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Implementing Corn Belt Soil Carbon Projects

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1 Implementing Corn Belt Soil Carbon Projects
By: Gordon Smith, Environmental Resources Trust Forestry and Agriculture Modeling Forum Workshop 3: Modeling to Support Policy Shepardstown, WV, October 12-15, 2004

2 Presentation Outline Assigned scenario: Implementation and effects of program design choices Project experience Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association-Entergy Existing Iowa soil carbon deals Needed modeling Selection bias and when we don’t need to know about uncertainty

3 Assigned Scenario Corn belt soil carbon sequestration
5 million tons C annual sink in 2015 Assume: soil carbon sequestration by switching from plowing to no-till

4 Assumed Program Design
Aggregator contracts with farmers to use no-till for a specified period Aggregator promises to deliver tons by a schedule Sequestration is measured Farmers demand payment up-front

5 How Big is this Program? Assume sink 0.5 Mg C/ha/yr
10 million ha (25 million acres) Over 40,000 farms assuming 600 ac/farm

6 Baseline - Conceptual Approach
Principle: Set baseline by looking at behavior of others not in program What is happening to soil C? Gained 0.25 Mg/ha/yr, (Donigian et al. 1994) What practices are used? 42.5% of acres in Midwest in conservation tillage in 2002 (CTIC)

7 Baseline - In Practice Principle: Set baseline by looking at behavior of others not in program 1/4 to 1/2 of tons added to soil probably will not be beyond baseline If proportional additionality, could double program size to 20 million ha (50 million ac) & 80,000 farms

8 Baseline - Alternative Concepts
Baseline is stock present on farm at enrollment in program Would not increase program size Current no-tillers would sequester little Barriers approaches: Assess situation and motivation of individual farmers Expensive Not objectively verifiable

9 Measurement and Monitoring
Track locations of program lands Confirm use of conservation practices Annual farmer attestation (postcard) Conservation District (windshield inspection) Audit (sample field measurements) Remote sensing? (not yet workable) Quantify change in soil C stock Program and baseline lands Field sampling Escrow $ for all monitoring

10 Verification Costs - Land Location
Track locations of program lands Cheap to reference insurance or federal subsidy program records Somewhat expensive to have farmer draw on ortho photo and digitize Very expensive to GPS field boundaries Future: download parcel boundaries from county assessor GIS Would have to adjust to net field area

11 Verification Costs - Practices
Confirm use of conservation practices Annual farmer attestation (postcard) Conservation District (windshield inspection) Audit (sample field measurements) Remote sensing? (not yet workable) Cost should be small

12 Verification Cost - C Stock Change
Sample program and baseline lands Stratify by expected C stock change Crop productivity/crop C input Soil disturbance Design must allow adding & deleting fields Sampling & analysis cost of $100K for 5 million tons is $0.02 /ton

13 Uncertainty Posit: Have 90% confidence that at least the claimed amount of offset has occurred Could use mean estimate if no chance for adverse selection Energy sector uses mean estimates No performance uncertainty when measuring outcomes

14 Required Measurement Precision
Acceptable Error

15 Reversibility All terrestrial and geologic stores can be released, including coal beds Rental viable if offset price is constant or declining

16 Payments for Reversible Offsets
Example, assuming: Constant value of permanent offset Annual interest rate = 6% Constant sequestration of 0.75 MgCO2/ac/yr One time, up-front rental payment for all sequestration and storage for life of project No discount for uncertainty, performance risk, leakage, or non-additionality

17 Rental Payment Calculation
Where: PR = price of rental PP = price of permanent offset r = annual discount rate t = number of years of rental

18 Example Payments per Acre
$/ton CO2 5 year term 10 year term 15 year term 20 year term $5 $1.34 $2.34 $3.09 $3.65 $10 $2.68 $4.68 $6.18 $7.29 $15 $4.02 $7.02 $9.27 $10.94 $20 $5.36 $9.36 $12.35 $14.59

