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What did Theodore Roosevelt mean by this quote:

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1 What did Theodore Roosevelt mean by this quote:
“The government is us, We are the government, you and I.”- Theodore Roosevelt

2 The Progressive Era What is Progressivism???
Definition: Movement that responded to the pressures of Industrialization and Urbanization by promoting reforms. (A person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas) Are you Progressive? How? Who were the Progressive Presidents?

3 PROGRESSIVISM Muckrackers Suffrage s Civi Popul l ists Rights

4 Progressive and Populist similarities:
1. Both wanted to get rid of corrupt governments and government officials 2. They wanted to make the government more responsive to people’s needs 3. Both sought to eliminate the abuses of big businesses.




8 Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt

9 Teddy Roosevelt Although his family was wealthy, He was sympathetic to the poor (Why he fought big businiess) Member of “The Rough Riders” from Spanish-American War Youngest President to hold office (Age 42, after William McKinley was assassinated) “Outdoors” guy – Loved to fish and hunt (Refused to shoot a bear = Teddy Bear)


11 William Taft

12 William Taft’s Bathtub

13 Woodrow Wilson

14 Activty Students will break into groups
Each group will research a topic Each person in the group will be given a role (write/present/research)

15 Topics for group activity
1. AWE MUCKRAKER!!!: * Who were the muckrackers? Why were they called muckrackers? Name 3 muckrackers and what they accomplished 2. PROGRESSIVES HELP THE POOR/CHILDREN: * What was the Settlement House movement? Give examples of how it would improve society. Explain how Progressives helped to improve the lives of children.

16 Topics for group activity
3. PROGRESSIVES IMPACT THE GOVERNMENT: * How did Progressives want to reform the political process? How did the 1900 hurricane in Galveston, Tx reshape city governments? 4. PROGRESSIVES REFORM POLITICS: * What is a direct primary and how is it different from previous practices? How did progressives make sure elected officials would follow citizens’ wishes? PROGRESSIVES AND THE 17TH AMENDMENT: What was the Progressives belief in electing Senators? Why did some members of Congress disagree with the Progressives ? What did the 17th Amendment state?

17 Muckrakers Writers who uncovered and exposed misconduct in politics or business Muckrake is a tool used to clean manure and hay out of an animals’ stables Upton Sinclair published a book called “The Jungle”

18 Settlement House Movement…
Movement to improve the lives of poor urban people Led by Jane Addams

19 Urban Life for the poor…

20 Settlement Houses improve Society…
Gave Mothers classes in child care Taught English to immigrants Ran Nursery Schools and Kindergartens Provided theatre, art and dance programs for adults

21 Child Labor Improvement…
Keating-Owens Act – Ending Child Labor in the U.S. Laws were passed to require children to attend school until a certain age Why were some people opposed?

22 1900 Galveston, Tx. Hurricane
Killed more than 8,000 people Replaced its mayor and board of aldermen with a 5 person commission So effective it was adopted across the country (Galveston Plan)

23 Progressives reform politics…
Traditionally, Party leaders picked candidates Direct Primary – an election in which citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections

24 Referendum: allowed citizens to approve or reject laws passed by a legislature. Examples today? (Legalizing Marijuana , Paying for sports stadiums, Gay marriages) Not done on a National Level (only state by state) 25 states allow referendums (mostly in the west)

25 Recall: Gave voters the power to remove public servants from office before their term ended Is not done in the Pa Reasons? Most are for neglect of duty or possible crime but… In Alaska, you can be recalled for fitness (or lack thereof)

26 17th Amendment: Allowing Americans to choose their own senators rather than allowing state legislatures to do so Opposed by some states because it was believed to have weaken the states’ powers to block actions of the federal government

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