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Workshop 2: Assessing Opportunities Value Proposition/Customer Segment

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1 Workshop 2: Assessing Opportunities Value Proposition/Customer Segment
2017 DifferenceMaker $6K Idea Challenge Workshop 2: Assessing Opportunities Value Proposition/Customer Segment

2 Customer Segment Value Proposition
Your customers Including patients, clients, users The groups who are affected by the problem Value Proposition Your offers including products, services, or features Which one of customer’ problems are you helping to solve? What value your products (or bundles of product & service) deliver to the customers?

3 Groups of people or organizations a
Customer Segment Groups of people or organizations a business aims to serve Mass Market One large group of customers with broadly similar needs Niche Market Target to specific, specialized customer segments Segmented Market Segments with slightly different needs & problems Diversified Market Different, unrelated customer segments Multi-side Market Two or more interdependent customer segments

4 To Work on your Startup! WHO ARE YOUR CUSTOMERS?
Be specific, identify customer segments? What type of customer are they? Use your Post-Its to capture your customer segments!

5 Value Core Goals of Business Long term profits
Deliver value to customers Value

6 Value Proposition What is the problem that your solution addresses?
On average, students waste 5 hours a week by answering non emergency texts and surfing social media. 2. How does your solution solve this problem? With the Shut It Down app, all you have to do is select the “study mode” and your friend’s texts and social media will automatically be restricted from updating on your cell phone. You will still get your important family texts and calls. 3. What are the main benefits your solution gives? Shut It Down app can give you your study life back, without having to fumble through all the settings and codes on your phone. We save you time and help you be more productive.

7 Value Proposition How does the product or service meet the needs of the customer better than any other product/service and what benefits does it provide? Geoff Moore's Value Positioning Template from “Crossing the Chasm” For ____________ (target who customer) ____________ (statement of the need or opportunity) our (product/service name) is ____________ (product category) that (statement of benefit) ____________ .

8 Bright-eyed Breakfast Bars
The Shut It Down App We help students commit to school better by shutting off social media and unnecessary interruptions by paring down phone settings to bare essentials without having to fumble through settings and codes on your phone. Bright-eyed Breakfast Bars Tired of coming to school hungry but don’t have enough time? Then the bright-eyed breakfast bar is for you! It is made out of all gluten free whole grains, no corn sugar, dried fruit, and natural ingredients so that you can pack in the protein for a full belly and a clear mind. Made fresh daily. The bright-eyed breakfast bar is convenient and makes sure nutrition stays at the top of your priority list.

9 Value Proposition

10 Value Proposition Professor Descoteaux’s Example


12 Map Customer to Value Proposition
Customer Segment Products Services Features Wins Results Gains JOB To Be DONE FIT Pain Killers Pains Getting The Customer Value Proposition Right Is Critical To Success

13 A Day In The Life Of Your Customers
Exercise A Day In The Life Of Your Customers Question Customer 1___________ Customer n____________ 1. How Is Your Customer Currently Dealing With This Task/Problem? 2. What Are They Trying To Accomplish? Desired Outcome? Wish They Could Do? 3. What Approach Are They Attempting 4. What Are The Interfering Factors? 5. What Are The Economic Consequences? –Costs?

14 A Day In The Life . . . Question Customer 1___________
Customer n____________ 6. Your New Approach . . . 7. Enabling Factors? 8 Economic Rewards? 9. Is Our Price Consistent With Budget? – Problem Solved? Do This For About 20 Customers!

15 For Each Customer . . . Are They Just Like Another Customer?
Basis for Segmentation Who Has Similar / Different ‘Jobs to Be Done’! How Many Customers Like This? How Much Would They Buy? This Is The Start of your Marketing Plan!

16 To Work on your Startup! WHAT VALUE PROPOSITION DO YOU OFFER YOUR CUSTOMERS? Again, be specific, identify which customer segments benefits. Use your Post-Its to capture your Value Proposition!

17 What is Business Model?

18 What is Business Model? A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. Clarke (2004) Who pays? (consumer, producer, other) What for? (e.g., goods, services, expertise) To whom? Why? (e.g., perceived value, low price, relationship) Magretta (2002) Who is the customer? What does the customer value? How do we make money in this business?

19 Business Model and Business Plan: What’s the difference?
Detailed document with Financial Projections Marketing and Funding Solicitation Tool Lots of Paper Business Model Tells the story of the value of the business to the customer Describes how the company plans to make money Should fit in the Founder’s Head – Should “Ring True”

20 The Business Model


22 The Business Model Canvas
Target Product – Recombinant hemagglutinin (HA) for pandemic and seasonal influenza Tobacco Suppliers Gene Synthesis Companies CMOs - Purification Fill & Finish - Packaging QA/QC CROs Clinical Trials FDA R&D Manufacturing Regulatory Approval Licensing Marketing Speed Cost-Effectiveness Robustness Scalability Safety Ease of Customization U.S. Supply Long-Term Contracts with Government and Vaccine Manufacturers U.S. Government CDC HHS BARDA DOD DARPA Foreign Governments NGOs Vaccine Manufacturers Established and Emerging Biotech IP – Patents, Trade Secret Manufacturing Facility Distribution through Government and Pharma Companies Capital Investments Manufacturing Costs Licensing Costs Marketing Contract Manufacturing Fully Integrated Manufacturing (Sales) Licensing (Royalties)

23 Dynamically Interdependent
Start Here! Key Activities Partners Resources Value Proposition Customer Relationships Channels Segments Revenue Stream Cost Structure Dynamically Interdependent You will find that you can’t talk about customers without simultaneously talking about their needs and value provided.

