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Reverend Doctor John Watson Walker has been blessed to serve as Pastor of the Saint James Missionary Baptist Church in New Britain, Connecticut since June,

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Presentation on theme: "Reverend Doctor John Watson Walker has been blessed to serve as Pastor of the Saint James Missionary Baptist Church in New Britain, Connecticut since June,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reverend Doctor John Watson Walker has been blessed to serve as Pastor of the Saint James Missionary Baptist Church in New Britain, Connecticut since June, Under the unction of the Holy Spirit and his leadership the church has grown spiritually through sound teaching, preaching and evangelism. Saint James follows their motto of “God’s People on the Move.” Dr. Walker desires Saint James to be a light of God’s love to the New Britain and the greater Hartford community. Dr. Walker is a native of Stamford, Connecticut and a son of Union Baptist Church where he served faithfully under the leadership of the Reverend Doctor Robert W. Perry. His responsibilities included teaching Sunday school, serving as the head of evangelism, singing in the Male Chorus and serving as an associate minister. Dr. Walker completed his doctoral studies with honors at the Alliance Theological Seminary in Nyack, New York. His accepted dissertation was entitled “Measuring Congregational Perceptions About the Black Missionary Baptist Church’s Effectiveness In Pursuing Social Justice.” Dr. Walker believes the church has a God given responsibility to meet the needs of the people wherever they are. He believes justice must be blind and all of God’s children are created equal. It is imperative the church sound the alarm to tell the world God loves all of mankind. He was also awarded a Master of Divinity with honors degree in Church Administration from the Alliance Theological Seminary in Finally, Dr. Walker believes we, the Ecclesia, must be the light to let others know with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Dr. Walker is a veteran of the United States Army and a retired police officer having served the town of New Canaan, Connecticut. Dr. Walker is married to the Reverend Margaret Williams Walker, Esq. who also serves as an associate minister of Saint James Missionary Baptist Church and is the proud father of five beautiful daughters. Dr. Walker’s favorite scripture is Psalm 138:8: The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth forever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

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