19 Payment for 600 ac. Farm $/ton CO2 5 year term 10 year term
$5 $804 $1,404 $1,853 $2,188 $10 $1,607 $2,809 $3,706 $4,377 $15 $2,411 $4,213 $5,559 $6,565 $20 $3,215 $5,617 $7,412 $8,754

20 C Payment Relative to Land Value
At $10/ton CO2, undiscounted GHG payments can approach 10% of land value Corn belt: 10 Mg C/ha = 15 Mg CO2/ac = $150/ac Dry land: 2 Mg C/ha = 3 Mg CO2/ac = $30/ac Will farmers choose permanent limit for this price? Can soil C equalibrium level be raised, increasing C gain and revenue?

21 Fuel Emission Reductions
Assume 2 gallon/ac/yr reduction Offset is permanent; no discounts At $10/ton CO2 payment is $0.20/ac/yr Present value of infinite stream: $3.33/ac at 6% discount rate $2,000 payment for 600 ac farm

22 Leakage Principle: If reduce production of a market good, must estimate displacement of production Use price elasticities of supply and demand (Murray et al. 2004) Large proportion leakage for commodities Elsewhere may have lower emissions per unit of production

23 Transaction Costs Sources of transaction Cost
Contracting with farmers Contracting with buyer Calculating farmer payments Distributing payments Quantifying sequestration Providing for sequestration shortfall $100/farm likely to be 5-10% of revenue

24 Contracting Issues Easements on land substantially reduce its value
Landlords must sign any C contract lasting longer than the rental contract with the farm operator 44% US cropland rented (NASS) Rental may have to be swap for buyer to retire offsets

25 Aggregators Aggregators required to:
Gather acres to spread measurement cost Spread risk Different contracts with farmer & buyer Contract with farmer for practices Contract with buyer for tons Must have relationship with farmers to limit transaction costs

26 Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association - Entergy
Contract established 2002 Generate offsets by direct seeding Two products: 10 year lease of soil carbon sequestration Permanent trade of fuel use reductions 30,000 tons traded $75,000 payment Implies $10.66 price of permanent offset

27 Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association - Entergy
Assumed greenhouse benefit 0.15 ton C/ac/yr = 0.55 ton CO2/ac/yr 4 gallon/ac/yr fuel reduction Benchmark greenhouse benefit 0.10 ton C/ac/yr = 0.37 ton CO2/ac/yr 2 gallon/ac/yr fuel reduction Planned measurement/monitoring not yet done Contract not assign responsibility or budget

28 Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association - Entergy
PNDSA limited enrollment to 100 ac/farm Limits risk to farmers Transaction cost becomes large part of total revenue

29 Iowa Soil Carbon Deals GEMCo – IGF Insurance (1999)
No soil offsets delivered Hog waste offsets delivered Arizona Public Service – Sherwood Forestry (1999) Options trade Chicago Climate Exchange – Iowa Farm Bureau ( )

30 Needed Research: Confidence Intervals
Want certainty that getting claimed tons Can accept large confidence intervals if multiple projects with unbiased estimates

31 Mean Estimates vs. Confidence Intervals
Mean estimate OK when no chance of selection bias (e.g. national inventories) Selection bias likely to exist with voluntary project enrollment Project participation limits other options Enroll lands with least earning potential Correlates to lower productivity Correlates to lower sequestration

32 Proposed “Discount” by Quantification Method

33 Needed Modeling: Emissions Per Unit Harvest
Calculate volume of product displaced using elasticities of supply and demand Example: displacement of timber harvest from PNW to SE US: SE has much lower emission/acre harvested but several times area is harvested; net small gain Estimate “slippage” in afforestation Estimate emissions per acre

34 Needed Modeling: Forest Sequestration Projection
COMET for forestry Forest Service has been improving look up tables Forest Service FVS model Make user interface simpler Improve less intensive harvest regimes Test reliability for older forests

35 END

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