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Parul Institute of Technology

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1 Parul Institute of Technology
Subject Code : Name Of Subject : Fluid Power Engineering Name of Unit : Pump Name of Topic : Introduction To Pump

2 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
An Overview Types of Pumps Features of various Pumps Selection of pumps Performance Calculation Flow control strategies Energy saving measures in Pumps Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

3 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
Types of Pumps Dynamic Pumps Centrifugal Special effect pumps Displacement Pumps Rotary Reciprocating Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

4 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
Order of Preference Centrifugal Rotary Reciprocating Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

5 Pumps Used in Building Services
Sump Pumps Monobloc Bore well Pumps Submersible Pumps Jet Pumps Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

6 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
Centrifugal Pumps Very simple design Two main parts are the impeller and the diffuser Impellers Bronze poly carbonate cast iron stainless steel Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

7 Pressure developed by the Pump
Depends upon Impeller diameter No. of impellers size of the impeller eye shaft speed Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

8 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
Size of the pump Depends on Head Capacity Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

9 Advantages of centrifugal Pump
Very efficient Produce smooth and even flow Reliable with good service life Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

10 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
Disadvantages Loss of priming easily Efficiency depends upon operating design head & speed. Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

11 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
Submersible Pumps Centrifugal pump closely coupled with motor Does not require long drive shaft Motor operates at a cooler temperature. Noiseless operation. High efficiency Smooth and even flow In case of repair full pump to be removed. Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

12 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
Jet Pumps Combination of a surface centrifugal pump, nozzle and venturi arrangement. Used in small diameter bore wells. Simple design Low purchase and maintenance cost. Easy accessibility to all moving parts. Low efficiency. Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

13 DSM measures to reduce consumption in pumps
Demand side management measures Use of friction less foot valve. Use of HDPE pipes Use of appropriate capacitor. Use of higher size suction pipe compared to delivery pipe. Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

14 Pump Performance calculation
Overall Efficiency = Hydraulic power ( P2) X 100/ Power input ( P1) Pump efficiency. = Hydraulic power ( P2) X 100/ Power input to pump shaft ( P3) Hydraulic Power ( P2) = Q X Total Head ( hd - hs ) X p X g / 1000 Q = discharge in m³/s Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

15 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
Pump Performance calculation p = density of fluid in kg/ m³ g = acceleration due to gravity ( m/s²) P1 = X V X I X pf P3 = P1 X eff.of motor. Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

16 Key Parameter for determining efficiency
Flow Head Power Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

17 Flow Measurement Techniques
Tracer Method Ultrasonic flow measurement Tank filling method Installation of online flow meter Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

18 Determination of total head
Suction head Measured from pump inlet pressure gauge reading Discharge head This is taken from the pump discharge side Pr. gauge Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

19 Typical name plate details of pump
Pumps: (Monoblock Pumps used for Drinking water) Sr.No ITEM Pump Pump2 Make Beacon Beacon Capa hp/kW (3.7) (3.7) Pipe sizes S/D 65/50 mm /50 mm Head m m Discharge L/s L/s Amps 7 Overall Efficiency % % Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

20 Typical performance calculations
PUMP EFFICIENCY CALCULATION SHEET Sr.No. ITEM Pump Pump Unit Voltage volts Current amps P.F Power input KW Dis. Head m Suc.Head m Discharge L/s Hyd.Power KW Pump Effi Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

21 Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump
Typical performance calculations Dis. Head m Suc.Head m Discharge L/s Hyd.Power KW Pump Effi Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

22 Observations/ Recommendation
1. Replace the existing discharge line with the 50 mm dia pipes to reduce the friction losses. 2. Provide water level switch to switch off the pump sets as soon as the Tank is filled. 3. Replace the existing pump sets with high efficiency pump sets. Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

23 Factors to be considered from user side
Size pump correctly Operate close to the best efficiency point. Size all piping and valves correctly Avoid all leakages. Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

24 Flow control Strategies
Varying speed Pumps in parallel Stop/start control Flow control valve By pass control valve Trimming impeller Use of VFDS Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

25 Energy conservation opportunities in pumping
Operate pump near best efficiency point. Replace old pumps by energy efficient pumps Reduce system resistance by pressure drop assessment and pipe size optimization. Provide booster pump for few areas of higher head. Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

26 Energy conservation opportunities in pumping
Conduct water balance to minimize water consumption. Ensure availability of instruments like pressure gauges, flow meters. Repair seals and packing to minimize water loss. Avoid valves in discharge side as far as possible. Operate pump set during non-peak hours. Sub: Flow through pipes Topic: Introduction to pump

27 Thank You

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