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Deputy Head, Lao Statistics Bureau Ministry Of Planning and Investment

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1 Deputy Head, Lao Statistics Bureau Ministry Of Planning and Investment
WORKSHOP ON NEW APPROACHES TO STATISICAL CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT, December HOSTED BY PARIS21 AND UNDP Phetsamone Sone Deputy Head, Lao Statistics Bureau Ministry Of Planning and Investment

2 Outline of presentation– Country perspectives
Questions: What makes capacity development programmes successful? How can partnerships support the development of national statistics? How do you prioritise between national statistical needs and international requirements?

3 Introduction – context of the National Statistics System in Lao PDR
The Lao Statistics System is a decentralized system: Vertical : LSB, provincial and district statistics center Horizontal : Statistics division /units of Line Ministries Key National Lead Producers : Lao Statistics Bureau ( LSB): National Accounts, Price, Poverty , Population and ( and extends to environment statistics) – Real sector Ministry of Finance (MOF) : Government Financial Statistics – Financial Sector Bank of Lao PDR ( BOL) : Balance of Payment , Monetary Survey – External and Monetary Other Line Ministries – Economic and Social Statistics include ICT statistics. Others key stakeholders The System still reliant on administrative sources for much of our statistical production, despite censuses and national sample surveys conducted on annual, five and ten years interval.

4 LSS Coordination Roles and Collaboration between NSS Government
Vertical organizational network Horizontal organizational network Ministry of Planning and Investment All Ministry Lao Statistics Bureau Ministry/ agency Statistics Centre Central levels Province Statistical Centre Statistics Division of Province Province Statistics Division District Statistics Unit Provincial levels District Statistical Centre District levels Central Village Statistics unit establishment Statistics unit Village levels Report System 4 Adviser official

5 What makes capacity development programmes successful
What makes capacity development programmes successful? – National Perespctives Varying levels Individual level – staffs Team /Department, Organization LSB and others Key producers System-Institutional level Human Resource –Capacity building implementation plan Quality recruitment ( educational background and interest ); job description and function. Sufficient budget support the implementation and recourse persons, qualified TOT and good training facilities ,ICT Statistics Decree 1990, Statistics law ( 2010) New revision statistics law 2017; National HR Strategy ,2025. Skill and knowledge transfer and absorptive capacity Technical skill, commitment and hard work , open mind – creative –thinking Working environment and encouragement, incentive support from Management and team work; Language knowledge; Modality and Approaches of professional ( local context) training delivery … Statistics and General Education ( data- statistics literacy ); Statistics Collage / sub faculty at National University Effective program management and adaptation to working culture Core staffs , middle management training; Planning; Management training on organizing and control to achieve the results ( job and attachment training ) Development of an ethics of team working to enable greater collaboration and knowledge sharing cross LSB and Line Ministries and Provinces; Improvement of organization structure and working mechanism . Career Development Program compare to other organization in the system.

6 What makes capacity development programmes successful
What makes capacity development programmes successful? – National Perespctives Individual level – staffs Organizational – LSB and others Key producers System-Institutional level Coordination, Collaboration and Communication ( Producers , Users and other key stakeholders ) Understanding and clear role and responsibilities and outputs to be produced ( Demand and Supply driven ) Interagency coordination MOU or agreement on statistics production / indicators Close Monitoring and Good Result Assessments High level discussion and appreciation on NSS coordination ( data production, data sharing and dissemination….) M&E frame work for result monitoring Financial resources Qualified and capable finance staffs Appropriate resources GAP assessment; Plan for budget for 3-5 years; Rationalize Annual work plan to MPI and MOF on time thru the budgetary process; Transparency and accountability . Government Budget support to statics integrated in NSEDP , Monitoring and Evaluation Frame Work ; SD NSS ; SD NSS SD NSS revision and vision 2030; Country Partnership Framework of Cooperation ( ODA/ grant and Loan )

7 What makes capacity development programmes successful
What makes capacity development programmes successful? – National Perespctives Individual level – staffs Organizational – LSB and others Key producers System-Institutional level Political support – Demand Driven Well understood how the system works , build good networking and relationship at various levels, good commination and quick reaction LSB – became a sub-ministry ( under Ministry of Planning and Investment ) in 2010, head of LSB is equivalent to Vice Minister; revision Law : LSB Head position is Vice Minister of MPI. SD NSS approved by PM with the commitment for support the operational national census and surveys . However , funding GAP still to be mobilized. Alight and integrate Statistics Development as a foundation and cross cutting of development agenda; Demand driven : National and international ( NSEDP with MSDG and SDGs integration ) M& E framework.

