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Mrs. Vogel 7th Grade Teen Living

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1 Mrs. Vogel 7th Grade Teen Living
The Immune System Mrs. Vogel 7th Grade Teen Living

2 Nothing to fear because your body protects you
Keeping Pathogens Out Pathogens are in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and on every surface you touch. You can get a pathogen on your skin by coming into contact with a person who has an infection. You can catch them from insects too Nothing to fear because your body protects you

3 Keeping Pathogens Out Your body can block, trap or break down most pathogens before they make you sick Your body has 5 major barriers to block pathogens Tears Saliva Skin Mucous membranes Stomach acid

4 Keeping pathogens out These barriers are your body’s first line of defense If the pathogens get past the barriers the body’s immune system gets to work

5 Immune System Immune System- a combination of body defenses made up of cells, tissues, and organs that fight pathogens in the body The Immune System has two responses: Nonspecific response Specific Response

6 Nonspecific Response Example: When you get a splinter in your finger along with dirt and other pathogens that are on the splinter these pathogens go into the body. Your body responds with a nonspecific immune response. This is called nonspecific = it is the same no matter what foreign matter enters the body

7 Nonspecific Response Splinter Example continue…
The skin around the splinter soon becomes swollen and red. This is known as inflammation Inflammation- the body’s response to injury or disease, resulting in a condition of swelling, pain, heat, and redness

8 Nonspecific Response Why does the area around the Splinter become inflamed? After the splinter breaks the skin, circulation around the area slows down. Fluids trapped in the area leak into the surrounding tissues. The White Blood Cells surround the pathogen (splinter) and destroys them

9 Nonspecific Response Your body has many other nonspecific responses
Example: When you have an infection, your body produces more protein to boost the immune system to help stop the viruses from multiplying Example: When your body temperature rises, it’s harder for the pathogens to reproduce

10 Specific Response When the pathogens get past the Nonspecific response the second response takes action, Specific Response Each specific response attacks a particular pathogen Your Immune System can recognize pathogens it has dealt with before

11 Specific Response Once your immune system has created a specific response, those response cells remain in your body. If that same pathogen comes back the cells recognize it and fight it right away

12 The Lymphatic System Lymphatic System- a secondary circulatory system that helps the body fight pathogens and maintains its fluid balance. The fluid circulating in the lymphatic system is called lymph Macrohphages are found in the lymph and they destroy foreign substances in the body

13 The Lymphatic System After the macrphages destroy the foreign substance they help the lymphocytes identify it. Lymphocytes- are special white blood cells in the blood and lymphatic system

14 Three Main Kinds of Lymphocytes
B Cells T Cells NK Cells (Natural Killer) This cell attacks cancers and viruses All three cells are activated when the body recognizes a part of a pathogen known as an antigen.

15 Antigens and Antibodies
Antigen- are substances that send the immune system into action. Example- substances on the surface of a bacterium Your body reacts by making more B cells and T cells. Some B cells make Antibodies Antibodies- specific proteins that attach to antigens, keeping from harming the body

16 Antigens and Antibodies
Some of the new B cells and T cells do not react the to the first encounter with a pathogen They wait to react if the same kind of pathogen invades the body again= memory B cells and Memory T cells

17 Immunity Immunity- the ability to resist the pathogens that causes a particular disease. Your body builds immunity to certain diseases. As the memory cells remember the antigen so it can fight it Vaccine- a preparation of dead or weakened pathogens that is introduced into the body to cause an immune response. This process is called Immunization

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