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INFS 211: Introduction to Information Technology

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1 INFS 211: Introduction to Information Technology
Session 11 – Management of Information Technology Lecturer: Dr. Ebenezer Ankrah, Dept. of Information Studies Contact Information:

2 Session Overview Managing IT can be viewed as having three major components: (1) managing the joint development and implementation of e-business and IT strategies, (2) managing the development of e-business applications and the research and implementation of new information technologies, and (3) managing IT processes, professionals, and subunits within a company’s IT organization and IS function. This section covers the components of information technology management and fundamental concepts of outsourcing.

3 Session Overview At the end of the session, the student will
Identify each of the three components of information technology management, and use examples to illustrate how they might be implemented in a business. Explain how failures in IT management can be reduced by the involvement of business managers in IT planning and management. Identify several cultural, political, and geo-economics challenges that confront managers in the management of global information technologies Understand the fundamental concepts of outsourcing and off shoring as well as the primary reasons for selecting such an approach to IS/IT management.

4 Session Outline The key topics to be covered in the session are as follows: Components of IT management Information Technology Architecture Outsourcing Global IT Management Challenges

5 Reading List O’brien, J. A., & Marakas, G. M. (2011). Management Information Systems (11th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. (Chapter 12)

6 Components of it management
Topic One Components of it management

7 Components of IT Management
Managing the joint development and implementation of business and IT strategies Use IT to support the strategic business priorities Align IT with strategic business goals Managing the development and implementation of new business/IT applications and technologies Managing information systems development Managing the IT organization and IT infrastructure Hardware, software, database, networks and other resources

8 Components of IT Management

9 Components of IT Management
Business/IT Planning Process

10 Components of IT Management
Components of Business/IT Planning Strategy Development Developing business strategies that support a company’s business vision Resource Management Developing strategic plans for managing or outsourcing a company’s IT resources Technology Architecture Making strategic IT choices that reflect an information technology architecture designed to support a company’s business/IT initiatives

11 Information technology architecture
Topic Two Information technology architecture

12 Information Technology Architecture
Technology Platform Networks, computer systems, system software and integrated enterprise application software Data Resources Operational and specialized databases Store and provide data and information for business processes and decision support

13 Information Technology Architecture
Applications Architecture Integrated architecture of enterprise systems that support strategic business initiatives as well as cross-functional business processes IT Organization Organizational structure of the IS function within a company and the distribution of IS specialists

14 Information Technology Architecture
IT Staff Planning Recruiting, training and retaining qualified IS personnel Evaluate employee job performances and reward outstanding performances with salary increases and promotions Set salary and wage levels and design career paths so individuals can move to new jobs through promotion and transfer as they gain in seniority and expertise

15 Information Technology Architecture
IT Executives Chief Information Officer (CIO) Oversees all uses of information technology in many companies, and brings them into alignment with strategic business goals Chief Technology Officer (CTO) In charge of technology management: all information technology planning and deployment Managing the IT platform Second in command

16 Topic Three outsourcing

17 Outsourcing The purchase of goods or services from third-party partners that were previously provided internally

18 Outsourcing Reasons for outsourcing Save money – achieve greater ROI
Focus on core competencies – organization can focus on the business that they are in Achieve flexible staffing levels Gain access to global resources Decrease time to market

19 Global it management challenges
Topic Four Global it management challenges

20 Global IT Management Challenges
The challenges are grouped as follows; Political Geoeconomic – effects of geography on the economic realities of international business activities Cultural

21 Global IT Management Challenges
Political Challenges Rules regulating or prohibiting transfer of data across national boundaries Severely restricted, taxed, or prohibited imports of hardware and software Local content laws that specify the portion of the value of a product that must be added in that country if it is to be sold there Reciprocal trade agreements that require a business to spend part of the revenue they earn in a country in that nation’s economy

22 Global IT Management Challenges
Geo-economic Challenges Sheer physical distances Difficult to get good-quality telephone and telecommunications services Differences in the cost of living and labor costs

23 Global IT Management Challenges
Cultural Differences Languages Cultural Interests Religions Customs Social Attitudes Political Philosophies

24 References French, C. S. (2001). Data processing and information technology (10th ed.). London, Continuum: Sage Publications Ltd. Hutchinson, S. E., & Sawyer, S. C. (2000). Computers, communication and information: A user’s introduction (7th ed.). Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill. O’Leary, T. J. (2004). Computing today. Boston: McGraw Hill. O’Leary, T. J., & O’Leary, L. I. (2005). Computing Essentials. Boston: McGraw Hill. Thompson, R. L., & Cats-Bail, W. L. (2003). Information technology and management (2nd ed.). Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill. Williams, et al., (2003). Using information technology: a practical introduction of computers and communications. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

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