24 Not-For Profit Model Donor Mission Product or Service Recipient Free
Key Partners Customer Relationships Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Segments Channels Key Resources Product or Service Recipient Free Cost Structure Revenue Stream Donation

25 Value Propositions How does a business create value?
Bundle of products and services that create value for specific Customer Segments How does a business create value? By addressing Customer Pain Deliver service faster or cheaper, or both! Provide a higher quality of service By addressing Customer Gain Providing status Customization of product or service

26 How Are You Going To Test This?

How a company communicates with, and reaches its Customer Segments to deliver a Value Proposition OWN CHANNEL DIRECT Sales Force Web Sales INDIRECT Own Stores PARTNER CHANNEL Partner Stores Wholesaler

28 Communication and Distribution Channels
Do we have a well thought-through communication and distribution channel design? How well do we reach our clients? Do we know how successful our channels are in terms of customer acquisition? How well are our different channels integrated? Do we know how cost efficient are our channels are? Do we use the right channels for the right clients (e.g. in terms of profitability)?

29 Customer Relationship
The types of relationships a company establishes with specific Customer Segments Personal Assistance Dedicated Personal Assistance Self-Service Automated Service Communities Co-creation Motivated by Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention and Upselling

30 Customer Relationship
The types of relationships a company establishes with specific Customer Segments Do we have a customer relationship strategy? How good are our relationships with our best customers? Do we spend too much time and money in relationships with unprofitable clients? How well are we doing in managing our customer relationships (e.g. follow-up, etc.)

31 For Each Customer . . . Are They Just Like Another Customer?
Basis for Segmentation Who Has Similar / Different ‘Jobs to Be Done’! How Many Customers Like This? How Much Would They Buy? This Is The Start of your Marketing Plan!

32 How Are You Going To Test This?
Experiments Example from Lean Startup Contest (uTube) Talk to Customers Health Care Professionals, Patients, Family Other Service Providers, Competitotrs Field Interviews Successful Businesses Plan To Continually Experiment & Discover

33 To Work on your Startup! HOW WILL YOU REACH YOUR CUSTOMER?
WHAT TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP WILL YOU HAVE WITH YOUR CUSTOMER? Use your Post-Its to capture your Value Proposition!

34 Revenue Streams The cash a company generates from
each Customer Segment Where does your revenue come from? One source? Multiple sources? How sustainable are revenue streams? How diversified are revenue streams? Are you dependent on too few revenue sources (e.g. from some big clients or one single business)? How well do we price our value proposition?

35 Types of Revenue Streams
Sale of Asset Usage Fee Subscription Fees Lending/Renting/Leasing Licensing Brokerage Fees Advertising

36 Most important assets required to make a business model work
Key Resources Most important assets required to make a business model work Physical Intellectual Human Financial

37 Most important assets required to make a business model work
Key Resources Most important assets required to make a business model work Do we have an ‘unfair’ advantage based on our resources and capabilities? Intellectual Property? Unique access to information? Do we have the right resources to compete in the future? Do we invest in of the right key resources in terms of quality and quantity?

38 Most important things a company must do to make a business model work
Key Activities Most important things a company must do to make a business model work How efficient are we in performing our activities? Do we perform too many activities ourselves, leading to a lack of focus? Are there activities we would be better off outsourcing to partners? Are our activities adapted perfectly to our value proposition?

39 Network of suppliers and partners that make a business model work
Key Partners Network of suppliers and partners that make a business model work Do we use partners enough? How well do we work with our existing partners and suppliers? How dependent are we on our existing partners and suppliers? Which partners could help us complement our value proposition? Which suppliers could help us streamline our business model?

40 All costs incurred to operate a business model
Cost Structure All costs incurred to operate a business model Cost-driven Value-driven Fixed Costs Variable Costs Economies of Scale Economies of Scope

41 Cost Structure Is our cost structure appropriate? (low cost business model = low cost structure) Do we clearly understand which parts of our business model have the highest costs? How lean is our cost structure? Are there ways we could reduce our cost structure?

42 Your Solution Must be designed to address the real and perceived needs of your client, customer or patient Must provide additional value over existing solutions Must be sustainable over time

43 Go Build Your Initial Business Model (But Expect To Revise It Often As You Learn and Grow)

44 What’s Next? Complete the Problem and Opportunity Worksheets
Do Exercise “Day in the Life of your Customer” for 20 Customers Workshop #3 // Delivering your Pitch 11/9       2pm-4pm Lowell Federal Bldg, Room 310 Idea Challenge Pitch Contest 11/16     2pm-4pm Lowell Federal Bldg, Assembly Room

45 Connect With Us! #MCCBiz #MCCBiz Website:

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