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There were 4 divisions aka Varnas of Aryan society: 1. Brahmins-Priests 2.Kshatriyas- Warriors 3. Vaisyas- Farmers, traders 4. Sudras- Laborers The Aryans divided the society of India. Brahmins were at the highest class because they worshipped God.


4 The Caste System Divided India’s society based on a person’s wealth, birth, or job. It determined a person’s place in society. Men and women belonged to them. Untouchables did not belong to the castes. The 4 varnas kept getting further separated. There were 3,000 different castes at one time in India. A person’s status could change. Untouchables had a rough life and did rough jobs.

5 Video explaining the caste system

6 Caste rules You couldn’t marry anyone from a different class.
You couldn’t eat with people from another class. If you broke caste rules you became an untouchable. Because of the rules, castes stayed within their castes and never really interacted with other groups

7 Brahmanism Was the Aryan religion. Rigveda is its oldest text.
Vedic texts make up most of the religion. The Rigveda was written before 1000 B.C. Hymn to praise many gods. There's one set of texts describes rituals another describes very secret rituals that should be performed in forests.


9 Hinduism It is the largest religion in India today.
It believes in many gods. Brahma is the creator, Siva the Destroyer, and Vishnu the Preserver. One single universal spirit called the Brahman. Believes in reincarnation- rebirth process. The blending of texts and ideas created Hinduism. The three gods represent the Brahman. The Brahma created the world and preserved it. Everyone has a soul and will join the Brahman. Karma determines reincarnation.

10 Do now 1. What is the largest religion in India today?
2. What is reincarnation? 3. Name me one Hindu God and what they do.

11 Vishu, Shiva, Brahma.

12 Hinduism and the caste system
According to Hinduism, when a person dies their new form depends on that person’s karma- good or bad effects on a person’s soul. Good karma can bring salvation called moksha. Dharma- Set of spiritual duties to fulfill. Evil actions will equal bad karma. Good karma means you can possibly be in a higher caste. Hinduism preserved the caste system.

13 History of Hinduism

14 Janism Based of the teachings of Mahavira.
4 Basic Principles: 1. Tell the truth, 2. Do not steal, 3. Own No Property, 4. Injure no life. Big believer in Nonviolence He was born circa 599 B.C. He was raised a hindu. Do not believe in animal sacrifice, don’t believe in hurting anything at all.

15 Sikhism Guru Nanak was the founder during the 1400’s AD.
Blended Hinduism with Islam. Believe in one God, creation form. Goal is to be reunited with God after death. Find enlightenment. He was in close contact with Islam. Pray several times a day, treat everyone equally, believes in reincarnation.

16 Reflection Out of the 3 major gods of Hinduism who would you choose to be and why? Do you think the caste system is fair? Why or why not? Please write down your full name on a piece of paper. This might be collected. We will discuss our thoughts.

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