the course.  Some transfer institutions may want breakdown of in-class hours by instructional category on COR: Total Contact Hours: 90.00 [63 lecture + 27 lab] Lecture Hours: 63.00 Lab Hours: 27.00 Total Outside-of-class Hours: 126.00 [2 x 63 lecture, zero for lab] Units: 4.0 [(90+126)/54] For noncredit, just give min and max contact hours; no need to include outside of class hours for COCI or COR. ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

12 What about SLOs? Not required by Title 5, but required by ACCCJC Standard IIA3 Can appear on COR, or in separate addendum – local decision SLOs should be related to, but distinct from, objectives: "Course objectives state the concepts or skills faculty introduce to students in a course or program in order to prepare students to meet a student learning outcome (SLO). Objectives are the means, not the ends.  Course SLOs are the intended abilities and knowledge students can demonstrate after successfully completing the course objectives. SLOs must be written in measurable or observable terms and as actions that a student will perform in order to display the skills necessary to meet the SLO." (from ASCCC's 2017 COR paper) ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

13 Differentiating Courses
“When a course is part of a sequence, great care should be taken in the development process to show the progression of rigor in the sequence of courses or the different objectives, content, or outcomes that make the course different from others and an essential part of a program. For non- sequential but similar courses, similar steps should be taken to ensure non-duplication of coursework that may confuse students and dilute student demand.” (from ASCCC's 2017 COR paper) ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

14 Distance Education on the COR
Title 5 §55206 requires a separate review process for online and hybrid courses Typically, colleges document this review by creating a DE Addendum Addendum is not required to appear on the COR, but it is recommended to include DE modality as method of instruction on COR ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

15 Other things to include on COR: Course Basic (CB) Codes Required in COCI
CB00 Course Control Number (CCN) CB01 Course Department and Number CB02 Course Title CB03 TOP Code CB04 Course Credit Status CB05 Course Transfer Status CB06 Units of Credit – Max* CB07 Units of Credit – Min * *Required by Title 5 for credit courses  CB08 Course Basic Skills Status CB09 Course SAM Priority Code (CTE) CB10 CWEE Status CB11 Course Classification Status CB13 Approved Special Class CB21 Courses Prior to Transfer Level CB23 Funding Agency Category CB24 Course Program Status ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

16 Other things to include on COR:
Effective Term Teaching disciplines/Minimum qualifications Use Minimum Qualification for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges Cross-Listed courses (can be in course description) Course repeatability or courses related in content (formerly "course family") See Credit Course Repeatability Guidelines Required texts and other instructional materials (lab manuals, software, etc.) Many transfer institutions require books to be published within last 5-7 years, or provide a rationale for older texts GE and Transferability/C-ID  Can be tricky esp. for new courses due to external approval timelines ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

17 The COR and Academic Freedom
COR and Regulatory Compliance: Title 5, §55002 (a)(4)Conduct of course. All sections of the course are to be taught by a qualified instructor in accordance with a set of objectives and with other specifications defined in the course outline of record. Course Outline of Record vs Course Syllabus Flexibility in Instructional Methods, Methods of Evaluation, and Assignments ***Separate breakout on this topic today at 4 PM*** ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

18 Resources Presenter contact information: Nili Kirschner – David Morse Useful links and documents: The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited Program and Course Approval Handbook, 6th ed. ASCCC Curriculum Institute 2017, July 12-15, Riverside Convention Center

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