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Standards for success policy

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1 Standards for success policy
Improving student learning and enjoyment at goole academy through praise, positive discipline, adult guidance and instruction

2 First time every time When an adult asks you to do something you will follow that instruction. No delay No negotiating You are expected to comply No “why” questions, just complete the task/instruction

3 Asking why Why is always a useful question and helps with learning
It is part of the key questions for your learning, ‘what, where, when, why and how’ Use these words in your learning but do not bring them into play when your behaviour is being questioned Correct your behaviour, draw a line under the situation and move on to your learning

4 First time every time simply means that
A huge majority of students follow all instructions first time every time and come to school focused on their learning 830 students have never been excluded More than 9 out of 10 students have never been in IE Last year 52% of students received no warnings, not a single C1,C2 etc 428 pupils in this academy (Y7-11) have NEVER received a detention

5 Rewards We now have the ability to email out rewards in real time
It is important to recognise your efforts and let parents/carers know about your successes If you get recognised in geography period 2 on a Tuesday your parents/carers will have that information before 11.00am that day!

6 Sanctions After consulting students and adults, the c scale has changed. Too many changes are disturbing learning As we believe discipline is learned through schooling then we would ask for more as you improve C1 formal warning (recorded) and move seat C2 up to 15 minutes detention with teacher at a time they choose (break, lunch, before/after school. We only expect to give notice for the after school session if parents are uncontactable. Otherwise these sessions can happen straight away C3 – 30mins with subject leader/head of department C4 – 60 mins with head of faculty C5 – SLT detention 90mins C6 – Principal’s detention, IE from 12.20pm to 2.55pm and 90 mins after school The adults will inform you of the sanction you have earned

7 Missing detentions If you miss a detention you will move to the next level, after school If you receive C3 or above, you will attend after school This is important if you are a carer, pick up brothers or sisters or struggle with transport

8 Sequence Not all actions merit the same response. You will choose the sanction through your actions and Responses and this could be C1 or above C1 Your choices are limiting your success in lesson, you are disturbing other’s learning or failing to follow rules or instructions Official warning (logged) and pupil to move seat C2 Your choices continue to limit your success in lesson, you are still disturbing other’s learning or failing to follow rules or instructions Up to 15 mins detention with teacher C3 You have chosen a longer detention through your response to warnings and requests to modify your behaviour or you have not attended a C2 detention 30 mins detention with Head of Department C4 You have failed to respond to instructions and warnings and so you have decided that you do not wish to be educated in lesson and will sit an extended detention or you have not attended a C3 detention 60 mins detention with Head of Faculty C5 Your choice to ignore the rules and policy has resulted in behaviours that are not acceptable or you have not attended a C4 detention 90 mins detention with Senior Leadership Team C6 You have chosen not to attend an SLT detention which is a serious sanction IE and 90 mins detention with the Principal

9 Social times You will only be allowed in designated areas, canteen (Central Café for Yr11), quad, or field (seasonal, with permission) Being in out of bounds areas will mean an immediate detention that lunch and the following lunch the next day A repeat of this will mean 5 days lunch detention. (we will order a grab bag for you if we provide your meals, or you must bring a pack up yourself.) We will have staff patrolling the buildings and running detentions to make sure your learning is not disturbed Social times are the only time that mobiles are allowed to be out and turned on DO NOT HAVE MOBILES TURNED ON IN CLASSROOMS or BETWEEN LESSONS

10 Remember… First time every time This is our minimum expectation

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