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AS YOU COME IN… Sit with someone you haven’t talked to yet (or recently if you know everybody): What was one time in your life when you thought you took.

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Presentation on theme: "AS YOU COME IN… Sit with someone you haven’t talked to yet (or recently if you know everybody): What was one time in your life when you thought you took."— Presentation transcript:

1 AS YOU COME IN… Sit with someone you haven’t talked to yet (or recently if you know everybody): What was one time in your life when you thought you took a really good assessment, measure, observation, performance -- something that truly showed what you could do or knew? Use a non- academic example if you can think of one. Michael

2 District Assessment Review Committee
March 2, 2017

3 Agenda for Tonight Review our guiding principles
Refine our assessment framework Review our current state and district assessments Exit ticket Ellen

4 Guiding Principles The purpose of assessment in Shoreline Public Schools is to accurately and efficiently measure all students’ progress toward meeting district standards and achieving college and career readiness. In order to do this, assessments should: be designed to inform instruction; produce actionable/meaningful data; and maximize instructional/learning time. Ellen

5 Assessment Framework

6 What is an Assessment Framework?
A framework is: a basic conceptual structure (as of ideas) <the framework of the U.S. Constitution> <These influences threaten the very framework of our society.> Ellen (10 minutes)

7 What is an Assessment Framework?
Purpose of an Assessment Framework To provide the conceptual structure to guide decision-making around assessments Common Features Explanation of key principles and components Visual representations/charts Ellen (10 minutes)

8 Assessment Framework Gallery Walk (individually)
With sticky dots, mark posters around the room: -Should be included in the narrative part of our framework. -Should be included in the framework matrix. You can leave an element without a dot if you don’t think it is a priority. Ellen

9 Assessment Framework Narrative Intro Guiding principles …
Include visual/s e.g., grain size, students? Discussion

10 Assessment Framework Matrix Columns Rows Purposes for Matrix
Overview of features of assessments Template for looking at assessments Discussion

11 Michael

12 Trying Out Our Framework
As a whole group, walk through the required state assessments to see how well our framework works. WaKIDS (K) Smarter Balanced (Gr. 3-8, high school) MSP Science (Gr. 5, 8) End of Course Exams (math and biology) OSPI Classroom Assessments ELPA 21 DIBELS (Gr. 2) Michael

13 Reviewing District Assessments
Withholding qualitative judgement at this time, In elementary and secondary groups: Consider the district assessments given at your level and determine how they fit into the Framework. Enter the information on a framework chart. Michael

14 Exit ticket – Please reflect
How do we evaluate the quality and contribution of our current district assessments and how will we apply that perspective to evaluation of any possible future assessments? Please record your thoughts on a notecard and turn it in as you leave. You may include your name if you wish. Michael

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