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By: Chloe Hanna & Matthew Vanrooyen. Where I See God God is all around us Every where we go he sees us Every thing we do he sees But, how do u see God.?

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Presentation on theme: "By: Chloe Hanna & Matthew Vanrooyen. Where I See God God is all around us Every where we go he sees us Every thing we do he sees But, how do u see God.?"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Chloe Hanna & Matthew Vanrooyen

2 Where I See God God is all around us Every where we go he sees us Every thing we do he sees But, how do u see God.?

3 Do u see God as....... A Bin : To teach us Not to litter.

4 Do u See God as... An organisation Or group : To show cooperation and team work

5 Do u see God as... Best Friends: To show love for others or to care about people

6 Do u see God as... A Leaf : A part of nature God has provided us with.

7 Do u see God as.... Green Old Moss: To show things do grow and by time change and then become old.

8 Do u see God as... A sport : To show interest in other activities and socialize with people

9 Do u see God as... A sign Post: To show us the right way to live our life

10 Do u see God as... A group of People: Friends, team mates ect

11 Do u see God as... A part of nature such as: A bunch of flowers or a colourful bush

12 Do u see God as... Blue Building: church repeserents Gods house

13 Do u see God as... A part of the body : Such as the palm of your hand

14 Do u see God as... A bit of clothing : such as a part of a uniform or a part of fashion

15 Do u see God as... A big bit of nature: A nice big tree, which helps us to breath

16 Do u see God as... The ground we stand on example : grass, stones, rock Ect.

17 Do u see God as... A spirit: Which looks down on us form the sky

18 Do u see God as... A telegraph pole: to show Gods Energy or how strong god is.

19 Do u see God as... Nature : A rock to show us how strong God actually is.

20 Do u see God as... Basic need: Water troft to keep animals hydrated and to show Gods Generosity.

21 Do u see God as... Every Day : A normal person as you and I.

22 How We see God But how do you see God.? Is he a spirit in the sky or is he a very old man with a beard. Is he a really big tree or just a tiny stone We all have different ways of seeing this so called figure called God but how do you see him.

23 Thanks for reading By: Chloe Hanna & Matthew Vanrooyen

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