8 How can partnerships support the development of national statistics?
Key Development Partners and International organization ( Bilateral and Multilateral) support statistics capacity building and strengthening the NSS in Laos: Regional projects : ADB, IMF, EU-ASEAN COMPASS National: WB LAOSTAT ( Mix mode PPP “Twining approach GOPA , Istat.and Teach ) , UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, SDC, PARIS 21, FAO, WFP, WHO … Bilateral : Korea Statistics Office (KSO) and STATEC Luxembourg, People’s Republic of China(Population census 2015) Sida ( ). ADB National capacity building project ( ). Time : 1-5 years ( 3 years ) Nature – modality support: Technical Assistant and Support to data collection and operating cost of statistical production and dissemination as well as infrastructure

9 Lesson learned Upside: Project Design
Clear PDO Alignment of the Project with the SDNSS The Project is well focused and prioritized with clear result indicators Project Management and implementation structure Strong GOL/LSB ownership PSC to provide strategic guidance and oversight on project performance NICT (PIU) to manage daily work activities M & E and quarterly project progress review meeting Twining (CSTA) provides good and timely TA support ( key and none –key experts ) with specialized expertise - high quality of professional and transfer knowledge to the teamwork. Mobilize and Coordinates by CSTA - GOPA releases LSB of Administrative burden of recruiting and managing individual consultants. Task Team leader (TTL and experts) provides close and timely support on project implementation and problems solving

10 Lesson learned Downside:
Lengthy project preparation (more than 14 months) caused LAOSTAT implementation time to reduce from 5 to 4 years Slow start due to weak implementing capacity of LSB/SMAs and difficulty in procuring FM and procurement consultants It took long time and was difficult to build ownership at sub-implementing unit level (departmental) from LSB and SMAs to increase their commitment Inexperienced NICT has difficulty in speeding up project activities during the first two years Twining: Issues of mission timing and availability of LSB staffs to work with CSTA consultants; language barrier also.

11 How can partnerships support the development of national statistics?
Support and involve in the preparation and support the NSDS process and its alignments include the external assessment. Support the enforcement and implementation ( Funding support proportionally cover the cost of Technical assistance and operating costs where possible / applicable ) . Fund raising Strategies and helping countries for better donor coordination and interagency collaborations. Assist countries prepare advocacy strategies and its enforcement, co-funding ( where possible ) organize Reputation / Visibility events , data literacy. Support for longer term 5-10 years as to build and strengthen the data ecosystem. Support and build the management capacity at various level as to enhance and increase National Ownership, build trust in the project and program implementation and management. Assist countries in learning and adopting / adapting the different tools in tracking the progress of the implementation of projects or programs

12 How do you prioritise between national statistical needs and international requirements?
How National and International agenda Development Needs are integrated – Five Years Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) Central Planning Economy until 1986. NEM since 1986 (National Socio Economic Planning, Sectoral planning, Specific Projects and National Programs) 6th , 7th five year Plan integrated MDGs and current 8th NSEDP is integrated the SGDs and will continue / gradually in the process of 9th and 10th NSEDP Statistical need prioritized : Based on M&E framework of NSEDP NSEDP, Sectoral , provincial development targets that required to monitor. International / regional integration : UNSD, UNESCAP, ASEAN, IMF, ADB …. MDGs, LSDc, SDGs 2030 Others demands from users …

13 How do you prioritise between national statistical needs and international requirements?
SD NSS , and currently updated A live framework official indicators and outputs is defined and determined based on above mentioned needs. Data sources ( traditional ) + new data sources + technology defined. In addition to SD NSS , LSB with the support of CTSA produced: Institutional Capacity Building Program HR strategy ICT strategy / Master Plan Dissemination strategy Lao Quality Assurance Frame Work The framework prepared and taken into account of international demand and methodology standard… as develop and strengthen the LSB and NSS in a successful way.

14 4 Pillars for developing Lao’s NSS
Pillar 1: Developing the LSB leadership role in the coordination of the National Statistics System Pillar 2: Strengthening organisation development Pillar 3: Modernising the statistical infrastructure Pillar 4: Improving the service to user’s (and increasing trust in official statistics) .

15 Thank you for your kin!d attention

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